
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Song of Agro Fertility in Mengesti

Executive summary By darmansjah godjali

Children dressed in traditional play to fill the break in SD No. 1 Jatiluwih, Tabanan, Bali, on Wednesday (2 / 2). Custom clothing must be worn by students on the full moon and the moon tilem (dead).

Drizzle flush Wangaya Betan Hamlet, Village Mengesti, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency, approximately 65 kilometers north of Denpasar, Bali, on Wednesday (2 / 2) morning. A male Japanese tourists on horseback across the rice field, while continuing to observe a farmer who was plowing a field nearby. Khaerul Anwar.

Not far from the fields, above the plateau, two tourists from Taiwan Lesbian fun sitting in the pavilion's mini Sudiksa Made (48). Later, three Japanese tourists arrived and immediately chimed in lesehan it.

They sit while watching the panoramic expanse Lesbian rice terraces around the place. The host and serve food, such as taro and cassava tubers purple (ayamurasaki) are cut into small pieces, fruits, pineapples, avocados, and dragon fruit.

The guests seemed to enjoy the treats and the atmosphere was. Moreover, there is a warm drink of water in the form of brown rice is processed in such a way that the water like tea, plus a bamboo musical instrument sounds (like angklung) who played two school-age children, make the atmosphere calm, peaceful, as if the world belonged to themselves.

"Please taste, fruit and drinks are free of chemical residues as a result of organic agricultural crops," said Sudiksa its guests.

Sudiksa seem to sell the natural panorama of the village into a tourist attraction since the past three years agro. The reason, tourists to Bali instead of just seeing the Balinese culture, but also witness the natural atmosphere.

"Here there are hot spring tourism," said Sudiksa. He then mentioned an alternative for travelers, such as hot water baths are located in the hamlet The remains, Mengesti Village, Village Penatahan, and Village Angsri.

Blending the concepts of natural and cultural conservation to be sold to tourists, it has to offer Sudiksa. 

Guests are invited to trekking along the rice field along the one kilometer, and ends at the pavilion. On the way, Sudiksa act as a guide, explaining various things, such as irrigation water channels managed by Subak system, cropping pattern that is applied during the growing season a year.
A total of 26 hectares (ha) rice field area of
​​73 hectares planted with rice Subak Wangaya Betan red, black, and white, that must be planted beginning of each growing season (Kerta period), in January-February. While the rice varieties and crops planted in the spring gadon (gadu), July-August.

As a fertilizer plant, farmers using organic fertilizers made from chicken and cow manure. It seems that the use of pesticides becomes illicit goods. Farmers replace it with cow urine, after going through the process.

Afterward, the tourists stopped at the garden of 1.2 ha owned Sudiksa. In the garden is planted with cocoa, avocado, coffee, salak, mangosteen, durian, chili, lemon grass, betel leaves, turmeric, and ginger. Agricultural output is then served to the guests, through a simple process.

For example brown rice paddy water was first roasted, then soaked in water for a while, filtered and then brewed with hot water. Depending on your taste and mood at the time, just select the preferred scent of drink. Usually during the day, the water was brown rice mixed with lemon grass leaves, and when the cold weather, drink water that ginger-flavored brown rice.
Since long

Indeed sustainable agriculture and culture-based environment. The concept of farming as it is applied since centuries ago, through the Subak irrigation system. In fact, environmental preservation is symbolized by the familiar chants farmer asked, during a break from work in the fields.

Song of Songs read: Ado chant Kedis kurkuak, Balang kajo distills ne, ne nerompong pid-pid, firefly kakul bekempul ne, ne kekawo tameang, crickets ngibing, kokokan away-away (there kurkuak song birds, grasshoppers play the flute, snails lined up like a musical instrument Terompong / gender, fireflies and beating the gong snails, spiders make webs, dancing crickets, birds, egrets wiggle).

It was a chant of fertility or wisdom of farmers. Kurkuak bird is figured as a kind of locust-eaters who ruined crops, the sounds of crickets and fireflies that emit light at night, plays repel mice, while the snail secretes hormones that are useful for the growth and development of plant and soil health.

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