
Monday, December 12, 2011

Romance of Italy

  Colloseum rome

Original text by Ferry Latif, executive summary by Darmansjah
  italian map

Romance Pasta, Pizza, and Piazaa.

A beautiful whether italy? In the shadow of Ferry, Italian charm is like a picture of a favorite movie that repeatedly watching, Cinema Paradiso, la vita e bella, and Malena. Views of old towns on the edge of sparks, plus the character of the Italians who are very expressive when speaking with intonation and distinctive hand movement. So when the opportunity to visit a friend in Milan, he decided venturing from Milan to Sicily-the location where the film Cinema Paradiso and Malena made.


Armed with information from our colleagues in Indonesia and escort his friends in Italy, Ferry latief ventured to conduct road trip Lost and got pulled over the police are two exciting events that accompany the journey of more than two weeks of stopping in various cities began to Milan, Aosta, Turin, Genova, Levanto, Tuscany, Viterbo, Naples, Pompeii, Salerno, Vietri, Cetara, Taormina, Catania, Palermo, Cefalu , Sferra de Cavallo, Rome-point until the last trip before returning to Jakarta.

Upon their return from Italy, the shadow of  FerryLatif about Italy is no longer the same as the third film ever watched antiquity it. Italy developed rapidly into a modern state, making my shadow on the Italian renewable. A fortune could set foot from the northern to southern Italy and to share its beauty with you, dear readers TravelerGuidance.Blogspot.Com; moreover Ferry echoed the words spoken by an Italian in the middle of his journey, "I own the original people here have never road trip! "

Hopefully this journalistic journey inspire you to feel the pizza, pasta and relax in the piazza in the Italian cities. La vita e bella!.
façade settlements in the small town of Cefalu, Sicily. Cefalu is located to the east of Palermo. There influenced architectural styles Byzantine style

Malpensa Airport

What is your impression about Milan? Tanya Andrea Costi, my friend, who lives in Milan with his wife, Rieska Wulandari, also my friend. Impression about the city that has an alias name Milano is formed since my arrival at the Malpensa Airport, proceed to take the bus. Massive buildings on either side of the road, rose but not as high as Jakarta. Probably about 4-5 floors only. Open space consisting of pedestrian, highways, parks, and tram lines divide the building blocks. Street festival passable lane 2 or 3 cars, sandwiching two tram lines in the middle. How much traffic is not dense, small-sized cars dominated the flow of traffic, which occasionally enlivened the motor. Pedestrian comfort, without any extreme climbs, all made up and down ramps as needed ordinary people and people with limited abilities. I just realized why so many people on the pedestrian dragging his lugage, of course as it enters the summer many tourists arrive.

And park in pedestrian traffic many animal lovers brought his dog, chained and tied up the urban spaces. No wonder industry associated with developing a good pet. I met a hairdresser who has an additional job as a fashion designer pets. Routine dog fashion show competition held in Milan. Not to be outdone by a human fashion.

Building a space barriers that make dark patterns of bright sunlight in the city. On the one hand, pedestrian showered with sunlight, on the other side looked a shadow along the way. This light dark changes are felt at through the streets of the city in the morning and afternoon when sun slightly inclined to the west and east .Not dominant but the balance between dark gray and light. I directly connect this pad bright shades of dark contrast that I met in the Piazza del Duomo, Milan's old town.

Piazza del Duomo

Ivory cathedral's towering, graceful, and the sacred. Sun approached, the color pink to purple shades. A monumental scale makes people pacing around the small visible. That's the famous Milan Cathedral. At the top of the highest tower is built statues of the Virgin Mary. The statue in the middle of the roof of Gothic-style church building was named for La Madonna Madonnia or small. Madonna is Italian honorific for Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. The statue was golden. At night, gleamed the golden color of the lights highlight.

pigeons main attraction at the Piazza Duomo Milano

A woman accompanied by a baby in front of the Duomo Naopoli
 Castello Sfozesco

So is the Duomo Cathedral, when the night will be more clang walls of the building. I was looking where the light, because the spotlight is not visible on the walls of the cathedral. Having observed from a distance the new visible light illumination was coming from the lamps which were planted in the surrounding buildings. The lights were directed to the cathedral from all directions. This cathedral is the second largest in the world after the Cathedral of Seville in Spain. Require hundreds of years since it began working processes built in 1386 by Bishop Antonio da Saluzzo. Millions of people every year come to see the Milan Cathedral. This place is like Borobudur in Magelang, or Angkor Watt in Cambodia, must be visited!
  Il Duomo Cathedral at night

Every day, thousands of travelers mingled flow of an advanced one with immigrants from Africa and the citizens of Milan. To distinguish them easily. The tourist looked around the busy taking photos while enjoying the atmosphere. Immigrants from Africa usually sells bird feeder and knit bracelet. Careful, they're kind of forcing people to buy and air tricks.

Beware of mines in Milan

When walking in the city of Milan you should be alert, because it is not rare dog poop mines strewn on the roadside. Even the ferry latief did not escape, exposed to these mines. Actually, every night Milan's municipal office has mobilized dozens of people to clean up the streets with water mixed with disinfectant spray and electronic broom. But still, in the morning, the dogs routinely cast mine natural. Love of the Italians in animals is not new. Example of Saint Franseco dri Assisi (1181-1226) who became friends with the wolf italian inspire people to live in harmony with animals. They raise animals with full commitment, according to regulations. The amount is significant,
make the dog like citizens of the city are important. Public facilities in Milan allows employers to bring his dog for a walk, be it in the park, along the pavement, including bus, tram, metro or train. Even public taps which can be accessed in a city park for pedestrians who thirst also choose a small tub of drinking water sources and the bird dog.

 milan cathedral

Henny Chrysant, my friend, recounts deceived trader bracelet. At first he thought the bracelet was suddenly placed on his wrist was a gift, a form flattering welcome. But ultimately it's traders has asked for money 5 euros. Of course he refused, and tried to break the bonds of the bracelet. What power is not easily removable. If released, would damage the bracelet. So sophisticated  bond, Henny inevitably spend money to pay for the bracelet. Also, note if there are people who really give the bird food. Shortly, he will charge a fee.
Galleria Vittorio Emanuale II

Well, to recognize a native of Milano is easy, just look at their dress style. Everyone has a style! The streets around the Duomo is like a catwalk fashion show. Old, young, men, women all look stylish when going to the mall or a hangout, like the old town area of ​​the Duomo. On the north side of the cathedral there is a prestigious shopping mall offering goods ata classes, Galleria Vittorio Emanuale II. In the west and south rows of shops and restaurant area is always crowded.

cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta

The cathedral are sacred and spiritual which surrounded by a hedonist and consumerist lifestyles in each corner. Like a monk who participated walked among the crowd of people dressed as model. Purists in the middle looks glamorous era of progress. Unique but still fun regarded as forming harmony and balance. Sights are also contradictory as  I met in Milan city halls. When the shades of dark shadows and bright lights shouted each other, creating harmony in the city. That Milan!

