
Monday, August 15, 2011

Another beauty on the Island of the Bird's Head

Executive summary By Darmansjah

Rows of long boats in the Port of Doom, Sorong District Islands District, Sorong, West Papua. Sorong district Islands holds the potential of natural and historical attractions that have not been optimally utilized.
By Cornelius Helmy
His name may not be as famous as the tourist area of ​​Raja Ampat Islands. However, the three largest islands in the districts of Sorong Islands: Ram, Soop, and Doom, to save a great potential for exotic travel. Directly adjacent to the Pacific Ocean, the trio offers beautiful white sandy beaches, coral group, and historical attractions that unfortunately passed away.

"The three largest island chain is a potential tourism potential, but has not been promoted to the fullest. In addition to the panorama of nature and heritage, many also uniqueness not found in other regions of West Papua, "said Secretary of the District of Sorong in Sorong Karambut Elizabeth Islands, West Papua.
Doom, the island area of ​​5 square kilometers, known as Dum, which in Malamooi tribal-local tribes, means the island is full of fruit. Breadfruit (sukun) is a fruit that is most prevalent in almost every home residents. Breadfruit many processed and consumed as a food supplement for local residents.

Doom has an important role in the birth of China as the largest economic center in West Papua. This is not apart from the Dutch government policy to make the initial residential area before setting foot in the Land of Papua, the early 1900s. However, the Dutch do not forget a good arrangement when building settlements in Doom.

Urban planning as it is still visible, such as the Office Plaatselijk Hoofd van Bestuur or Dutch Colonial Civil Service Office, which is now inhabited Taher Arfan (54). In addition, there is also a prison Doom, soccer field, a house of fun (the party of Dutch soldiers), and the Christian Church of Orange.

The Netherlands also provides for the settlement of the ethnic Chinese community, clean water tank, and diesel power plants in place. "In the past, diesel power makes Doom more advanced than China. When China was still dark because the electricity has not been installed, Doom it ablaze, the diesel power. Until now the tools are still installed and functioning properly, "said Taher.

Another thing that is quite unique in Doom, you can walk around the island about half an hour to spend Rp 30,000-Rp 50,000 for the rickshaw.

Traveled 15 minutes from Doom to the north, using long boat, visitors will find the island that has Soop expanse of white sand. No motor vehicle or rickshaw in the area of ​​2 square kilometers. However, do not worry because just walking around one hour to circle the island.

Place a population of no more than 100 people is no less historic. Japanese soldiers had put its forces here to make incursions into Guinea. The proof, air protection bunker overlooking the Airport Jeffman, Sorong, around the Cape Light Japan.

If you want more content to see the white sand of West Papua, the journey can be continued to the west, about 30 minutes, ie to Ram Island. The island is known as the crocodile-shaped island like a crocodile when viewed from the air-it has a stretch of white sand is greater than the island of Soop. Add a beautiful stretch of sand and stone reliefs existence of coral reefs in the southern part of the island. Divers could perfect way to enjoy the underwater beauty of Raam.

Easily accessible

Not hard if you want to visit the three islands. From Airport Eduard Osok, Sorong, travelers can use the services of a motorcycle taxi or motorcycle taxi (public transportation) to the Port of Sorong. When choosing a motorcycle taxi, just withdrawn Rp 15,000 per person, while the taxi rate of Rp 5,000 per person.

From the harbor, tourists continue the long journey by boat to the Island of Doom. The fee was approximately $ 20,000 each way for 15 minutes. The same rates apply when the boat owner wanted to continue the journey to Raam and Soop.

Unfortunately, tourists can not stay at the hotel because in the three islands there was no hotel. But not to worry. Communities are generally willing to accommodate the rate of $ 100,000 per person per night. "Foreign tourists started coming since the 1970's to relax and see the beauty of the coral reefs near the coast," said Rudi (46), the driver of a boat length from the Moluccas.

Not only about lodging, historical relics damaged it is now also threatened. In Dum, for example, houses are now occupied pleasure Awom Telly (50) unkempt.

Telly said, at a party where the soldiers Balanda was no longer the bar. Asbesnya roof, once used only by the rich, perforated here and there. Stay wood foundation still looks sturdy metal construction supports a faded blue-painted it.

The view out toward the Pacific Ocean has also been hindered neighborhoods, which emerged since 1980. In fact, after being vacant for six years, supporting many lost somewhere. Turntable on the beach to the bath by the sea did not leave a trail.

Similar concerns arise during a visit to the island of Raam. Raam Djamin Arfak headman said, the most important point threatened tourism potential abrasion. The reason, the violent crushing hard waves, north sea winds, and tsunamis of West Papua. It is feared, the beauty of coral reefs and the stone reliefs will be lost if you do not do technical engineering.

Soop was no less miserable. Marian Kerayan (45), residents, still remember well, the last time he saw foreign tourists coming to the Island Soop about 12 years ago. At that time, Sebastian, a tourist from England, came to enjoy the beauty of white sand Soop. "Sebastian became the first and last. Perhaps because of lack of promotion, "said Marian.

According Djamin, one way to restore the interest of tourists visiting the three islands in Sorong is infrastructure development, among other things, modes of transportation, lodging, and retaining dikes abrasion. "If you could wake up, it is not likely to be more and more tourists come. Tourism sector could boost the economy of citizens. Today people still rely on fishing and cultivation of small freshwater fish, "he said.

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