
Friday, October 12, 2012

Tonle Sap, Cambodia

The Tonle Sap is East Asia's largest freshwater body

By Thomas Kruse was travelling with his partner in Cambodia in June 2011, executive summary by darmansjah

HOME AFLOAT  - While cruising along Cambodia’s Great Lake, the Tonle Sap, we encountered this boat carrying a fishing family with three children. The older boy helped his mother to steer the boat while the father looked out for a good spot to dock and sell their fish. The younger son was taken care of by the eldest daughter, who also prepared their breakfast. They are just one of the many families who live in floating homes. This allows them to move further inshore when the monsoon rain starts. During rainy season, the water level of the Tonle Sap lake rises and floods thesurrounding plains, turning them into a perfect breeding ground for fish.

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