
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Humming wind Mamiri

Largest port city on the island of Sulawesi, Makassar has become one of the central eastern part of Indonesia's economy. Maritime tradition of coherent, satisfying a series of culinary flavor, natural beauty around the city until the historical society bugis interesting to note, all entities combined to form the city formerly known as Ujung Pandan. Edo saputra tells of his visit for three days exploring the country Mamiri Wind. Executive summary by darmansjah
After repeatedly to Makassar, finally I can actually stop in this town for a couple. During this Makassar city only serves as a transit to other destinations. It was not until earlier this year, and dreams can come true with a friend I was traveling around the city of Makassar for 3 days.

On arrival at the Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport, I went straight to the hotel which has been ordered in the way of the Students' Army near the port. The hotel is located in a strategic area, only about 50-10 minutes using public transportation to downtown. The air turned out to compete day in Makassar to Jakarta heat did not dampen my intention to explore this city. After a stopover at the hotel to put luggage and refreshing the body, I rushed to the street in front of the archipelago Port of Makassar to eat foods that should not be missed, Coto Makassar. By driving a rental car, I arrived at the Coto Nusantara, near the Tower of Makassar. No wonder if this very famous coto Makassar, evident from the moment I entered until the end of the meal, incessant visitors to arrive and are willing to queue up even a small place and quite hot. A small bowl containing coto tender cuts of meat and a sprinkling of fried onions and garlic for modern diamond comes accompanied his meal as friends. Coto fragrant aroma that is cooked with firewood making saliva flowing. With the addition of a little lime juice and chili distinctive, herb gravy Coto Nusantara became more delicious. Enough with the 1.2 dollars for a bowl of coto, and a 1 dollars for aketupat’, we can eat full and satisfied.

Armed with a map of the city that was purchased before the trip, my friend and start the adventure along the corners of Makassar. The first destination is Fort Rotterdam which is not so far away from the place of purchase coto. Fort Rotterdam or also known as Ujung Pandang fortress is one historic attraction that should not be missed. No need to spend because there is no special fee for admission to this historic fort. After reporting to the post near the entrance gate and sign the guest book, I was exploring this castle. Form of timber frame and solid entrance typical Dutch colonial buildings still neat and groomed at the fort which is built in the first King of Gowa-Tallo to-9 this. The weather is sunny featuring a blue sky contrasting with the color yellow and red brick roofs of buildings looks very beautiful to preserve. In the area of ​​the fort I La Galigo also visited the Museum which displays an important reference on the history of the Kingdom of Gowa-Tallo and other areas in Sulawesi. In one corner of the fort there is a room where the Prince Diponegoro was arrested in 1834 until his death a year later.
 The day is late afternoon when we stepped out of Fort Rotterdam. Before sunset, I immediately drove to Port Paotere located in the north of Makassa, Ports are also often referred to as the People Paotere Port is a port that has a long history of value, even until the time of the kingdom of Gowa-Tallo., even until the time of the kingdom of Gowa-Tallo. Since the 14th century many boats depart from here to Phinisi trade missions to various ports in Southeast Asia. Until now, Paotere still used as a harbor where boat people lie at anchor various types of ships owned by fishermen and inter-island traders. If you ever travel to the Port of Sunda Kelapa, Jakarta, you definitely will not be foreign to the scene here. Large vessels containing heavy payloads neatly lined on one side of the harbor and afternoon the activity of loading and unloading of ships bound for old trucks still clearly visible. Just opposite seen some young men were busy running to and dribble plastic ball in front of a small goal. In another corner of the harbor seen many people fishing on the pier that juts far enough out to sea. Feet do not want to stop stepping on people's lives for hunting portraits of Makassar in the Port Paotere. Children playing in the water at the edge of the pier, shouting, "Om ... .. Om take  photos , take photos accompanied ..!!" Makassar distinctive accent that makes me laugh. The sun began to disappear on the western horizon. Ship silhouettes began to look into the object that is not less interesting for me to capture.

