
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Year renewal in Singapore

Currently without advertising too, Singapore has been flooded with millions of tourists the businessman. So, what the country is also desirable that the lion-headed fish, by repeatedly good serve ads in a number of world media?
Special ad that aired in Indonesia, a strong suspicion they were reminding our people that there place so fun to visit and not far from Indonesia. Only 1 hour and 40 minutes when reached from Jakarta by plane.  
Not long ago, a private television presenting recreational programs are also excursions that serve ads. Uniquely, the song that accompanies the Singapore Indonesian-language ads. It shows the image to be built by the Singapore authorities, the State was already so familiar and friendly for the citizens of Indonesia. 
 Singapore seemed to realize, the increasing number of middle class in Indonesia contributed dala potentially huge foreign exchange for the country. Promotion also becoming intense. Pots were intercepted, a number of airlines to open routes from Jakarta to Singapore more than two times a day. Such flights GarudaIndonesia serve eight times, six times LionAir, and AirAsia five times.  
Singapore authorities desire seems to materialize. Every holiday season arrives, the State which covers only about 710 square kilometers, never abasen from the list of tourist destinations. Apart from any holiday season, the State was also constantly busy by the activities of entrepreneurs.  
Singapore Tourism Board (STB) announced, the number of tourist arrivals from Indonesia increased by 32%. Indonesia Year 2009, the number of people who come to Singapore about 1,745.000 people, and ride menajdi 2,305,000 people in 2010.  
The Singapore government also did not play in keeping the country's allure. They issued so many regulations to govern the behavior Wargan; yes. As a result, an advanced state of authoritarian impressed. All set up, one little forfeiture, as manifested by an entrepreneur who opened a boutique in the area of ​​Ann Siang Road. Try and ride public transportation in Singapore. Net impression would soon spread our eyes. The situation in public places is also relatively safe. A taxi driver told me in every crowd is always tucked uniformed police officers on duty. As soon as there are people who do evil will suspect immediately dealt with. 
Not just for traveling or doing business. Singapore also offers a haven for students from around the world. The cost of studying in Singapore including the cheapest. Hotcourses Indonesia, part of a network of websites and guidebooks largest educational Inngris, Hotcourses Ltd, once revealed, in Southeast Asia there are two countries that charge the lowest education, namely Singapore and Malaysia.  
Malaysia country charged around 23.7 million rupiah per year undergraduate program and Singapore separately quoted around 76.4 million rupiah per year for undergraduate courses. Intentional or not, how to market themselves Singapore reminds us of the strategies revealed by experts 4P Marketing, Philip Kotler. 
They present the situation of the city, places, travel, business center, until the providing quality educational facilities. Those are all the products they offer. The price offered to prospective tourists to taste the product that dared to compete. 
Many important sights in Singapore can be achieved easily with a scheduled transportation service and discipline (place). Finally, although Singapore has its own place in the eyes of the world, like the island of Bali, they continue to intensify campaigns to always keep in mind the image of their development. Why many middle-class citizens in Indonesia prefer to seek treatment in Singapore? This is an important reflective questions, concerns four aspects earlier.

SURPRISE prizes.
Celebrating the turn of the year, our feet will move to Singapore? Maybe. However, no need to impose themselves in the country because too many places and events that fit to await the arrival of 2012.
However, for those who have enough budget for a trip to Singapore, so-so occasionally we enjoy how they commemorate this annual routine with a festive manner, through the celebrations and an invitation to shop.
At the end of the year, a number of shopping centers in Singapore held a selling with discounts that feels great. Generally for fashion products. Momentum is a business opportunity for financial service industry, such as credit card providers. 
By using a credit card, we indeed become more secure in traveling, than takes the wad of cash. However, we have to be smart and aware when shopping with credit card bills so that we do not oversized.
There are many financial institutions that offer various facilities via credit card. When you go to Singapore and shopping in SNA getting easier, now time for us to be good at setting up a fire wall between needs and wants. Because, if both are to blend in, it is quite possible after the holidays we actually choking debt!

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