Aosta Valley, A piece of Heaven in Northern Italy

'Shush!' whispered the old woman repeatedly surprised me was busy capturing the details of space in the cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta. Presumably he was annoyed my camera shutter sound, and beckoned so as not to make noise and disturbing calm the people who fervently praying. I was too eager to shoot and move thither. Of course, since this is the first time I saw a unique cathedral-new building was founded in the spirit of conservation on the ancient buildings, or rather on top of the underground halls of worship of the ancient Romans and Italians now, or rather on top of the underground halls of worship of the ancient Romans and Italians now, where visitors can see the hall of worship, complete with symbols -symbol of the ancient Roman god.

Porta Pretoria

Aosta is often called the "Rome of the Alps." Twin city of Rome which has many Roman relics are still part of the Alps. Located in northwestern Italy, bordering France and Switzerland in the west in the north. Aosta Valley plateau surrounded by mountains of Monte Bianco, Monte Rosa and the Matterhorn. Founded in 25 BC by the consul Murena Terenzio Varrone as a colony of Praetorian. Together with partner Sergio Chuc and Enung Nurwanti, I visited a city that has a different name this Praetorian Augusta.

Monte Bianco 

Monte Rosa
the Matterhorn | cervinia

Praetorian Augusta

Piazza Chanoux

Porta Pretoria or Aosta gate stands majestically at the end of the town square Piazza Chanoux rectangular shaped elongated from east to coals. Its location next door to the Teatro Romano or the Roman amphitheater. I stood in the middle of the amphitheater, and swept a glance around. What a perfect place to prove how strategic Aosta. Seemed to be at the bottom of the bowl where the wall of the bowl is the snowy plateau. All the enemies of Rome could enter from the crevices of the mountains. For that, they need the castles as points of defense. Although the actual mountain itself is a fortress. When the collapse of Roman glory, ancient castles were taken over by local panguasa-kasitl then build a new castle. Be the Aosta valley full of castles that are now considered the building to represent the civilian and military life of the 14th century and the 15. I remembered Tasikmalaya in West Java, dubbed city a thousand mosques. To Aosta, apparently dubbed the city of a thousand castles right.
Teatro Romano or the Roman amphitheater in the middle of the tub in the snowy mountains of Aosta.

Souvenirs & Culinary Aosta

Souvenirs in the form of wine, including types of Moscato Bianco, Chardonnay, cornali, Fumin, Gamay, Mayolet, Merlot, Muller Thurgau, nebbiolo, Petite Arveine, Petit Rouge, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, Pinot Noier, Premetta, and Sharh, also other drinks grappa and genepy, prices 4-14 euro per bottle.
Cheese, including Fontina, Toma, Bleu d'Soste, Ricotta, Brossa and goat cheese, the price per kilo 7-13 euro.
Processed pork products, including lardi in Arnad and pink de Bosses
Honey, like a thousand flower honey mountains, chestnut flower honey, honey, acacia flowers, and honey flowers rhododendrons.
Grolla crafts (glass timber for wine) and Coppa dell'amicizia (wooden bowls to drink coffee or grappa mixed genepy as a symbol of friendship).
Culinary, restaurant Bataclan, D'Arco Road Agusto 15 dinner menu, tagliatelle al hesitate in filetto 9pasata sliced ​​beef sauce tagliatelle), the branzino al forno filetto in crosta in patate & zucchini (sliced ​​grilled sea bass, fish, potatoes, and east ). Pizza Margherita.

 Wooden statues that adorn the city park music art depict tradisioanal Aosta, Fisarmonica or accordion

 the Gran Paradiso national park

To reach the town of Aosta from Milano, we use the train Aosta majors. A few moments before the train entered the city of Aosta, on the way I see a lot of the castle on the ridge. Topography with Aosta valley and hilly terrain make heavy-natural defenses. Moreover, entering the winter, who could survive in the open? But the strength of the natural fortress of Aosta and also have drawbacks as many mountain passes that are difficult monitored.
Gran Corbin

General Napoleon of France to see that weakness. In May 1800, he led 60,000 troops to invade Austria. To divert attention, he did not directly attack Austria but through the back roads, Aosta. In extreme weather conditions and terrain, Napoleon's troops crossed the Aosta. Unexpected attack strategy was the key to the success of Napoleon who admired and remembered by local residents. Until now, in the district of the Great Saint Benard or Gran Corbin, local residents held a carnival-like costumes and use Napoleon army uniform.

Church of Saint Orso

From the amphitheater, I moved to the Church of Saint Orso is founded in the 6th century by the holy Archdeacon Orso. The uniqueness of this church, architectural layers. In the 11th century, underground structures have been destroyed and concealed. Then, on top of a gothic-style cathedral was built again and baroque. We walked up the gravel road in front of the cathedral along the nearly 500 m, bordered fence wall thickness of 60 cm with a height of about one meter.

"The road and the fence has been there since Roman times," explains Enung pointing to an ancient road that is so manicured, slightly veered slightly and connected with the highway in penghujungnya. When cross it, I like to connect with the past, and imagine the general Maximus in the movie Gladiator. In my heart I admire the skill of Italians caring for relics of his ancestors though only a piece of road. Because that's the legacy that link people Aosta now with his past.
Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso (Aosta National Park)
Aosta Valley

From the city, we continued our journey to the Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso or  Aosta national park. Sergio lend my car to drive, and this is my first time reconsile themselves with the left steering. Not infrequently I am wrong-path makes Enung and another colleague, Henny Chrysant Ansharie, stress. Fortunately, traffic was quiet Aosta, only one or two passing vehicles and passing vehicles that we were riding.

One hour drive away, before we entered the park. During our travels through beautiful valleys and hills. Pasture weeds lay here and there, not just the grass that thrives but also wild flowers and colorful. That special pasture weeds in Aosta, colorful and eye-catching. Pasture weeds were harvested separately maintained and cattle food. Because food is grass and wild flowers
reputedly flavor of meat and dairy cow Aosta very distinctive, as well as the famous cheese is delicious.


National Park Gran paradiso travelers crowded at the height of summer and winter. In the summer, travelers camping and trekking, while the in the winter, ski travelers. Throughout this spring, mountain goats and ibex Camoscio called stambecco going down the mountain to look for fresh grass to the region served until settlement residents. There is also marmotta, a type of rodent or guinea pig, out of the nest. This rabbit-like animal that was bigger and thicker fur of the rodents in general. The way these animals communicate very unique, a sound like someone whistling shrilly. When I drove the car began to enter the national park, marmotta shrill whistle sounded.

I daydream marmotta rejoiced to welcome our arrival. But the words Endung interrupted my reverie, "That sounds marmotta is telling his friends that there is danger!" I opened the car windows to make it more clear that listening to whistling. From a distance, in the meadows by the river, looking herd Marmotta clustered. I immediately stop the car, then slowly approached them. Suddenly the "choir" marmotta disbanded and topsy-turvy run fast into the nest in underground burrows. Well, apparently they really looked at me as a danger, yes.

