
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sell ​​Bromo eruption Ocean Sand


By Dahlia Irawati dan Ingki Rinaldi 
executive summary by Darmansjah Godjali

Tourists watch a view of Mount Bromo from Wonokitri Village, District Tosari, Pasuruan, East Java, on Saturday (2 / 4). Tourism activity gradually recover in line with the reopening of the region of Mount Bromo to the public but still imposed a safe distance in a radius of 2 kilometers.

Roni Yulianto (31) and Delfianti (27) is a newlywed couple. Wednesday (30 / 3) and then, they drove for 1.5 hours on a motorcycle from Surabaya to Cemorolawang Hamlet, Village Ngadisari, District Sukapura, Probolinggo, East Java.

That afternoon, they go back and forth around the inn Lava View Lodge is located at an altitude of 2249 meters above sea level, and offer some rooms with views directly overlooking the Mount Bromo which is still spewing volcanic ash. After checking the availability and price of the room at the inn, Roni hurried to the edge of the cliff which limit the region with a sea of ​​sand underneath.

The couple want to enjoy again the beauty of Mount Bromo erupted on 26 November 2010. "I see (eruption) on television so curious to see straight," said Roni.

Since the tourist area was closed after the eruption, Roni has not visited again to that place. In fact, before the eruption of Mount Bromo, Roni once every three months to visit there.

He did not know if that day tourist area of Mount Bromo in a limited re-opened within a radius of two kilometers from the point of eruption. The distance of two kilometers, according to the Regent of Probolinggo Hasan Aminuddin, is a safe limit while for visitors who are allowed to again enjoy the beauty of the area.

Until now, the alert status of Mount Bromo still, despite any decrease in seismic activity. Enchantment sunrise becomes the main attraction.

"After the eruption, seems to still take a long time to recover. Some facilities were also damaged, "said Roni.

As a faithful visitor, Roni also concerned about the fate of those who depend for their livelihoods in the tourism industry in Bromo. Moreover, the number of visitors is still very small.

Pailam, a member of Bromo Jeep Club that manages vehicle type jeep hardtop Toyota FJ 40 for chartered tourists, admitted that he had over four months of this manager did not move the vehicle. There are about 200 units operated jeep to go the route home from Hamlet Cemorolawang to Mount Bromo by crossing the region Penanjakan I. Now the cars can not operate normally. "Since the closing, no (car) that came out (get the lease)," said Pailam.

However, he did not complain. He believes the re-opening of a tourist area, though the route is now routed through Penanjakan II, visitors would come again.

The same thing is said a number of merchants and souvenir T-shirts Mount Bromo, Yanto (23), said usually he sold 20 pieces of shirts per day with a profit of about Rp 50,000 per piece. However, since the tourist sites were closed, no other source of income for him. Land to grow some vegetables, like cabbage and potatoes, are also still covered with volcanic ash.

"Now, the maximum (sold), five pieces of clothing per day. That is if there are visitors, if there are no visitors, it does not work, "Yanto said with a smile.

The last four months, residents around Mount Bromo can not move normally. I do not know how many losses and how many parties are harmed due to this increase in status of Mount Bromo.

Opened again

Since late March, the Government of Probolinggo regency with Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park began to open tourist sites in the region. Tourist routes no longer use the old path (rising up to the lip of the crater), but by creating a new path beyond the circumference of two kilometers of the specified safe volcanology.

Type of new tourist attractions to offer is sand ocean eruption of Mount Bromo with views of the main cloud of smoke coming out of the mountain. Tourists will be treated to a panorama of smoke as high as 600 meters gray. At night, incandescent material sometimes appear out of the crater of Bromo.

In addition, the volcano Mount Mentigen charm and tourist attractions dukuh Chrysanthemum. On the hill Mentigen, tourists can see sunrise and sunset (located in the vicinity of the post monitor Mount Bromo).


"We opened the eruption of Mount Bromo tour packages have been consulted on volcanology experts and managers Bomo Tengger Semeru National Park. So this tour certainly safe from tourists follow signs and instructions given, "said Hasan Aminuddin.

Since the eruption of Mount Bromo end of last year, according to Chairman of the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association Branch Probolinggo, Digdoyo, hotel occupancy rates in Bromo down to 50 percent of the total 310 rooms.

"First of normal occupancy 70 percent, then dropped to only about an 30-percent. Now tourists started a lot and about 50-60 percent occupancy rate. Hopefully the opening of tourism sand ocean eruption of Mount Bromo, the economic conditions improve, "said Digdoyo....

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