
Friday, September 2, 2011

Time flows in the River

Original naration by B.Josie Susilo Hardianto, executive summary by Darmansjah Godjali

Dew had just shed when Egenus Tigi changing jerseys and pants with orange-colored clothing field. Today, he and his colleagues wanted to clear the weeds that grow in plots at the riverside. In the plot, the Egenus will plant the seeds of coffee which he had prepared.
From the side log cabin where he lived, Egenus Tigi shouted for his friends, Martinus Kegiye, Julian Iyai, and Dogomo Agus, who was joking while changing their clothes to dress the field.
In the middle of the joke he suddenly Mama Wakay, residents Bomomani, come. He asked one of them to help pick coffee in the garden.
Noon he no longer has enough time for the garden because it was about to roast coffee beans that have been dried. "Su, try coffee Bomomani-kah?" He asked.
Questions inviting taste. One hundred percent organic, picked ripe, with a distinctive aroma and taste of arabica, the coffee from the region Mapia, Dogiyai regency, Papua, it has been named. In the era of the 1970s until the late 1990's coffee products from Mapia had become a byword throughout Papua. Unfortunately, the glory was fading now.
In villages, the remnants of coffee trees can still be found as high as 4 meters. Fortunately in Bomomani to you left and fairly well maintained, and that is currently in development back by Egenus Tigi.
"The direction is not mass production, but to cover everyday needs while building the ethos of the farmers," said Wahyu, a companion who shared Egenus Tigi resume agricultural development in Bomomani.
"Initially there was a shame because usually men do not work in the garden," said Egenus Tigi.

internal space

Lecturer Graduate School of Philosophy Driyarkara, Jakarta, Herry Priyono, say, what is related to real community empowerment can not be done through the project approach, a quick look at the results. "Empowerment can only be done in the evolutionary process because time can not be skipped and human development can only be reached through time," said Herry.
Unfortunately, that is precisely what is currently happening in Papua. Observer human rights issues in Papua, Father John Jonga, said many of the parameters of success demonstrated by the development of physical projects. Markets are built on the border with Papua New Guinea in the Pay Tents, Keerom, for example, currently just overgrown weeds and wild plants.

Sparked by the desire advanced, self-supporting community are looking back a wealth of tradition to develop themselves. Internal spaces, such as emawaa or traditional homes and gardens known owadaa or Tribe Mee, turn on again at Mapia, Kamuu, Tigi, and Enarotali.

In emawaa, people discuss everyday issues and decide together what should be done for their communities. And again owadaa developed to cultivate local plants that have advantages.

In addition to meet daily needs, the result is also directed to break the dependence on commodities from outside Papua. Likewise in education.

"Growing and help develop internal awareness is important so that people become confident," said Neles Tebay.

What do Egenus Tigi and his colleagues may realize what the Neles Tebay called internal

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