I continued driving to the extent that the car can no longer enter the forest. Aosta valley scenery looks stunning with colorful desert weeds, clear river winding, mountain snow and siege stretched. Rows of pine trees on the steep cliffs, a refreshing cool air, clear blue skies, chirping birds and Meandering time to make my 'ecstasy' to enjoy it. My imagination drifted, imagining myself as Captain Von Trapp who witnessed the Sisters of Mary and her children run around the hills and desert weeds chanting song lyric Sound of Music. My heart danced and sang to enjoy the natural beauty of Aosta.

Nirvana Fontina Cheese

I fell in love at first bite Fontina, cheese typical Aosta Valley is famous for. So when two of my friends, bekunjung to Aosta I gladly took them to the Visitor Center at Fontina in Valpelline. After watching the video and photo gallery that displays the history of Fontina and activities Valdaostan (a native of Aosta Valley) in the museum, the guide ushered into a rock cave smelly and our eyes widened to see thousands of Fontina cheese neatly arranged on wooden shelves as high as nearly 2 feet of red- dealpinewood (Picea excelsa) or red pine. The guide said that the warehouse occupies a former stone quarry cave termbaga in the exploitation of the elderly until the year 1946. Warehouse has a high moisture conditions more than 90% with a constant temperature of 10 degrees Celsius throughout the year and this is ideal for the ripening process Fontina. Fontina cheese round weighing about 8kg. Inside the barn there is still a rail line that was used when the copper mines are still active, and is now used to transport the Fontina cheese. I was amazed, how they can turn an old warehouse into a copper mine Fontina cheese warehouse.


The guide tells, about 20 dairy cooperatives, some privately owned, also some cattle rancher who makes her own cheese at alpeggio (cow house on the mountain), especially during the summer. The cows were transported to a mountain meadow above the altitude of 1500 masl where there are flowering weeds are more rich in nutrients, and at the beginning of autumn the cows came down the mountain. Based on research in the Aosta found about 150 different species of grass of about 31 and 15 leguninous gramineus (roumet et al, 1999), I wonder if the resulting cheese was delicious and rich race.

 fontina cheese

  Panoramic fishing village Riomaggiore. This village is one of the villages in the Cinque Terre

  A Castel founded on a hill on the hill in the Mediterranean seaside village of Monterosso

Between Monterosso, Riomaggiore and Nusa Dua

From Aosta, began the trip combing the west coast of Italy with a rental car for 24 euros per day. Ease of renting a car in Europe, can start from any city and finish or restore it anywhere else in the city are important still in the car rental company's network. Tiny black Fiat Panda which I ride with Henny Chrysant Ansharie entering Autostrada highway, crossing route from Turin to Genoa, then combed the beach meditarian to Levanto, continues to Cinque Terre. Not many vehicles on the highway in a city like Jakarta, so I drive over the speed limit is 110km per hour is determined, like other Italian drivers. I was not fined because spur vehicle, but one entry toll gates in the city area Ustostrada Genova. A heavy heart I pay a fine of 68.7 euros. Ah, upset!


After the toll, we move toward the harbor, down the road along the coast Genova. Scenery is very beautiful but very tiring to follow curves hills. The road is sometimes narrow and one-way so we had to turn away, we finally decided to enter the toll again in order to more quickly reach the Levanto. Unfortunately we do not know what direction tolnya. Pira Soerang old suddenly friendly to us and say hello.


'Any problems? "He asked in ita-lish language. We smiled back the greeting. Heny, who could speak Italian, asked the old man replied. With friendly, he explains directions to get to the highway.

"But should you trace the course of this road on the seafront. Because the landscape is beautiful, love to pass. Later also will get to Levanto, "he advised. We went back down the road at the side of the Mediterranean sea, one by one we passed decil city, stopping at a small restaurant Rapallo city.


"From what country?" Asked the waiter as he serves our order, bread and coke.
"We are from Indonesia," said Henny.
"Grande Indonesia!" She said.


Proud to hear confessions of the waitress who knows little about Indonesia.
"Levante is near," he said, pointing to a map that we carry, "But if you mean near the Cinque Terre, Levanto name, you go through the toll road because it is still far away," he said, explaining the road to motorway Autostrada.
Mamma mia, one of the city! This is because of the letter e and o.
Proud to hear confessions of the waitress who knows little about Indonesia. We also asked him Cinqueterre route-Levanto.
"Levante is near," he said, pointing to a map that we carry, "But if you mean near the Cinque Terre, Levanto name, you go through the toll road because it is still far away," he said, explaining the road to motorway Autostrada.
Mamma mia, one of the city! This is because of the letter e and o.

The journey was resumed, and at midnight breaks in Dutogrill, stops at gas stations equipped with restaurants and shops. We slept in the car.


Early next morning we woke up, instantly typical Italian breakfast, a cup of espresso and cornetto-such sweet croissant bread. Package price breakfast like this 1.5 to 2.0 euros.

After traveling for an hour, until well in Levanto. From the city where travelers usually riding towards the Cinque Terre. The appeal of the city which means harifiah District Five are the five fishing villages that line the west coast, namely Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola, and Riomaggiore. We visited two villages, Monterosso and Riomaggiore, the farthest and nearest.

Less than ½ hour train Station stop in Monterosso. After checkout, we get a surprise after surprise, from the high seas to pedestrian comfort. Pedestrian canopied trees up and down following the contours of the hills. Park benches complement edge. Down below lay the beach with white sand, some travelers are enjoying the sun. Seagull flying from one rock to another rock.


We walked to the south and see the stunning scenery, the statue of Saint Francesco and a dog facing the open sea. The founder of the Catholic Franciscan order of Assisi in known as the patron saint of animals. Apparently the Italians like to keep a dog because of imitation of the saint. We came down the hill towards the market. Unfortunately, we have a lot of activity because it was still too early, to go back to station camp, ride the train to Riomaggiore.

the statue of Saint Francesco

Tips Driving in Italy

Make a driver's license at the office of the Corps International traffic on the road MT Haryono, Jakarta. Cost U.S. $ 29. 1 hour complete if the complete requirements. Bring a GPS or a rental car with GPS. Minimal prepare maps. Plan your journey details, route information Learn the signs of traffic destinations. For Italian, check Use credit cards for rental car transactions. If the ticket, the payment online via credit card. Penumpant no more than four people for a small car or a sedan that sufficient space for luggage. Should a car parked in the area or stasiu central centrale. Find free parking 24 hours in order to save costs. Park and spend the night in a car in Sutogrill can save on accommodation costs. There is a bathroom and canteen facilities. Prepare a dime to pay tolls and cafeteria. Bring water bottles, can be charged every stop on Autogrill or elsewhere. Find a faucet that reads "Portable," meaning that it can be drunk.

midi bar in monterosso al mare

Panorama dusk around the seaside town of Rapallo, Genova

Statue of St. Francesco of Assisi, the patron saint of animals is built overlooking the Mediterranean Sea

Romance in the Cinque Terre trekking

Romanticism Riomaggiore to Manarola path can not be equated with other trail walking I have ever tried. In the local language, the trajectory is known as the Via dell 'Amore or Love line. Sloping landscape of typical houses of the five Cinque Terre villages towards the edge of the Mediterranean Sea.

