
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Timeless Charm Of The Mountain Semeru

Executive Summary by Darmansjah

Thin fog blanketed the climbers lined up rows of neat tents on the edge of Lake Ranu Kumbolo, Sunday (15 / 8). The sun moves slowly rises, warming the frozen morning. The shadow of pine and fir trees that lined the surrounding lake water reflected perfectly on the shiny surface exposed to the sun. Blue sky and white clouds swept away as if also mirrored on the surface of the lake, making the universe appear closer together with the water surface.

The lake, which resembles a large bowl at an altitude of 2700 meters above sea level is a stopover site on the way to the summit climbers Mahameru. Overnight at Ranu Kumbolo, was able to remove the tired climbers long journey from the village of Ranu Pane. The beauty of blue-green lake is able to provide additional energy to continue the climb to the top of Semeru.

Mount Semeru is the highest volcano in Java, with its peak Mahameru, 3676 meters above sea level. The crater at the summit of Mount Semeru known Jonggring Saloko. The position of this mountain lies between the region and Lumajang Malang regency administration, with its geographical position between 8 ° 06 'latitude and 120 ° 55' East Longitude.

Mahameru charm attracted many climbers to come, both from local and foreign climbers. In fact, Arya Cahya, a 5-year-old boy, were eager to climb Mount Semeru, accompanied by his family. ( Original Text  and picture by Arum Tresnaningtyas Dayuputri)

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