
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Electricity for a better life

Electricity for a better life

By Darmansjah

Indonesia should be grateful because it included a tropical country blessed with a huge solar energy. But unfortunately, that energy can not be fully utilized. No wonder the electricity, especially in rural and remote areas, still the ongoing problem of the Indonesian nation to this very second.

Talk to the problems of life, indeed talk a lot. Ranging from human resources (HR) to natural resources (NR). In terms of human resources, quality of people in Indonesia certainly less slick than the Japanese. But a handful of Indonesian man who sacrificed himself competent to serve the interests of Indonesia, the evidence of experts from Indonesia are even more appreciated by the Japanese people and who has worked in Japan even more wise to be an independent Indonesia.

What about its natural resources? It is also beyond doubt. Indonesia is one country that has abundant natural wealth. In fact, Japan just might be exploiting these natural resources in Indonesia.


To exploit the natural wealth that is owned, certainly a lot of innovation and not a lot of depraved corruption of officials such as NH, BB etc.. One is innovation utilize the abundant solar energy by using solar panels (solar panels cahya) to help meet electricity demand in Indonesia beloved.

Indonesia as a poor country with the 4th most populous in the world, have an average household electricity consumption of 1300 watts each. Imagine how much energy can be saved if every household using alternative energy, like solar panels.

For information, solar panels are devices used to convert solar energy into electricity. Then, the electricity generated will be stored into the storage battery. Furthermore, the energy stored in batteries to be converted from DC to AC for use in various electric appliances.

If you are confused by how this technology, just try to look at the roofs of homes that install solar powered water heater. Well, that's roughly how it works.
This technology is not new technology. Then, why this technology was very much back now? All this thanks to one company in Japan that launched the latest innovation "Life Innovation Container". More than ordinary solar panels. Japanese company presents a container equipped with solar panels 18HIT solar panels and 48 batteries that can produce power for up to 6 kWh per day.

HIT itself is a registered trademark of one of the Japanese company. The name comes from the hetero HIT with intrinsic thin-layer which is the original technology from the Japanese company.

Then what is the function of these containers solar panels? It was brilliant, this container can provide electricity for energy needs, such as health facilities, education, communications, to retail stores. Container these solar panels generate electricity independently that adapts to the needs, time, season, and is able to provide electrical energy every day throughout the year.

Innovation container sola panel aims to meet energy needs in rural and remote hamlets which have no access to electricity. So the Japanese are expected to contribute in creating a sustainable society through the total concept of solar panels to provide an integrated system in the creation of storage, alternative and renewable energy conservation, and energy-efficient products.

Solar panels on the container was developed by the SEC, ltd. Benefits of using solar panels is a sustainable energy supply anywhere modlul diesel fuel is used. Interestingly HIT solar panels have a very unique structure which is a combination of crystalline silicon thin and very well known in the solar industry for high conversion efficiency and temperature characteristics of good yan. In fact, this system will work better when the temperature increases.
Dr Hiryoki Kuriyama, disclose the use of solar energy panels is more environmentally friendly and is a solution to turn the battery on the out door areas, especially in the tropics region.

Access to electricity

Today, for some regions in Indonesia electricity is still a costly item. For them, the concept of energy saving is completely done with all my heart. How not limited electricity is available only for essential needs. Indirectly, this led to quality of life for people in remote areas is declining. And this gap can be worked by neighboring countries like Malaysia, which borders with the Republic of Indonesia to annex territories in Indonesia who are left stranded without either negligent maintenance or due to run out of funds due to the entrenched culture of corruption in the ranks of bureaucrats from Sabang until marauke, from the center to remote villages.

Based on market surveys by the Japanese company, the electricity proved to be the key to improving living standards, improve self-reliance, and to prove the continuity of life of a community.

If further elaborates on, electricity is needed for two important things in life, that is to survive and to live better. Survival here means that the electricity could be used to gain access to clean water. This of course can only be done if the engine water pump obtain sufficient electrical energy.

In addition, electricity is also needed for health activities in the hospital or clinic. For example, for patient care at night. Electricity will be very useful as a function of illumination.

As for a better life, useful as a source of electric power for a variety of production equipment (electronic equipment, electric pump), transportation (electric cars, electric bicycles), and access to information (phone, PC, and radio).

Container Functions

Through this container solar panels, energy demand in rural areas or areas that do not have access to electricity, would be met. Amazingly, these containers are designed specifically for the move so it can diirim to areas that experienced the disaster area and need emergency energy needs.

As an illustration, this container can be a kind of multifunctional place in areas of difficult yan electricity. For example, for educational activities, these containers can generate electrical energy dri solar power that can be used for a variety of electronic equipment in the study, such as an electronic blackboard.

This container can be used for health-related activities that utilize electrical energy to a variety of electronic equipment, such as refrigerators, computers, and lights.
On holidays or after learning activities, these containers can switch functions as a simple retail store. This place can also be a provider of mobile phone charging services, rental of household appliances, and lighting. Amazingly, when learning activities are off, this container can also be transformed into a place of worship.

There are at least two business targets being targeted in this project. First is the segment of B to G market with consumers ranging from governments, government companies, to international non-governmental enterprise. The second is the segment of B to C market with those consumers who live at a cost of about one to two dollars per day.

This is consistent with the mission of the life innovation container. This Japanese company that wants to help provide electrical energy around the world so as to improve the quality and sustainability of life through the Company's products are packed full of creative energy, capacity, and storage products and concepts.

Meanwhile, the objectives to be achieved through this project is to create new businesses in areas that are still difficulties electricity. In fact, through cooperation between government and non-governmental organizations, these Japanese companies want to empower minorities through the company's CSR values​​.
Innovation the life of this container innovation indeed be an effort of this company to become the no.1 company green innovation in the electronics industry in the world in 2018 that coincided in celebration of 100 years of the company. But, of course, attempt to help people get better life will not work best when not supported by the cooperation of various parties.

a container with a solar panel that became the main source of electric energy producer.

System configuration:
Solar cell: 210 W x 2 cells in series x 9 cells in parallel
Integrated DC / AC converting / charging / discharging control units.
Lead acid storage batteries for EV (12 V 60 Ah x 4 cels in series x 12 types)
DC-connection box-charging/discharging controller-DC/AC inverter-AC (220V)

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