After doing trekking that has done the easy difficulty level of various ages-even pedestrians can pass a wheelchair user, a typical Ligurian dishes welcome. The menu consists of rice pie (torta at Risø) containing dried mushrooms, plus a small fish like anchovies cakes (fritelle in bianchetti), stir-fried calamari and steamed mussels. In closing, presented limoncino made ​​from orange peels soaked in alcohol, diluted with sugar and water. From dining, looks pier where fishermen moored boats nicknamed Gozzi. The sight that makes love Cinque Terre!


With the beauty of the landscape and the sea, the hills are filled with various plants bleak grapes, oranges, until the herbs, trekking tourism mainstay of the region made ​​a UNESCO World Heritage meyandang this predicate. Walking trail from Riomaggiore to Monterosso al Mare is known as the Sentiero Azzurro. Visitors can choose which path to be explored, according to physical ability. Love is for example the path traveled about 30 minutes.

Monterosso al Mare

Cinque Terre civilization lasted over 200 years and having an appropriate uniqueness iberbagai explored. Call Corniglia, hamlet located on the cliff top of the ranks of the five villages. To achieve this, please climbed 365 stairs. If you like traditional Italian ice cream (gelatie), please to Manarola. Its products are laced with honey and flavored most scrumptious in Five State.

Arrive at Riomaggiore, offered yet another surprise. The way out of the stairs down and connected with a corridor whose walls are decorated with mosaics of shells, starfish, coral reefs, and handmade tiles of local residents. They named it as The Wall of Majolicas. It's interesting attempt to dress the space city residents.

Out fromThis mosaic hall we were greeted another hallway with stairs winding down. The walls are home residents. Follow it down the aisle like a puzzle, what's on the other end? Suddenly at the end of the hallway there is open space, light, surrounded by housing the fishermen on the left side. Open space such as a gap in between the houses piled up. In the gap that ship pier fishermen are. The water is very clear and dark blue. Seagulls seem comfortably perched on rocks without being disturbed presence of the traveler. some travelers like to unite themselves with the village atmosphere immediately plunge swimming. Some of them hire a fishing boat for just pacing alone.

I was stunned for a moment, trying to take in the beauty of the place and atmosphere are presented Riomaggiore. What a unique arrangement of this fishing village settlements. Because of the hilly land fisherman's house was designed to follow the surface of the hill. I started thinking, why Indonesia can not be made like this? Many parts of Indonesia that topography is similar to the Cinque Terre, faced up hilly sea. There are village fishermen also, as in Nusa Bali. But unfortunately dominated land ownership and allocation of capital owners rather than local residents. The beach so as luxury items because of difficult access to the community there, unless willing and able to stay at the luxurious five-star hotel.

Ah, the Cinque Terre, I only have capital 1.6 euro train ticket just to enjoy the beaches clean and beautiful!


Cities in Italy can be reached easily by whana intercity rail transportation. Similarly to the Cinque Terre purposes. If you want to use air transport to reach it, get off at the airport of Milan, Pisa, Florence or Genoa, Trenitalia train continued toward La Spezia, the Cinque Terre are five villages in the connected network of trains, tickets can be purchased at La Spezia. Accommodations Villa Margherita Levanto; Casa Lorenza, Riomaggiore; www.caslorenza,it, il BomaSome
Trenitalia train

Viterbo, Traces of Power Battles

From Levanto, that same afternoon we step on the gas directly to Rome, go through the toll and the beautiful plains of Tuscani.


In Rome, Gama Harjanto, our friend, was waiting and ready to invite around Viterbo, the ancient city of the eighth century BC. Located about 80km north of Rome. Panorama signature; fortress surrounded by a thick and high walls. For fans of the film bleak Lor od the Rings, Joan of Arc, or Robin Hood will find in this town fantasy. Physical city that became the film's setting as if present with
undoubtedly intact.

Feeling stuck in a time machine as we stepped foot into the city. We walked up the gravel road winding down the hall. Old wall on the left and right remain untreated slick. We followed Gama continued walking toward the open space, Plaza San Lorenzo. Just before entering the plaza, on the right there is a large building walls perforated on the bottom. When peering into the hole arrangement seemed large stone blocks.

Tuscani field

"The hole is intentional so that blocks of stone visible. Because it is the foundation of the city before, "said Gama.

According to history, Viterbo originally named Surrena, built by the Etruscan people who mysteriously. Finally the city is taken over by the Romans, and identified as a fortress that links Rome and northern Italy. At the top of the hill, built the Temple of Hercules, and on it built the Cathedral of San Lorenzo in the 12th century AD. Also, the palace was set again to the Pope, the Papal Palace.

Papal Rome or papal palace

First, never arise controversy. Difficult to assert his authority over the Papal Rome. Many were expelled from Rome because the Pope clashed with the Roman authorities. Viterbo later became the city's expulsion of the expelled pope. Viterbo developed into a free city. The Pope makes Viterbo as a base of resistance against Rome. Consecutive lots of the Pope of this city. From this came the papal city of Viterbo term. So no wonder the Cathedral of San Lorenzo and the main purpose of the Palace of the Pope making main attraction travelers to Viterbo.

As we crossed the plaza, suddenly stopped an old antique car. Passengers down, young couples
dressed bride, a photographer, and his driver. Oh, apparently they do a photo shoot for prewedding intend. Location shooting obviously the Cathedral of San Lorenzo and Pope's Palace decorated with fountains, Fountain of the Loggia. Seeing that, I was reminded of the old town which is also an advanced in Jakarta where the young couple to shoot prewedding.

Another interesting thing is the effort of Viterbo a group of citizens of their home conjure an advanced private museum called la Magione dei Templari or hideout templar, knight defender of the sacred religion of the Middle Ages. They are stylish a la templar; Wearing white clothing bearing the red cross on a long white robe lined chest almost touches the ground, a long sword with a handle-like crosses and skip in gloves at the waist, plus hiking boots. Not to forget to cover the head of an iron sword hold opponent. Costumes are complicated, in my opinion.

They kindly invited us to enter the museum is not given listrk lighting, but using candles. All the furniture was made as closely as possible by mid-century. A water jug, glass, chandeliers, and even write any use of chicken feathers dyed ink edges. They demonstrate how to live templar. Interesting, is not it? Before leaving, we insert some money into the donation box.