As the day began to darken we continued the journey back to the center of town looking for dinner. I tried covering up the Chinatown area of ​​Jalan Sulawesi, Irian Road, Serui Road, East Road and Road Sangir. The atmosphere of this region is very interesting especially for me who enjoy the culinary adventure. How not, along the road I were treated to views of a variety of typical food of Makassar with colors, shapes and scents are so tempting. But the dinner options today falls on the 'soup brother' who was in Jalan Irian. Soup which looks almost similar to the Coto Makassar has an interesting flavor. Presented in a small bowl, we are free to choose the content of the soup that we will eat. In addition to beef, we can add a piece of liver, lung, or other cattle offal potato cakes with tiny round-shaped. Hmm ... dinner ... fun and exciting!
Tired of exploring the city of Makassar on the first day pictures relieved with the results I get. The next day I plan to explore Chinatown in Jalan Sulawesi and surrounding areas. Starting from Jampea Road, where there is a gate with a typical Chinese ornament, I started down a path that has many old buildings are unique. One thing that is interesting in this way is an old coffee shop is quite legendary in the city of Makassar is Phoenam Café. Phoenam distinctive aroma of coffee beans are blended from the original Toraja, which combines bean arabica and robusta coffee species, gives a different feel than other coffee shop. Inherent viscosity of strong coffee on the tongue combined with a toast with a smear of rich (srikaya) which delicious an unforgettable breakfast. Shop near the Hotel Yasmin comes with a simple interior is quite impressive even oldies but provide comfort for the visitors. One thing that makes this coffee shop is quite unique, is the owner of a mother who is quite old but still full preen. Apparently, this woman who became one of the main reasons why my friends want to visit the city of Makassar!
One hour coffee and toast in Phoenam rich, I continued exploration around Chinatown Makassar. Penetrate small alleys, I am looking for a market which is located at the intersection between the road and the road Lembeh Bacan that reportedly has its own uniqueness. This market is only open in the mornings only. And it's true, on the morning of this street into a crowded market, while in the afternoon in an instant the streets and became a total net public street without a single seller! Wide range of products available in this market from major vegetables, spices, various fish, fresh meats, snacks and even traditional Makassar. The uniqueness of human interest around this market are the main attraction for immortalized. For lovers of photography don’t  miss to stop by for a moment in this market and explores the unique life in the middle of town.

After a few hours I went back down the Chinatown area of ​​the car driving around town looking for lunch. Not far from Chinatown, I pass a Field Karebosi to find food that is typical of other Makassar Sop Konro and Iga Bakar (konro) Karebosi. Konro soup on the mountain road is indeed appear Lompobattang special: tender meat that is still attached to the ribs are great, very tempting to eat along with konro soup sauce is thick and brown. Secret spice blend that typically make the soup taste Konro Karebosi be hard to forget.
After dining I drove south toward the town to Jalan Somba Opu to buy souvernir typical Makassar. Rows of shops along this road provides a variety of typical products such as peanut disco Makassar, wasps oil, handicrafts, to drink the typical Makassar (passion fruit syrup). Satisfied shopping for souvenirs, I was heading west toward the town of Losari. The beach is a landmark of Makassar is never quiet. Towards dusk, when the sun began to decrease heat and cool sea breezes blowing, people began to arrive and gather on this beach. The atmosphere was quite pleasant sunset while enjoying afternoon snacks like bananas epe is being sold around the beach. Along the Road Comforter parallel to Losari. You can find the lodging of the homestead class to star hotels and a variety of cafes and other entertainment venues are all facing towards the sea.
At night, we stopped at Tans Studio World to see the Trans Studio Theme Park and the Trans Studio Walk a distance not too jaruh of Losari. Newer playground that became the pride of the citizens of Makassar is an indoor theme park that magnitude is not inferior to the malls in Jakarta. Trans Studio Theme Park contains 20 exciting rides and fun games while Trans Studio Walk is a five-story mall with a variety of boutiques of leading brands.
No lingering in Stuido Trans World, I still want to pursue a culinary very pity to miss, Banana Ice Ijo, Pallubuntung, and Jalangkonte. Legitnya banana wrapped in a green colored dough, mixed with a tasty white pulp and red syrup and shaved ice. No less delicious, I also ordered a typical hawker Makassar patty that resembles Jalangkonte. Everything I enjoy in Restaurant Muda-Mudi deer that are on the road.
Last day in Makassar I end by visiting two small islands near the harbor. Ad two options to reach these islands, that is by motorcycle taxi boat for 15-20 dollar one way or by renting a boat for $ 300-400. On the recommendation of a friend I managed to negotiate with the owner of a ship named Daeng Empo to drive me to the island of Lae-lae and Samalona Island. Departing from the port of Rotterdam in front of Fort Popsa 7:30 am to Lae-Lae Island. Maybe for some of the layman, this island is very unusual as it consists of ordinary fishing village. The distance was not far from where I go, only about 20 minutes. But from here I get an interesting view of the city of Makassar I got here. From a distance looks Losari and port even on the other side of the island I can see clearly Trans Studio World. Accompanied by one of his fellow Empo Daeng is also a local resident Lae-Lae Island, I tried to walk around the island. Local island life is exciting to immortalized as a portrait of Makassar marine life of the community. With my camera trying to record the activity of par fisherman who was cleaning the catch. On the other hand, there are the children of the island is cool to play marbles in the yard and some housewives who are busy knitting nets to catch fish used par husband. They all smile and greet a lot of activity and allowed me to photograph them up close. One unique thing I found, if all this time I see a lot of people sunbathing on the beach, on this island I found many goats are sunbathing on the beach!

