
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Valuable Experience at Goa Marang

 Goa Marang

That morning in the back of the house which almost the entire building is made of ironwood heard the roar of motorcycle engines that are connected to the boat "ketingting". That day, our search team cave Mapala UI, will start the journey to Marang Mountains karst area, East Kalimantan.
Marang Mountains karst area

The delegation consists of five membership trip of  Mapala UI, namely Ahmad Maliyan (UI alumnus of Natural Sciences), Fabius Bondan (student FIB UI), Disa Pramaristi (UI and Science students), Ade Saptari (FKM UI student), and I, Mohamad Ismatullah (students of Faculty of Social UI).

On this trip, the team assisted by two students Mapala UI Mulawarman, Kabir and Sapala, and two local residents Bengalun Village, Pak  Uun Tewet and, as a guide. The plan in Goa Marang Search Expedition , Marang Mountains, East Kalimantan 2010 on 26 July to 12 August 2010, they will explore the four caves, namely  Goa Tebo, Goa Ham,  Goa Sedapan Marang, and Goa Tanah Liat.

To reach this area is included exploring the difficult conditions in the level of categories can be explored. They have to scour the Sungan Bengalun up to Marang River by motorized boat, about 5 meters in length and width no more than 1 meter. The journey then continues by tracing the karst hills in Marang Mountains.

Their journey started from Bengalun Village, East Kutai. Every house in this village with basic materials are made of hard wood species of ironwood and known as popularnya of ironwood and the back yard, these villagers are Bengalun River.

Only after entering the last village, Village Amburbatu, their fatigue gradually replaced with beautiful views of the tropical forests of Borneo. Lush trees on the riverbank to make Susana was very cool. They also saw several species of tropical forests of Borneo, such as deer and eagles bekantan.

From the river Bengalun towards Sungai Marang require travel time ranges from two days' journey by boat ketingting it. This trip of course was very tiring because of extremely hot weather conditions. The slim shape makes the boat they do not freely move the body.


After using a motorized two-day, they continue the journey by foot through a small spot of tropical forests of Borneo to reach the first cave, Goa Tebo, for arms around her, the trip takes about half a day's journey through this tropical forest shrubs.

Goa Tebo is a horizontal cave, in which flowing river water clearly that culminate in Marang river. Tebo own tunnel-shaped cave river that divides one of the karst hills in Marang Mountains.

To explore this cave required a good physical endurance that is by walking against the flow of the river that flows swift enough to the entrance of Goa Tebo.  original creations ornaments of natural resources that attract beautiful lie inside this cave. In the middle of this cave area also has a vertical entrance with a height reaching tens of meters. This door connecting the base to the top of the hill cave. From this door is also forming a beam of sunlight broke through the dazzling light to penetrate the base of the cave.

After browsing this Tabo caves in the instinctive human spirit blends with the natural surroundings without their long journey to the cave on the hillside Cikenceng ham. To achieve this ham cave location is needed is not less exhausting climb to conquer the steep karst hills as high as 400 meters.

Besides having a height with a steep slope, the hill is also covered karst rocks that make the "team" should be extra careful climbing. But when he got them on the hill, exhausted replaced with natural scenery creation and the creation of the Almighty to be grateful with the thrilling beauty of soul, it is very beautifully told in a frame of words.

Unlike in other karst areas are dry and barren, mountainous karst areas Marang is lush with green trees typical of tropical forests of Borneo Indonesia, where these trees stretch wrap and give warmth and coolness in pure oxygen levels to cover the karst hills which stand proud.

"Goa Ham" has a large room with a maze of small alleys in it. What is interesting in "Goa Ham" is an ancient human hand prints on her walls.

The size of the hand prints of early humans is very diverse, indicating that this is the first 'Goa Ham' or parish house for ancient human activity. Location of 'Goa Ham' on the hillside to make this ancient human sense of security and comfort of natural grace and side by side with wild animals that exist in his time.

Team then went on their way to "Goa Tanah liat" and "Goa Sedapan Marang" . Team must travel back foot by spending a day just to track down the hill Cikenceng tropical forest.

'Goa Sedapan Marang' has large room compared to other caves. Goa sedapan Marang has been used as a nest of birds breed wallet and kept many local residents. Before entering the cave, the team must pass through several security posts.

Meanwhile, 'Goa Tanah Liat' is located not far from 'Goa Sedapan'. 'Goa Tanah Liat' also has a small alleys in it. The Cave is also home to its inhabitants, that is hundreds of bats.

After exploring the cave clay, the team traveled back, tracing the rivers water clearly, back through the blanket of tropical forest with karst hills in an underground river 'Goa Tebo', visited the ancestral home in 'Goa Ham', to the bunker in 'Goa Sedapan Marang'.

Travel time provides valuable experience for members of the team. When some young people choose to undergo a routine life with ease and pleasure all its forms has the urban characteristics in shopping malls scattered cities in Indonesia, there's still a drop of human children group, Team Search Goa Mapala UI that can explore the natural wealth of the nation and homeland own.

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