Looking at Viterbo as well as view the history of political infighting between the power of the papacy and authority of Rome. Both of them show themselves as competing authorities. On the one hand, power is not going to church just to soften. Finally dictator Mussollini and Pope Pius XI made a deal through the Lateran treaty, in 1929. according to the agreement it was agreed that the limited authority of the papacy as well as given above authority limited territory, namely the Vatican. It is impressive looking traces the power struggle between politicians and clerics who lives in Viterbo.

Blaze Viterbo town, the houses and streets maintained its original form
cathedral san lorenzo inside

Wine tempted Grosjean

I am always fascinated to see the wineries in the valley of the mountains which refreshes the eye. Curiosity redeemed against wine-making process when delivering Ferries Latif and Henny Chrysant Ansharie tour to Grosjean, one of the best wine producers in the Aosta Valley.

Tour starts from the Cantina or wine warehouses, guided Giorgio, one of five brothers who atu mengeloloa this family business. Vincent, brother Giorgio, is the viticulturist (grape growing expert) and enologist (wine making experts) who served as president of the association of wine makers in the Aosta Valley.

Giorgio family have vineyards occupy an area of ​​10 ha in Quart and Saint Christophe. Grapes are cultivated using organic fertilizers. Wine has been produced since 1969 and exported to foreign countries. Grosjean's flagship product, the Pinot Noir.
The first grapes were planted, said Giorgio, is tradizionale petit rouge, gamay, pinot noir, and petite arvine. Later, also planted autoctone Fumin, cornalin, premetta, and vuilermin. The smell of wine in the warehouse piercing sense of smell. From warehouse to switch to the room containing the stainless steel tanks, where brood grape juice for the fermentation process, which flanked the room where there are dozens of oak barrels or casks specially made ​​wine and grape juice brood for the fermentation process. Most of the 12 types of wine produced, clearly Giorgio, using natural yeast. Fermentation in oak barrels gives the effect of race is more rich and complex, while the fermentation in stainless steel tanks to maintain the character of the grapes. After fementastation process, obtained a clear wine, and then inserted into the bottle.

Arrive at the taverna, a special room to receive guests and wine testing, we had the opportunity wine testing. I shook the glass of Vallee D'Aoste Doc Vigne Pinot Gris Creton and inhale the scent of apples and elderberries. Sense of warmth and sweetness leaving a very pleasant sensation on the tongue. Before going home, we stopped at a vineyard in the beautiful valley of Mount Emilius - Enung Nurwati.

Cuisine a la Salerno 0 km

Giuseppe Soriente deft hand formed pizza dough, then equip it with a topping of tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese. Spry, he used a shovel from the iron, put the dough into a wood oven. A few moments later, he proudly served margherita pizza that has been cooked it. I devoured it, and ... um, really tasty!

Giuseppe, is the expert to make pizza, but it's not a chef. He was chief financial officer in Naples and Selerno. The work he did in making pizzas, family-owned restaurant is only open on weekends. Besides pizza margheritta, he also expertly made limenlla pizza topped with lemon slices, mozzarella, and a little chili powder.

The name of the restaurant was Agriturismo Soriente, the mix of farming and cultivation Gulelmo Soriente last name, Giuseppe's father. The restaurant is located in a private family-owned plantations on the hill Soriente is indeed unique-dish menu is created with a different concept. The head chef was none other than the little brother of Giuseppe, Simona Soriente.

On weekends, people meet to enjoy food restaurant called zero food miles. This term is used by the flow of slow food as opposed to the flow of fast food. All the raw materials of food, from meat to vegetables, comes from his own garden. Therefore, almost no nmayones, soy sauce, or tomato sauce ready to use in bottles.

"Usually the menu depending on seasonal local produce. For example, cucumber, eggplant, or broccoli, in the spring time, "explained the elder Antonia Soriente. "Tomta fresh in the summer, or chestnuts and mushrooms in the autumn time," added the woman who is a professor of Language and Literature at the University of Indonesia Orientale, Naples.

I tasted one by one appetizer; buffalo mozzarella with Bruschetta, mozzarella eggplant rolls, also grilled spiced cucumber parsley and a little cayenne. Also, a variety of vegetables, ham, salami, and omelette with garlic. Everything is delicious! Moreover mozzarella is shaped like a chicken egg and its Bruschetta.

Actually, the appetizer was enough to make me glut. Antonia  then came the main dishes, pasta and steak beef fusili-while opening a bottle of red wine. Hmm. We were dining together in the courtyard restaurant in the shade of a trellis plant lemon.

This time it seems that I give up, right-realy glut. But when the pie dessert and fruit juice served at the table, I did not dare refuse. I must admit, made pies sister Antonia, Monica Soriente, this is really good. Unknowingly, I've spent a few pieces.

This is what I like from Italy, pickled food can take hours, from 12 noon until four o'clock in the afternoon. Moreover, I came together with a lunch to celebrate a child baptism restaurant customers. And became increasingly protracted because of the meal are also interspersed laughter, share stories, exchange information, and against gossip. Interestingly, the way Italians speak while moving the hands and body are very expressive.

I hope someday culinary zero kilometers is also growing in Indonesia. Because in addition to healthy food, also increases perekonomia village. Hopefully.

Food Logistics Kilometer Zero, Agriturismo Sorente, Viale B. Franco 1, Roccapiemonte - Salerno. T. +39081931850, +393470408757. Price menu complete with appetizers, uta, and cover 25euro per person. Accommodation available in 3 rooms at the restaurant, 25euro per person.

Remembering Pompeii and Maradona

"There are three things you must learn during a visit to Italy," Franco said with a joking tone. "First, food, two, women. Third, invective exclaimed, "I laughed at something the man who is a cop.

  Galeria Umberto, a shopping center located not far from the port city of Naples.

This is the dirtiest city of Naples which is said in Europe. Although chaotic, still has its own charm. I proved this when visiting Spaccanapoli, historic area in downtown. One of the must-see destination is the San Gregorio Armeno. The size of the street whose name is taken from the Armenian Church of St. Gregorio's origin is not wide, about four meters, enough for one car. Incidentally time passed, I passed a hearse procession, followed by the group on foot behind. None of the passersby. All paused to pay homage to the group mourner. After they passed, then the people passing by again.

city of Naples
San Gregorio Armeno

Photo maradona legendary footballer coupled with other saints in the heart of Naples City,  San Gregorio Armeno Street.

The atmosphere here seems chaotic shops crammed with more than half a million people are held, especially before Christmas. Segalam kinds of goods sold, from food, used books, until the Christmas decorations such as miniature sculptures (figurin) three wise men, Jesus, and maonna. The price is not cheap, miniature sculpture of the events of Jesus' birth around 40 euros. No Hanay nuanced religious statues being sold here, as well as the nuances of worldly like figurin from Prime Minister Sivio Minister Berlusconi, Maradona, and Pope John Paul II a saint or another. Arguably, the most dominant figurin Maradona. Understandably legendary football player is very lovable residents of Naples since helped the city's club champions league from Italian serie A. Post maradona, football club Napoli never won again. Like a saint or holy man, he is revered, his picture was displayed on the walls of San Gregorio Armeno Street. Even the half-body photos of uniformed sporty side by side with images of saints, like the Pope, the saints, Jesus, and Madonna.