Less than one hour around the island, I returnedto the dock to continue the journey to the island Samalona. Take about 30 minutes, I arrived at a beautiful small island, with white sand and clear water. This island is a destination you must visit! Blue sky in the morning coupled with the greensea and white sand make yourself as if to lingerhere. Shop around for a moment to the other sideof the island, I also saw some houses on stilts to rent for tourists who want to stay here. On theother hand seems be some foreign touristssunbathing and snorkeling to enjoy the beauty ofunderwater life. Small fish and several other marine life I can seeclearly because they water clarity on the beach. Besides snorkeling, you can also do diving on the island is by contacting your existing provider. When taking a break on the island pier I saw some fishermen anchoredand brought their catch. A variety of fish are still alive in the nets clearly visible in a small boat tiedalongside. Ifinterested you can bid directly and immediately ate the fish.
Can not linger in Samalona because we had to go back to town and catch a plane to return to Jakarta. Back at the hotel after a hurried packing and cleaning ourselves we immediately went to the Sultan Hasanuddin Airport. It was the last day of the grueling, but fatigue is not felt because I was very happy to enjoy the days during the Makassar. Beautiful Island Samalona, unique portrait of life on the island of Lae-Lae, Port Paotere and Chinatown, as well as culinary tourism.
How to Get There
Almost all the national airline has flights to Makassar route. Although the status of international airport, new airline AirAsia which has direct flights from Kuala lumpur, Malaysia. Makassar also be achieved through the sea by ferry from Surabaya, New York, Balikapapan, Tarakan and Labuan Bajo.

How to Explore
The sun feels quite oppressive in this city and you should wear comfortable clothing that absorbs sweat. For a short distance you can walk or use a pedicab is the means of transportation in this city. To be more comfortable you can rent a car to reach destinations further afield.

Where to Stay
Budget: Lodging can be an alternative budget accommodation located right in the middle of Makassar. Located 15 minutes from International Airport and 5 minutes from Hasanudin Losari, from Wisma Jampea you can visit many interesting destinations wisat Makassar easily. JL. Jampea No.2 Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia 9000 tel. +62. 411 317895 e.mail: or enjoy browsing in

Mid: Starred 3 with a touch of traditional and international-standard oriental décor, Dynasty Hotel centrally located Makassar Makassar can be your choice. There are several options for free internet and rooms with facilities such as spa and laundry services. Dynasty Hotel, 30th Street Lombok Makassar 90 112 South Sulawesi, Indonesia Tel.: +62411 325 657 e.mail:, or and log on to:

Lux: you had certainly know one famous hotel chain is native to Indonesia. As one of the best hotels in town. You can enjoy a comfortable five-star facilities, ranging from sports facilities like swimming pools, tennis courts and fitness center, business center varied up to a special restaurant. Hotel Sahid Jaya Makassar, Jl. Dr.Sam Ratulangi Makassar 90 132 33 tel.: (62-411) 875 757, e.mail: or can log on at
Useful Website: or

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