
Friday, December 23, 2011

Waiting for the Fair Aroweli in Rawa Aopa

executive summary by darmansjah
It was almost two hours our party down the Swamp Aopa in Southeast Sulawesi. Sun is preparing to drop an umbrella company of overcast skies. When the boat leads back to the dock, pandanus grove of water that covers one corner of the swamp sudden noise. By Mohamad Final Daeng

Not unexpectedly, from behind a grove of it appeared a large bird that flies with a distance of only 15 meters in front of the boat. His figure looks clear with wide wings to break the silence of the swamp.

"Well, that's it. Aroweli! Aroweli! "Mustari said Tepu half cheered as Dial-calling the bird. Mustari is the controlling officer of the forest ecosystem
Aopa Watumohai Swamp National Park that guides us through the wetlands that.

Mustari is not playing with joy at the sight of a bird called latin
Mycteria cinerea, also known by the name of the white stork 'bangau bluwok' or 'bangau putih susu', it is. Aroweli is the local name of these beautiful birds in Southeast Sulawesi.

Although aroweli attractions can be enjoyed only less than a minute before disappearing in the sky, wonder and excitement for a long time managed to find the bird imprint. A smile kept attached to the face Mustari.

It's known, water birds, including this one category of rare and protected. From the data Bird Life International, an estimated worldwide population of this species is less than 5,500 birds and a major deployment in Cambodia, the Malay Peninsula, and Indonesia.

For that reason, the emergence aroweli evening so special. Her presence seemed complete satisfaction after watching dozens of other birds that look before.
Aroweli including large stork family with a body length reaches 1 meter and up to 1.5 meter wingspan. Easily recognizable physical characteristics with smooth white body black feathered wings. A long yellow beak with a red face and legs.

Wetland ecosystems are still "pure” in Rawa Aopa become an ideal habitat for Aroweli who likes to migrate. "In addition aroweli, migratory birds that are often seen here is a kind of Australian pelicans," Mustari said.
Pelican tampa usual in Rawa Aopa around June-July.
Heaven Water Bird


Aopa marsh is part of the Taman Nasional Rawa Aopa Watumohai (TNRAW), Southeast Sulawesi. In addition to the swamp, there are mangrove forest ecosystem, savannah, and lowland tropical rain forests and mountains.

Widespread swamp ecosystem Aopa hekatar actually reaches 30,000, but only about 12,000 hectares located in the region TNRAW. The total area is 105.194 hectares of national parks (1.6 times the area of ​​DKI Jakarta), which entered in the four districts, namely South Konawe, Konawe, Kolaka, and Bombana.

Aopa swamp life seemed to be a haven for water birds. Aroweli addition, there are 39 other species of water birds can be seen live freely there, with most of the incoming clock protected category. Some of them are
great egrets, sea cangak, blekok rice, red cekakak, grouse, pecuk snakes, and black ibis.

The birds are "at home" to inhabit swamps Aopa because of the abundant food sources, such as various types of fish, insects, worms, snakes, shrimp, and frogs. In addition, fertile plants that float on the surface of the swamp life, such as
water hyacinth, water pandanus, water fern, and the lotus, also provide a refuge and breeding comfortable.

Balai TNRAW said the region was already established as one area of ​​wetlands of international importance by the Ramsar Convention on 6 March 2011. Ramsar Convention is an inter-governmental agreement on protecting the world's wetlands.

Rawa Aopa also plays a vital role as one of the main sources of clean water in the plains of northern Sulawesi, including the capital city of Turkey. Aopa swamp itself is the largest swamp ecosystems on the island of Sulawesi and the three upstream watershed, namely Poleang, Roraya, and Konaweha.

Swamp ecosystem Aopa located in the northern part TNRAW main function as a catchment and water reserves. At times of high river flows, water flows back into the swamp so that it also functions as a regulator of the flow of lake water in the river system.

Aopa marsh is about 80 kilometers, or 1.5 hours drive west of Kendari. Condition of paved road access to the site seamlessly. Regions included in the Swamp Aopa I TNRAW Konawe residing in the south. From there, visitors can rent a boat and guide services to trace the swamp at a cost of U.S. $ 28. One boat can contain 10 people. So, it would be more efficient if it comes in the party.

Visitors are advised to bring
binoculars to get a better observe the activity of water birds. In the middle of the swamp there is also a small island called Hope Island that has a heading and viewing post. From the substation as high as 10 meters, the eyes of visitors to more freely explore the surrounding marsh.

However, unfortunately, the condition of the island's buildings have been much damaged. Wooden pier provided the framework left to live, so visitors should be very careful when walking. Suppose maintained, the location is perfect for relaxing while enjoying a picnic lunch marsh.

In addition to bird watching, fishing can also be an alternative activity in
Rawa Aopa. Types of fish that can be easily obtained is the cork, catfish, Sepat, and tilapia. Many local residents rely on the livelihoods of fishing there. So, immediately pack your suitcase because of the beautiful aroweli was waiting.

1 comment:

  1. Dear traveler guide,

    I'm doing some reseurch to Rawa Aopa.
    because I'm planning a trip to there this summer and have a lot of questions about how to get there, where to stay, what to bring and wich guides I need....

    can you help me with this?

    thanks dieuwertje (the netherlands)