Fig / objects that are removed after hundreds of years buried eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the event of Pompei

Fig / pin number the backs of the famous Italian footballers make a souvenir of Napoli

  everyone busy with their affairs. The view on the balcony of Orientale University in Naples

Surprisingly, in the 'chaotic' with high crime rates are churches scattered throughout the city, and close distance. I am visiting the Church of San Gregorio Armeno with the baroque style and was built in the 10th century, as well as the Duomo Cathedral of Naples where there's a relic of St. Genaro, the patron saint of Naples. In Italy, every town has a patron or a patron saint of the city. It was a tradition every year, people celebrate the festive patron. After the Duomo, I visited the Church of San Lorenzo Maggiore in the north end of San Gregorio Armeno street, plainly walking south toward the harbor, past the Monastery of Santa Chiara in the town square or Piazza del Guzu'Nuovo.

In the port of Naples, passenger ships moored. The ships contain thousands of passengers that sailed the Sea Meditarian and brought the travelers to the island of Sicily, Sardinia, or any other country. From the edge of the sidewalk overlooking the sea, I looked along the shoreline of Naples. From a distance looks of Mount Vesuvius towering vertically between the horizontal line the beach. What I saw might be seen as Pliny, eyewitnesses who wrote about the eruption of Vesuvius that buried Pompeii in the eighth century AD. He watched it from Miseno coastal city located a few kilometers west of Naples.

Pliny notes dated August 24, 79 BC, about the volcano eruption events that coincided with the commemoration Vulcanalia, the day the Roman God of Fire. Would sign it begins with the arrival bercana mengngeringnya springs and wells. The explosion spewed clouds of pine tree-shaped peak. Then the cloud quickly down the mountain slopes surrounding cover everything including the Mediterranean sea yagn located to the south. City of Pompeii, located only ten kilometers in the southeast of Vesuvius buried and burned out by the hot ash cloud piroplastik. Pyroclastic flow is also coming out of the mouth of Mount Merapi in Java which is called ‘wedus gembel’. Occupancy in Pompeii made of thick brick walls and stone, to the structure and foundation walls remain intact.

Pompeii is only 15km from the city of Naples. Using a toll road takes only 10-15 minutes travel time. Entrance for the city of Pompeii 10Euro per person.

When walking in the city who had an advanced ruins I imagined how quickly and suddenly the flow of heat clouds that move. Looks ruins sports center, basilica, temple of Apollo, forums, shops, baths, showers, served until drainage system. Presumably Pompeii city prosperous. Blanket of ash make this city a naturally preserved. Some household tools that were saved were collected in a storage warehouse. Visitors can only view and take pictures from outside the warehouse. Here, there is also a replica of a human being buried alive.

In the city of Naples, I remember Maradona, prime times, and the great talent that inspired its citizens. In Pompeii, I remember the days gray-time history of mankind to conquer nature and glory of mankind leaving humanitarian crisis.

Italian cuisine in Upper Tram

Peiro Marchelli raised champagne glasses aloft and exclaimed, "Salute!" All the guests had come to raise a glass and exclaimed, "Salute!" When toas pitted glass, eye glass holders must look at each other. That toas style Italian. Piero and the guests seemed eager to follow the stages of the meal. Occasionally a lawyer from the city of Turin was speaking in a loud voice, guiding guests to sing and clap.

Fig. The waiter serving food at Tram Ristorante Atmospheric walked slowly down old city of Milan.

Special, where a main banquet tonight. Not in a café or restaurant, but the Tram Ristorante AT Mosfera. Solicitation dining at Milano typical tram is coming from my friend, Rieska Wulandari. Long ago, Rieska and Andrea Costi, her husband, as Invitor, has the following tram reserve menu for 48 guests.

"It happens when we ordered, there is an empty one day. Without thinking our direct booking. The important thing is to book first rather than having to wait several more months! "Rieska story with enthusiasm. In addition to the tram reserve, Rieska also order a personalized menu of his guests. The choice, the menu at the carne, or meat, or fish menu at Pesce, and vegetariano or vegetarian menus. I chose the former, as well as other guests.

Trams consists of two old wooden carriages are quite old but still well cared for. They were green with yellow stripes as trim sweetener. Large windows like a tram in general. Space in the hopper is equipped with a lobby, a small kitchen, and toilets, efficient and beautiful. One wagon load of 24 people. Is actually fairly narrow for the size of Europe. But it is precisely this that makes the atmosphere more intimate. Once the tram to move, waiters began serving meals to guests.

Appetizers insalata
di carne in the form of a small portion of meat carne young mixed vegetables. After that, the food second, trofile al ragout in annatraccolo e piselli or duck meat. The third food spseial fairly petto di faraona baandrato con spinacino al pepe verde e lime or sliced ​​chicken breast meat blended green and lemon pepper seasoning. Very delicious. Surprisingly, each guest received a bottle of wine. In closing, served a glass of café e frandises as well as typical Italian biscuits, plus a wedding cake and a glass of champagne. We enjoyed all of the dish while occasionally glanced out the window, admiring the beauty of the architecture of the old city of Milan.

Dine in a tram to the attention of the pedestrians. They smiled at us, and not a few who waved or applauded. We responded by lifting a glass of wine with a smile A bunch of football club AC Milan fans who had come home to watch our passing tram.. Piero marchelli spontaneously asked us to applaud the fans, "Forza Milan!" The superter the roadside who feel salute was applauded back. Ah, this is very pleasant family atmosphere. Two hours passed, the tram was back to square one, Centrale. When all the passengers off the tram, the driver rang the bell sign is ready to do the following trip. The waitress waved at us and said, "arrivederci!

Reservations, Tram Ristorante atmospheric ATM, Azienda Trasporti Milanesi. Hopper capacity of 24 people. Each car is equipped with a lobby, a small kitchen, and toilets are efficient and beautiful. Cost around 100 euros per person including champagne and wedding cake. The menu is different every season.

Shocked market swing and Local Celebration

When about leaving Sferracavallo-Palermo, we passed a group of people riding horses, consisting of children, adolescents, and adult males. They put on military uniform as heroes who had worn the unification of Italy, Giuseppe Garibaldi, red shirt and hat, blue pants, and neck ties italian flag. Soon, other groups emerged again put pm medieval uniform warfare, but not riding. Carrying a military flag, they filled the streets. Not to forget a bunch of old veterans who wore military uniforms of World War II era. There is what the hell?

"We are commemorating the unification of Italy, as well as the services of the heroes from Sferracavallo who desperately fought with Giuseppe Garibaldi," said one veteran.

