
Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Acquired Honey, Forest Awake

Watch the needle is still showing at 05.00. Elders Noebesi, Theophilus Taimenas (72), together with a group of middle-aged residents rushed to the forest area Nunsulat, where the bees nest in the upper village. They want to harvest wild honey.

 Mutis Nature Reserve

Some equipment, such as rope, tan (flat container for honey) or a bucket, Sunni (special knife cutter bee nest) carrying. After the mouth of the village, must travel through the bush. As they walked, number of citizens who act as Meo oni (army or troops harvesters) is busy collecting twigs to taste dry. Dry twigs were wrapped in wet grass for when it is baked to a thick smoke. This is a powerful weapon to repel bees.

Arriving at the foot of the tree ankai, where the bees nest, with four troops Theofilus Taimenas harvester (Meo oni), Dominggus Mona, Iner Akase, John Pit Ai, and Yus Tanaob, direct burning bush campfire. The thick smoke was billowing in the air.

They started harvesting honey with mystical prayer called afua. When Theophilus sang songs hi kam ho ... el farmer Dawan language poetry, oni Meo troops began to climb a tree.The song was sung during the harvest continued to progress. The goal, to persuade the bees to not turn into virulent and give up honey taken. Swarm of bees are also expected to keep coming back nesting in the same tree after the honey is taken.

The Meo oni  climb ankai-trees without fear. Without a safety rope, they crawl rapidly explore the tree branch until the end of the branch at a height of 25-30 feet by grasping twigs wrapped in weeds that burned container and container in the back. It was challenging death and makes the heart beat. Moreover, the tree where the bees nest that grows on the edge of steep cliffs.

 Mutis Nature Reserve

"It's okay! The Meo oni been trained to harvest honey from their teens. If a customary right, a strong climber troops remain in the protection of the ancestors, "said Ronny Tamelab, the village head Noebesi Thrilling atmosphere also occurs in honey harvest taopih trees (teak forest) in the region Wimlen. Job Titu Eki, Kupang Regent, which also stakeholder rights Lelogama region (Kupang) until Noebesi and a number of other villages in the district of Timor Tengah Selatan (TTS), led the ceremony.

As soon as the troops surrounded the nest harvesters reach bees, thousands of bees were spilled onto the ground. Swarm of bees that flew scattered, some even hit the visitors in the vicinity. Having been reminded before, the visitors did not panic and stay calm so that the bees did not attack, but fly away.

The elders, Zakarias Pit Ai, Theophilus Taimenas, and Bernadus Mono, sure if there are no customs violation, then the honey harvest went smoothly. Local people are generally very loyal to the rights possessed by each tribe. They also must perform nakete (self cleaning), before engaging in harvesting. "This activity requires honesty and self cleaning. If the stain remains morally, risk simplest would stung by a bee, "said the traditional elders, Zakarias Pit Ai (73).Until now, forest honey into the main economic support of families in the village and surrounding Noebesi TTS Regency, Timor Island, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

Wake forest

 Mount Mutis

This tradition is still kept awake because of the wisdom they have. The average citizen of Mount Mutis and surrounding areas on the island of Timor to know exactly the type of trees and grasses supporting life cycle of bees, and they guard it well. Mount Mutis area approximately 90,000 hectares. Mutis 12,000 hectare area of protected

Timau forest  (78,000 hectares). Since 1974, the area is designated as state forest. Based on Forestry Ministerial Decree No. 89/Kpts/II/1983, status changes to the Nature Reserve.Noebesi including one of 14 villages in the region Mutis Nature Reserve. Village Tutem, Liliana, Nunbena, Fatumnasi, Tune, Bonleu, Pineapple, and Nuapin incoming TTS region, while Neopesu, Tasinifu, Noekake A, Noekake B, and Noelelo entrance region of North 

Timau forest

Central Timor (TTU).

Therefore, when opening a new garden, they do not want to cut the supporting tree species of bees cycle. They also avoid the pattern of Expedition Team Track slash When visiting Noebesi NTT Civilization and its surroundings, the environment there is generally relatively subdued. Hue tree species (eucalyptus) grown widely in the region such action untouched forest logging or burning.

Residents there was well aware that bees are very afraid of fire smoke. Burning when gardening or in the forest area could be fatal. If a swarm of bees flee or move a nest at another location, the source of income citizens of forest honey could decrease, even disappear.

Alphonsus Saman (27), a resident of the Village Noebesi, very smooth detailing the types of trees that used to be where the bees nest. The tree, among others, angkai, kabesak, bonak, ties, hue, taopih (teak forest), kusambi, forest kapok, and ampupu,bakar.

During the trip was also very rarely see clouds of smoke from the burning of garden or forest. Such scenery is very different when visiting other areas in TTS, TTU, Belu, Kupang, Kupang, and a number of districts in Flores and Sumba.

Village Head Noebesi, Ronny Tamelab, very confident, village residents, amounting to 1293 people or 298 families that have an awareness of preserving the environment because they are aware if family life honey sourced from the forest.

Because of this awareness also Noebesi and surrounding residents, a dozen years ago, rejected the project of industrial timber estates (HTI) to touch the village area. The project was initiated activities by cutting down the various kinds of local trees.

Honey produced from the Village Noebesi is 15-20 tons per year. However, its economic value is still very low. Selling price is only Rp 10,000 per liter. However, in Kupang honey price was Rp 50,000 per bottle (0.75 liter).

Residents Noebesi or Sub Numbena still having trouble marketing the honey to urban areas because there are still isolated. The location of this village of Soe (TTS city) about 70 kilometers, while of Takari, Kupang regency, about 90 km. Most of the streets is still a stub road early. At some point other than the steep climb, also has a sharp bend and can only be passed by a car has a double axle.

 Mutis Nature Reserve

If only more adequate road infrastructure, crops and surrounding Noebesi honey can boost their economies. It is time they kept the needs of its economy. Because without them, Mutis Nature Reserve would be far different.

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