
Sunday, November 27, 2011


Beer, The Elixir of Life
Executive summary by Darmansjah
When you're far, far across the country, traveling in a long time, definitely drink this one are common. Available in various packaging, cans, bottles, or in the form of pitcher, beer is almost always available in different places with different atmosphere. When you're enjoying the Paella in Valencia, relax at the sushi bar in Tokyo Station, or eating a grilled pork ribs Naughty Nuri's in Ubud, the beer must be one beverage of choice. Starting from local brands to the star logo with the emblem of the German production-robed priest, you can choose the most appropriate beer to taste.

When the wine and champagne synonymous with luxury living in the wine-producing chateau elegant corners of France, beer is more rooted in the culture of the local German community. These drinks long ago become a complementary range of party of the people who often held in various parts of Germany. Since the origin is more down to earth, beer easily fit into various countries in Europe, America, and Asia. Each country also produces its own beer with a taste that has been adapted to local culture. Therefore, in addition to international brands such as Heineken, Budweiser, Corona, Miller, Paulaner and others, today's world also knows thousands of local beer brands dengang sertianya respective followers.

Beer journey began when a priest named Korbinian who lives in Weihenstephan, a monastery near Munich, found the initial recipe for making this beverage around the year 740 AD. Recently in 1030 the same abbot named Arnold patented brewing copyright and until now remained a sala Weihenstepan Hatu best brewers in the world. Tradition that has lasted for over 1000 years to make this place also known as a center of study and research the brewing process.

The process of making this beverage has been growing rapidly, from simple traditional processes into modern process with the resulting sense of consistency. Curiosity to see directly the process of making this beverage is lost when I stopped by one of the leading brewery in Switzerland. Although not a plant with long history and not in the country of origin of beer, a visit to a production center Rugenbrau, beer community pride Interlaken area, sufficient to provide an overview of how this drink is processed. Entering the lobby, my eyes immediately drawn to the kettle-giant copper kettle used for the refining process. Accompanied by an officer, I went round to see how beer is processed, starting from selection of raw materials, refining to packaging to be distributed to consumers. Interesting to know that this automated factory that has only employs about 20 people.

As I look around the various rooms and equipment used, the officer told me that a good beer fermentation takes at least seven days and then stored for 6 weeks in a low temperature before it is ready for consumption. Because of the high levels of CO2 in the room, usually a master or expert maker brewery beer always brings a pet like a dog when brewing beer. When the dog passed out from inhaling too much carbon dioxide is the expert distillation left the room. This German officer then explained that each region in Switzerland has its own beer with a distinctive flavor. Currently in Switzerland there are about 25 producer local beer with his fans each. What about Germany? According to him, Germany has about 1000 brewery!

From the German tradition of drinking beer grown up all over Europe. But the statistics noted that the country is not consuming the most beer per capita, but the neighboring Czech Republic. According to a survey, residents of a country that once led by prominent democracy leader Vaclav Havel was 156.9 liters of beer consumed per capita every year! For a local brand that became a favorite is Pilsner Urquell and Budweiser Budvar. This country also has its own beer festival has been held for more than 150 years in the town of Pilsner. This year the festival scheduled to be held in late August. 

Not only in Europe, the development of beer in Asia is also quite interesting to observe. Tsingtao, China's renowned beer brand was born when the Germans occupied the city of Qingdao in the south of Beijing for about 20 years in the late 19th century. shift the position of beer as a beverage choice sake of Japanese society with top brands such as Kirin, Asahi, and Sapporo. Other small countries like Singapore, Laos, and Nepal also has its own favorite local beers. With its populist, beer became the preferred beverage various social circles. What about Indonesia? In 1929 a milestone in the birth of a beer named Java Bier Lokas which has production centers in Surabaya. A few years later, the company was taken over by the renowned beer producer Heineken. Having undergone several name changes, finally in 1981 the manufacturer uses the name of PT Multi Bintang which manufactures and distributes several brands of beer such as Bir Bintang, Heineken, Guinness and Green Sands.
Beer journey that started from the monastery in Asia until later to show his ability to adapt to different cultures. But its existence is often a matter of controversy, especially regarding the positive-negative effects that can arise if you consume a beer. Some experts argue these beverages have a positive impact on health because they contain various essential mineral for the body and are believed to serve as a deterrent of cancer and heart disease. But the alcohol content it has, some types contain high levels of alcohol up to 20%, can give adverse effects if consumed in excess. Regardless of any controversy, beer is the favorite drinking capable of uniting various circles. As Plato said, "He was a Wise Man Who invented beer".

Beer is one of the most consumed beverage by the world community. Drinks of this type is actually not a new thing for the people of Indonesia. Some people we consume fermented beverage known as wine or arak. Slightly different from the beer, the drink does not use wheat as the raw material it uses rice or simply processed sap. The content of alcohol was higher, so most have been banned because it was considered dangerous to health. Until now only North Tapanuli Tuak origin and Brem Bali which is still widely consumed and produced in bulk

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