Sferracavallo is one of Garibaldi haven. Plermo have role Italy when revolution was prominent. Palermo is very large support ata Garibaldi expedition around Italy while waging a campaign for the unification of the country.

Statue of Saint Pasquale paraded rollicking and sprinkled with flowers or colorful paper old town of Nocera Superiore citizen in the memorial day of the patron or protector of the city.

Before this, I had witnessed the celebration of the patron Concorso Internazainole dei Manonnari in the small town of Nocera Superiore, Salerno. The celebration was held to honor Maria Santissima in Costantinopoli Madonna (Virgin Mary) and San Pasquale Baylon, a saint who is believed to be the patron or patrons of Nocera Superiore. Month of May as the month of Catholics believed the Virgin Mary.

On a city street-Salerno Nocera Superiore, street painting festival is held. Thousands of people flooded the streets Vincenzo Russo extends for one mile to see hundreds of people to paint, carve or Conte chalk on the asphalt road surface. The theme of the painting: religious scene is written in the gospel. The result, a kind of carpet that will be passed hundreds of meters of the sacred procession of the statue of the Virgin Mary and of Saint Pasquale on the next day.

Patron day celebration was held to say thank you to one man or religion in welcoming the harvest celebration with the people who usually berkatian agricultural tradition. Basically combines folk ritual with religious rituals to thank you for kindness and begged away from crime. It is said that this celebration has been around since the church Maria Santissima in Costantinopoli built in the XVII century (1614) and possibly earlier.

Ritual procession started from the churchyard Maria Santissima in Costantinopoli, in the afternoon. Residents parading statues of the Virgin Mary and St. Pasquale and around the city while collecting donations for the activities of the people. The collecting donations to bring the board could inserting money.The procession through the city streets, and residents in the street can be slipped on the board for the donation. While they also contribute to laying flowers to the statue of the Virgin Mary and St. Pasquale. The procession will pass through the nets which already painted. During the procession took place, prayer and praise sung by the participants. This celebration is also enlivened by the performances of national artists, children's playground, and night markets. Arena have been painted suddenly turn into the market shock. Many traders on the sidewalks selling various kinds of food.

Fig. The local youth wearing military uniforms of the 19th century to commemorate the unification of Italy in the city Sferracavallo

Fig. Two artists to paint the story of the gospel on the street in order Concorso Internazionale dei Maonnari festival in the town of Nocera Superiore

Cheap Lodging ala Ostelli d'Italia

The path in adolescents Ostello cottage in the town of Baia del Corallo Sferacavallo.

There are ways to save travel costs in Italy; stay in Ostelli d'Italia or teen cottage. Ostelli is a Hostelling International network. Almost in all Italian cities there network. During in Italy I two times stay at Ostelli, namely, Catania and Palermo Sferracavallo-, two-Duany in Sicily.

Ostelli in the city of Catania is Ostello del Plebiscito 527 Plebiscito on the road. T / F 095-457088 Rates from 18.5 to 20 euros per person including breakfast and internet. Ostelli in Sferracavallo even cheaper, the Baia del Corallo in Plauto Road 27. T 0916797807; F. Rates Hanay 0916912376 5.13 euros per person. Both ostelli provides rooms with bunk beds. One room for two, four, or six. Conditions are clean and always maintained. Ostello advantage of this strategic location and not far from tourist attractions. Ostello del Plebiscito located near the ancient port and fish market, while Baia del Corallo located in the heart of tourism destinations. Precisely at a small hill overlooking the Mediterranean sea. Via an online reservation well in advance of arrival. For information across the network in Italy Ostello can check in While in Milan, I was also staying at the hostel that cost countless cheap. Named Villa Melchiorre, situated not far from Centrale or central station. Rates per person 25 euros including breakfast. Separate bathroom. The price is pretty cheap for the size of Milan. If wanted to stay here please contact via email; or T. 0266989311

The warmth of Sicily in southern Italy

The experience of driving the furthest after the Aosta to Rome is from Salerno to Sicily. This last Ruter fun to be lived. First, many toll roads for free. Second, highway users are not much to Sicily. Often tens of miles the distance is just the vehicle we are driving on the highway. Third, after entering the central region of Sicily, lies the valley and hill scenery is captivating.

  The coastal city youth Cetaflu cleaning an increasingly recognized to be a place after shooting the Oscar-winning film, Cinema paradiso

The route that we traveled from Salerno through the Calabria region. At the southern tip of Italy, we crossed from Port Villa San Giovanni, Calabria, to the city of Messina on the island of Sicily. We bought ferry tickets to go home for 63 euros, including cars and passengers.

  Statue of St. Leo the fence ornaments near the Duomo in Catania, Sicily

The warmth of the southern people look at when the queue of vehicles. While waiting for the ferry arrived, they were out of the vehicle and talking with other riders. Some even share their candy, drinks, or food. Typical sights like that I think hany is in film comedy Benenuti al Sud where perbedan lifestyles of the north and south of Italy described hyperbolic. Congestion for the north is suck, while in the south is a showcase for
gathering. Northerners only sputter, a southerner make campfire coffee while. Hyperbole, but it accurately reflects differences in the character of the Italians in the north and south.


Ferry only takes 30 minutes to take across us to Messina, in Sicily. About an hour of Messina, we arrived in the city of Taormina.

 down the street in the town of Cefalu.

La vita e-defense, life is beautiful, said the Italian. That's the impression I got when it came to the corners of the small town of Taormina. Precisely in the plaza Chiesa San Giuseppe. Floor square is made of light dark diagonal patterned like a chessboard.

That afternoon, the atmosphere of the square edge of the sea is so alive. I can not tell which local residents and travelers. All gathered to enjoy the beautiful atmosphere and a warm afternoon. The children running around, some other skateboard and bicycle. The elderly sitting in groups in front of the hall Giuseppe Garibaldi. Some mothers are busy gossiping while keeping her son. The street painters add festive atmosphere that afternoon.

On the side of the square stands the church of San Giuseppe or Saint Joseph the baroque style was built around the 1600's. To reach the entrance, go through the stairs on the left-right twin. Above the entrance, there is a head ornament like a skull and crossbones pirate emblem. On top of the skull, there is a statue of St. Joseph combines cross.

The atmosphere of the square like this I found in Cefalu, a town east of Palermo. Cefalu
is a city of old fisherman who is now a famous tourist destination in the north coast of Sicily. The atmosphere of the square umbrella palm tree looks like in the Middle East. Arab culture does have an influence on Sicily, entering through the Mediterranean Sea.

We continue walking north toward the Port of Piazza Marina. Wow, amazing scenery. There exists an L-shaped dock The  local youths  busy cleaning up the polluted white sand. Fishing boats lined the beach look. Some people are busy fishing. One of them shows the squid catch while talking in Italian language I do not understand. This is the warmth of southern Italy. They did not put distance travelers. I did not encounter difficulties during the shooting in Sicily. In fact rarely photographed local residence had requested.

