
Friday, April 27, 2012

Airborne | Sabang

Executive summary by darmansjah
Venturing Year In Nature Park
FOR some, the beginning of the year is always a good time to start something, including the intention to explore the natural beauty of Indonesia. The western part of Indonesia is the perfect place to begin the adventure of nature who wish to explore.

Natural Park (TWA) Weh Island Sea area of ​​2600 hectares could be a promising option. In the TWA Sea Pulau Weh, Sabang there are coral reefs, both hard corals and soft corals of all types, shapes, and colors. All of them form a cluster of interesting reef to be enjoyed, among other lupas coral, coral deer, and coral crackers.
Besides termbu reefs, in TWA Sea Pulau Weh, Sabang can be found also many kinds of fish, corals, such as angel fish, fish tropet, dunsel fish, fish sergeon, grope fish, parrot fish, and others. 

These fish around Pulau Weh TWA Sea and part of the endemic in this area. In addition, many species of fish found economical, such as tuna, snappers, groupers, parrotfish, banana-fish, and others.

Besides enjoying the natural beauty has to offer, you can also do eco-tourism activities that are offered there, such as surfing, canoe ride, swimming, fishing, and diving to enjoy nature with keankearagaman underwater coral reefs and reef fish are beautiful.

Some of the facilities that support tourism activities are also available there, among other cottages around Iboih built by the community, mosques, shelters, toilets, souvenir kiosks, and hotels contained in Gapang.

In addition, there are also various facilities on the island Rubiah built by the local tourism department, such as diving center is equipped with amenities yan (motor boats, scuba gear), mushala, shelter, toilets, guard house, tower, trails, parks, electrical installations.

If you profess to be a true adventurer, TWA Sea places Pulau Weh has always been a fun adventure to begin in 2012, let alone of course a lot of mysterious wandering shooters, brave? Lives at stake.

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