
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

MOUNT BROMO eruption

Patron Residents who Unexpected

executive summary by darmansjah godjali


Mount Bromo sulfatara smoke, visible from Cemorolawang, Ngadisari Village, Sukapura, Probolinggo, Wednesday (24/11) at around 11:30. Mount Bromo alert status declared by the Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation since Tuesday (23/11) at 15.30 pm. Tourist and community activities are prohibited within a radius of 3 kilometers from Bromo.
By Nina Susilo

Mount Bromo is usually crowded by tourists are now deserted. Travelers can only see him from the area in the village Penanjakan Wonokitri, Pasuruan District, or in the Village Ngadisari, Probolinggo district.

On the other hand, Hamlet Cemorolawang, Ngadisari Village, crowded by the police, army, disaster management agency officials, and journalists. The din of this occurred after the status of Mount Bromo in the day raised two levels, be alert, Tuesday (23/11) morning, and Caution in the afternoon.

The move comes after an increase in activity of volcanic earthquakes. Throughout November 1 to 23 occurred more than a thousand volcanic earthquakes. On 23 November, said Chief Observation Post Mount Bromo Muhammad Shafi, recorded 20 shallow volcanic earthquakes with an amplitude of 10-40 mm and 40-30 mm amplitude tremor.

Wednesday starting at 0:00 until 9:52 pm starting 18 volcanic earthquakes with amplitude of 8-38 mm and 2-5 mm maximum amplitude tremor. "Graph volcanic energy that there is also increasing. Beware status and therefore we still recommend 2.5 miles-3 miles, especially the sea of ​​sand, sterile from residents or tourists, "said Shafi.
Contrast with excitement, the Tengger people remain calm. Activity planting potatoes, cabbage plant care and scallions, as well as taking care of horses still acted as usual.

"Saben Friday Legi diselameti, ngangge porridge gangsal didongani quack pack. Sing dipadosi Niku keselametan (Every Friday Legi salvation held by the five types of porridge that shamans prayed pack. Yang sought safety), "said Newi.

Similar things delivered Pendiko (38), the seller gloves and headgear in the vicinity of Bromo tour, and Supri (22), pengojek motor. Both villagers believe Ngadisari Bromo eruption will not harm people.

Eruptions of Mount Bromo, as happened on June 8, 2004, never touched the Village Ngadisari although only about 2.5 meters of Mount Bromo. Generally, volcanic material out around the oceans of sand or more Nangkajajar leads to, Pasuruan.

Monitors Mount Bromo, Subhan Ahmad, better see the shape of the crater's neck as a natural protector of citizens. Mount Bromo is a bit skewed towards Pasuruan. Therefore, during these eruptions or bursts of smoke Nangkajajar leads to, Pasuruan, and not to villages or Tengger in Probolinggo, Malang.

According to the Chairman of the Tengger Mudjono Shaman (60), Mount Bromo Tengger people is where the ancestors. Therefore, it can be regarded as citizens of the Tengger protector. Moreover, people always try to honor their ancestors by taking a ritual offering at the time Kasada crops as well as offering every Friday.

If Bromo eruption, said Mbah Mbah Mudjo Mudjono-familiar call-that the will of nature. Hubbub occurred only among the public outside the Tengger residents, while residents at ease. Departure ceremony was held a small army a few days ago. It was held after Mbah Mudjo talks with many shamans in Malang, Lumajang, Pasuruan, and Probolinggo.

Despite the resignation, the Tengger people rather than typical citizens who do not seek. Permanent establishment is run. However, if the Observation Post Mount Bromo Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation give a plea to evacuate, residents asked to obey the injunction.

Shafi also could not confirm whether Mount Bromo will erupt or calm. However, vigilance must be increased because the conditions ahead of the eruption in 2004 is very different from today. First, not detected many earthquakes before the eruption. Now, more than a thousand earthquakes occur in less than a month.

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