Old buildings that lined the harbor along fishing village it adds to the impression of a classic. Some young children swim at the edge of the dock, they jumped high from the top of pier, dive into the crystal clear sea and swam to shore. The view of the harbor is exciting. No wonder this port as one of the shooting of the film Nuovo Cinema Paradiso directed by Giuseppe Tornatore. The film received an Oscar in 1989. saw this place I feel connected to the shadows of the Italian that I often see in old movies.

Strangely, I do not see a single fisherman or the fish market. Perhaps the time is not right. Some disused fishing nets left just on the side of the dock.

Unlike the city of Catania, also in Sicily, the existence of traditional fish market, La Pescheria, even an advanced visit the famous tourist spot. Only traditional fish market opened in the morning. Located only tens of meters to the south of the plaza or Piazza Duomo where there is a statue of the elephant symbol of the city of Catania. At the fish market that Henny had seduced a fisherman in a tone of humor. Form of the typical warmth of Catania.

At first I was a little worried visit to Sicily. Is not this nest mafia? But the reality Sicilian hospitality and warmth made me comfortable. Mafia groups only I could find on souvenirs that to mock the notion that the Sicilian mafia place. Souvenirs in the form of small features of mothers and fathers fat with the rifle in his right hand while his left hand carrying plates of food. Or, patch refrigerator magnet with a picture of actor Marlon Brando in The Godfather by tuisan language in Sicilian dialect regions in Indonesia roughly means, "Holy shit, I was in Sicily!"

Knitting the Past for the Future

  When the street singers sang All My Loving The Beatles' work, a pair of tourists from Spain spontaneous dancing in Piazza Navona, Rome

Many roads lead to Rome, so the saying goes. Looks like the saying, because the streets in the city of Rome is so complex, branching, and very confusing especially for travelers like me. So no wonder if Gama Harjono, Indonesian youths who settled in the city, offering me to find lodging near Termini, or station center. "
Let easy if you want to go everywhere," he said. Gama's right, all matters so very practical if you live around Termini or the terminal center of Rome.

I stay at the Hotel Principe Eugenio Moscatello Road. The fee was 65 euros per person, quite expensive. Once checked in, the receptionist tore something of a big thick book and then gave it to me.
Evidently, it is a tourist map of Rome. I studied the map, Oh God! many right places can be visited in Rome! Finally I asked Gama Harjono become a tour guide.

Gama brought around from around Termini through Piazza della Republica, continued westward along the highway del Quirinale. Then, turn right past the alleys winding. We arrived at the plaza or Piazza della Pillota, where the photo exhibition was held late Pope John Paul II as part of a campaign procession Yohanes Baeto or the coronation of Pope Paul II as saint or holy person.

Plainly, we arrived at a crowded open spaces. The people sitting around a pool without water. On the north side of the pool, standing stately buildings adorned with several statues of angels, humans, and animals. Usually the buildings and statues were pouring water to a pond.

Police looked on guard at the edge of the pond. In the pool it be some person who was brushing the pool while picking up coins are scattered on the bottom. Gosh, this Fontana de Trevi! Gama smiled at me just realized that now is in one important place tours in Rome. Unfortunately, I came in when the pond is being drained.

"The money donated for the benefit of the city of Rome," said Gama. I fail to throw three coins over your shoulder with his back to the fountain-such as locals habits and travelers. Coin, a desire that are being said, throwing three coins into the pond will be granted. If I flip a coin, wants what I want to pray? Hmm, so soap star also seems funny, huh?

Next, we expanded the square Della Rotunda where stood the Pantheon, the Roman temple which was built in 27 BC, also in the Area Sacra Largo Argentina, the ancient Roman temple which is famous for its legendary cats. It is said that because of a cat, the temple was saved from the danger. Until now the temple was finished gathering place for wild cats. They were allowed to live there and become its own attraction for the travelers.

Gama then took us to the south. From the alleys we had faintly audible chanting the song All My Loving The Beatles performed the work of a street musician as he plays guitar. Musicians sound a cowboy hat that meets the Piazza Navona, built in the first century AD. Spontaneous pair grandfather and grandmother, Spanish travelers, danced to the rhythm of the song in the middle of the plaza. his friends applauded. Ah, so lovingly

 Swiss troops who voted strictly guarded all entrances to important buildings in the Vatican. This tradition is hundreds of years old

There is one more square in Rome that the famous Piazza di Spagna or the Spanish Steps. There are 138 stairs to get to the top of the square. Well, on the steps that every day thousands of travelers come in and sit around enjoying the atmosphere. Matt Damon, actor Hollywood ever make that square one movie set of The Talented Mr. Ripleys. Gama told me, a place as busy as it should be vacated for the purpose of making films. I imagine how difficult it must expel thousands of people. In front of the plaza is a fountain of fennel in Italian is called Fontana della Barcacia or fountain of old ships, because of its bleak vessel. Water can be drunk directly.

  On the right-wing church was St. Peter opened a special impromptu gallery displaying memorabilia items late Pope John Paul II

Slightly shifted to the west, there is a way Della Condatti, most expensive streets in Rome! Perfumed outlets for fashion and famous brands, such as Gucci, Prada, Dior, Vuitton Luois, etc., lined here. The window was designed luxurious and glamorous. I seemed to not believe in  price I see on the board; Dresses 4800 euros, 2350 euros jackets, bags 3500 euro, 620 euro shoes, and bracelets as a complement to 920 euros. The total price of 12,190 euros a set of clothes! With the price of that expensive stuff still sells. The buyer is usually a traveler who comes from Japan and the Middle East.

  Works of contemporary art installations in public open space into the face of the city of Rome right now

Until late at night I get around Rome and Gama. Do not miss visiting the famous Jewish residential area, Ghetto. There are many contemporary art galleries that cost a fortune. Not far from the Ghetto, there are temples Portico D'Octavia. Trace the history of the temple was built emperor Augustus for his sister, Octavia. The ruins of this temple was maintained and well cared for. From here, we stop in a row Momento Vittorio Emmanuele II A, buildings and monuments to remember the King of Sardinia which became the first king of united Italy in the country; place gladiator fights, it's famous Colosseum; then the next day, the Vatican. I ride the bus nicknamed "Pickpocket Express", because so many travelers are stolen in the bus incident.

Arrive at the Vatican, in the Church of St. Peter, I noticed some people to tears to see the statue of the famous artist Michelangelo's Pieta, which depicts the Virgin Mary lap of Jesus dying and wounded. I was stunned to see it, do not feel tears. The statue was so alive! In my opinion, Pieta densely spiritual message.

Seeing the streets in the city of Rome I like seeing the process of development of a city. When the designers of the city has to draw the line for a road, in the segment that a civilization will emerge. After the street woke up not easily erased even take thousands of years. I saw how the city develops in tandem with human civilization. Finally I left Rome, the city proper view of civilization, because the ability of communities in maintaining the legacy of her past-and prepared to return to Indonesia contradictory.

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