
Monday, June 13, 2011

A piece of Heaven in Kanawa

By dyah ariani ,executive summary by Darmansjah Godjali

Having successfully escaped from espionage mas  komo’and mas kerbau’ , we must immediately stepped out from the island of Rinca. It was a relief, get out of Jurrasic Park in one piece no less a right. 

From the gate Loh Buaya, we smell the delicious cuisine. Byuuhh .. a hungry stomach makes me excited to get into the ship. Sure enough, any odor coming from the stern of the vessel at a soup kitchen magic. Our noses torn flower full of hope flared at the lunch menu. Ahh, this afternoon we will have lunch on the boat moving slowly ...

Before long the ship moves left the dock Rinca Island, we cheered when Gusti, Labuan Bajo original master chef, bring forth our lunch menu. There are warm rice, fried fish size, cah kale mushrooms, Indomie Goreng * yaaaayyyyy * ... plus fries. Wuufffff .... in a matter of minutes, all the work of Chef Gustavo moved into our stomachs .... ckckckcckckck .... Gembul forgive us that this ...

According to schedule, we will continue the journey back sail. Actually there are many choices in the cluster island island. You can choose which ones you like. Origin time a loyal friend, you can visit Kelor Island, Angel Island, Sabolo Island, Pulau Seraya, Pulau Kanawa and a few other islands. Believe all the good it is. Yaahh, if only at Kuta Bali comparison .... uhmm, Kuta allowed through the back roads. Hehehhe ...

Provoked by the photographs mba Youfy &  mas Didier, we chose Kanawa Island to meet the desires of "marine"we're large enough. Ahhhh, who knows how many times I was back and forth on the home page mba Youfy to just imagine where I place her pose later. Haha ...

1 hour through a little ... pak captain yelled ... "it Kanawa .." ... duuhh, I am a plebeian could not withstand the turmoil taste ..* we immediately packed up, down all the supplies to frolic in Kanawa

Yak, I've been in Kanawa. Though heaven had never met, but I believe Kanawa is a piece of heaven on earth scattered. How God is Supreme imaginative. With His Almighty, He created a piece of paradise Kanawa ... fine white sand beach with perfect curved, translucent graded water, some trees shrubs, and even wooden bridges and lampposts looked beautiful in Kanawa. Do not also forget to say hello and 3 deer funny little man handsome boy bungalow manager there.

In the afternoon piece at the time, in addition to managing bungalows and 2 European couples who have stayed a week, we were the occupants Kanawa. Quiet, but my heart is boisterous turmoil. How can there be a place like this? I remember friends of backpacker internship in the capital ... ulil, neng Lova, mba lisa ... duuhh, I'd love to share with them Kanawa.

Can doing wrote on Kanawa? It's up to it ... Swimming, snorkeling, diving, sun Bathing or just spread out a cloth Bali and just stare at it ... do not forget, take Cross Word Books to keep your brain stay sane. The beauty Kanawa is the potential to make you forget yourself ...

Oh well, before I forget ... a piece of paradise you can enjoy FREE Kanawa ONLY ... if it stays the price is very affordable ... so, why should moping, immediately raised anchor and sailed into Kanawa ....
Hmmm ... after  going back from the Kanawa, God still indulge us with a big rainbow treat .... like to welcome our arrival back in Labuan Bajo ... Ahhhh ...

Some important info:
- Bungalow Kanawa tarif as usd 30 (for 3 person). Kanawa gave provided with transport by ship owned Kanawa Resort (originally winder appropriate). Get out of Labuan Bajo at 12 noon .. back to Labuan Bajo at 7 am the next day ...
- Kanawa marketing office is in front of Hotel Gardena side by side with marketing offices Pulau Seraya.
- Hire a day boat incl breakfast & lunch  as Usd 80
- Importan Telephone there really still, just when writing this, my hand phone out of reach. hehe ..


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