
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Your Journey | Shaoguan

Natural Enchantment pleasure of Shaoguan
By Darmansjah

Vacation and travel abroad at the end of the year will give a different pleasure. East Asia is a region that is not too far away to be used as tourist destinations. Affairs of China, is one of the country worth a visit at a time when holidays.

China, as presenting endless variety of tourist attractions that can be enjoyed by visitors. One is Shaoguan, a small town in the north province of Guandong (Canton) with less tourists stunning landscape that is unique. When departure from Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong Province, there are two ways that can be used to go to Shaoguan, which is using the bus, while enjoying the scenery along the journey for three hours, or use a fast train while enjoying the technological sophistication of the train for about an hour


Arriving at Shagoguan, ktia natural phenomena presented in Danxia Mountain Park, which is a national park in the category of World Heritage by UNESCO, which consists of clusters of coral-colored hills and mountains of red. Here, tourists can enjoy a unique landscape with a cruise up the river.

In addition, visitors can enjoy the beauty of the trail in May Ku Guan Dao, a region which lies on the border between Jiangxi and Guandong Province, where tourists will be fascinated by the rows of plum trees blossom (flower star or mei hua) that are blooming in winter , while walking toward the gate of ancient boundary marker for both provinces.

guandong province

After enjoying the natural charm of Shaoguan, we can also experience comfortable accommodation in one of the luxury hotel that has a unique design. There are many other interesting attractions found in this country worth visiting china tourists by the end of the year.

Exploration trip to China can be found in one of the tourist sites TravelerGuidance.Blogspot.Com that provide information about tourist resorts in China as well as modes of transportation and accommodation of the leading airlines, flights and travel to China is becoming a vacation experience that is not forgotten.

1 comment:

  1. China has a lot of interesting places that you would surely need a couple of days to go all of those places.
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