
Sunday, April 22, 2012

So the "Backpacker"? ... Come On!

So the "Backpacker"? ... Come On!
By Harry susilo & Defri Werdiono, executive summary by darmansjah
"Vacation is everyone's right. Our rights also determine the costs, "said Ondo Sirati (33). With bright spirit and a big bag on his back, Ondo was a trip to almost all regions in Indonesia and abroad.
Ondo is a seasoned backpacker. The term refers to the usual tourist sightseeing at low cost. Because it is always attached to a large bag on his back (Backpack) while traveling, the name became popular designation.
Ondo believe, the cost should not be an obstacle to visit the attractions of options. Costs should be able to define our own.
Traveling to new places become his passion since college. Instead of conventional trips through travel agents with a concept that's it, Ondo choose the path of the backpacker.
"In addition to economical, backpacker-style travel adventure could be more pervasive during the trip," he said
New experiences, new friends, and new things are encountered along the way make Ondo addictive.
For the sake of saving costs, the various modes of public transport was attempted abstinence, such as buses and trucks of goods. Overnight in the house of worship until the police had done. Friendship networks in every region visited by creating a free place to stay while visiting the area again later. Destination information extracted through interaction with local community, including the cheapest way to the location. Ondo could save 40% costs.

"The most important factor that makes people really successfully traveling backpacker-style, 80% of them are determined by the network," said Ondo.

He also reminded the importance of detailed planning before travel, for example, purchased airline tickets 3-4 months before it is cheaper.

Offers tips
We-cheap travel tips are also taken Gunawan Hendro Cahyono (47), a backpacker from Semarang. When you go to Beijing, China, with his wife for eight days in September 2010, he only spent US $ 662.98. To save, he switched on a plane from Jakarta to Beijing, but chose the route flight from Jakarta to Kuala Lumpur, then connect to Guangzhou.

"From Guangzhou, my wife and I take a train to Beijing. If you take a direct flight around Rp.3 million / U.S. $ 331.50. With this relay the way, just out of US$ 132.59 per person, "Gunawan said that finding out this information four months earlier.

As a result, Gunawan has been around almost in all the countries of Southeast Asia and China at a cost much cheaper than attending corporate travel program.

Yesterday, Harry susilo and Defri meet Alex Hernandez (20) and Carlos Williams (30) who want to Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta. "We want to find a good surfing spot. So we want to find a map and ask questions to the port, "
said Alex with a Latin-accented English.

Alex and Carlos, who came from Spain, already a month in Indonesia. They along Sumatra and Java, using buses and trains, staying in cheap lodging, meals by the roadside, while looking for interesting sights.

Alex and Carlos budgeted costs eat, stay and other purposes at 10 euros per day. "I carry a 2,000 euros for my living expenses for three months and airfares go-home Spanish," said Alex a holiday of three months from the private firm where she worked.
Backpacker style tour is gathering popularity. In fact, the backpackers from around the world also form its own network in the virtual world through mailing lists, social networking Facebook, and blogs so they can contact each other when they go to the State of domicile of their colleagues.  Among siteor There are also other forums such as Yahoo and on the mailing list backpacker.indonesia on Facebook.

Simply US $ 55.25

Adhadi Praja (23), youth from Garut, West Java, satisfied and proud to conquer the word expensive to travel to the island of Bali. He only spent Rp.500.000 / U.S. $ 55.25 from Bandung, West Java, to Bali Island Selma seven day trip commute.
"Yes, I'm so glad. Achieve? Of course, but it all pays off in the streets of Bali's like my dream. Unforgettable! "Said Adhadi.
By money US $ 55.25 for dial-trip train ride from Jakarta to Yogyakarta connect and Banyuwangi, eating for a week, staying at the Inn Arthawan, Kuta, Bali, for two days and two nights, and hired motor Rp 40,000 / USS4.42 per units per day.
In Bali, the backpacker is increasingly recognized, especially in a number of class inn jasmine. Lodging around Jalan Popies I or Popies II, Kuta, a target backpackers because it affordable, ranging from US $ 5.52 per room per night.

Backpacker phenomenon, according to a University Lecturer Gajah Mada, the field of cultural studies and media studies schools, is a lifestyle that anyone can do. Still, there are last in the spirit of its predecessors.

Backpackers who were usually their own way, low cost, and armed with a map yagn very minimal. They rely on the help of another backpacker or network.

However, there are also backpacker "rich" with the equipment as well as luxurious and expensive clothes.

Now I do not see the spirit of ideological representation of the predecessor. Now more of an alternative lifestyle of traveling, "said the lecturer UGM.

Well, the choice is ours. Needless to recede step because of the minimal cost tour. .. Come On!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for such a good information,I really like your blog, I hope you can continue to keep well.

