
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Welcome to Madura

Visit To Mandura 

executive summary by Darmansjah

In the midst of the rain Surabaya, after breakfast “Lontong Balap” near Surabaya Post Office we begin the journey toward the Madurese.

In Madura, the main object that we aim at is Bridge. Often times we see the bridge that has spent a total of 4.5 trillion rupiah this on TV. We never imagined can take pictures at the bridge which has a length of 5438 m. And it turns out our fantasies can become reality, could be fun though  time because of drizzle and especially fear of the police patrol that would cause it caught us as narcissistic in " Suramadu".

Because they do not want redundant rental car for 12 hours so we asked the driver to drop off our rental car we walk on the island of Madura. But unfortunately, it does not know arek Suroboyo sights on Madura. So armed with GPS in Blackberry friends, we find impromptu tourist attraction in the city of Bangkalan, namely Pasarean Aermata in” Areksurobaya”.

I think this Aermata name of a beach in Madura because there aer word or water. Because my brain have saved it as a beach, so will see the signpost signpost reading "Pasarean Aermata" I insist imagine a beach, do not remember if pasarean it is a bed or a tomb.

Arriving there is still morning at around 10's. Then we climbed the stairs to the tomb. A few meters from the complex of the funeral, we were besieged by fans of the children and mothers who ask for alms money. Because of the way that forces and direct them to attack, so we were surprised to get this sudden attack. Then finally we arrived at the cemetery and are required to report on the cemetery caretaker after that we were asked to give money.

We thought it was strange to see so many slippers outside the cemetery gates, but we did not find anyone inside. But when we walked further into before we knew was there we found a lot of people sit together around a large tomb. That is the tomb of the intended pilgrims, the tomb of a queen in Madura.

The origin of the burial complex of Aer Eye itself comes from the story of Prince Cakraningrat I who ruled the island of Madura in the period around 1624 during the rule-1648.Saat undergo it, Cakraningrat I have an empress who reportedly very beautiful, with a name that in the future Ambami Syarifah known as the Queen Mother. When Cakraningrat I own reign, Madura more controlled from Mataram. Because, at the time, energy, thoughts, and expertise Cakraningrat I also needed by Sultan Agung of Mataram as lead manager.

Seeing things like that (to be left in charge), making him (Syarifah Ambami) sad. Day and night crying, mourning him who hold since left her husband. Then he meditated and prayed for seven descendants became leaders in Madura. The husband was angry when told his wife's request in his asceticism. He was disappointed because the requested his wife only 7 offspring. Absurdly so, why not all the descendants? So the husband left his wife back to Mataram. After that tears the queen be-so, so that finally his tomb called Aermata Mother. After praying for the occupants of the complex, then we hurried to leave the funeral complex.

Towards noon we began to nagging stomach wants to be a meal, then we went back west towards Warung Bebek Bangkalan Sinjay. Previously we had passed a shop not far from Suramadu, but because it was raining and buyers shop exploded, so we do not desire to simply stop by the shop. But what may make for hungry and wanted to know the secret implied hectic with the shop, then two of our friends are willing to wait queue in the shop for 1.5 hours just to buy a six pack of rice dishes plus the flagship shop, Duck SinjayFinally, wrap the rice worth 11 thousand that we brush out at the Gallery Batik Trisno.

Both the owners and guardians of parking once there. We did not buy batik in there, but we can go to the restroom, eat also passengers ride for free car parking. Well, although we ended batik shop elsewhere, but the mind both the owner of this gallery we will always remember.

In Stores Batik Aulia we finally found a price appropriate for the contents of our pockets. Stairs to the shop located on the second floor is filled with pictures of the officials who visited. Unfortunately yes owner of the store and its employees do not recognize who we are, so, well, we willingly if not anyone ask for photos together.

Apparently this store to get items from batik craftsmen in several cities in Madura, such as from Sampang, from Pamekasan, Sumenep also from Bangkalan own. In my opinion, Madura batik motif is different from the others in terms of color batik. Batik Madura has a bright color and bold.

Actually we wanted to round up to the Sumenep Madura. Still remember a dozen years ago I went to Madura, where the car seemed to be at sea because of the many salt mines. However, due to rain and when we finally decided to return to Surabaya to visit tourist attractions that we have not had time to visit.

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