
Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Endless Ujung Kulon

Narration by Ariya Diani Astika (students of Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agronomy & Horticulture IPB), executive summary by darmansjah

Natural beauty is always present. Scarcity of human touch adds value to nature's beauty. When the four days off some time ago, we used the occasion to greet the natural beauty of Ujung Kulon.

Armed with backpacks, cameras, and logistics for four days, we were fourteen, consisting of students of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) of the Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry, Natural Sciences, Economics and Management, set out at night using public transportation, bus, to rent a vehicle from Attack toward the National Park Ujung Kulon (NPUK).

The trip takes about 12 hours. Therefore, we traveled at night in order to arrive at the destination the next morning. In the last village towards NPUK, Ujung Jaya village, the weather was cool, even in the lowlands. Towering coconut trees, rice fields surrounding. We visited the house of Mr. Sorhim, villagers who often entertained students who wish to visit the TNUK. We take a rest before going into the forest accompanied by Mr Saefudin NPUK, guide.
The journey through the forest toward the resort TNUK coral bed as far as 7 km. during our journey through the dense forest which consists of coastal forests in the north, mangroves, and lowland forests. Mangrove forests function to prevent abrasion of sea water.

On the way, once we crossed the northern coast of Ujung Kulon. Here many of the estuary to the sea we had to cross. We saw a crocodile which was silent in the middle of the estuary. "Almost in every estuary in Ujung Kulon there are crocodiles. As long as we do not interfere, alligators will not bother us, "said Mr. Saefudin.

Rhinos wallow

The journey continues about 4 km longer. Along the way, often heard the sound of birds crowded beach. Route will make our muddy. Pak Saefudin suddenly ask us to stop. He showed traces of rhino that pass along the route. The trail comes from a new rhino teens and passing.

Java rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) likes to roam in the forest NPUK. The presence of rhinos lived about 40 birds. NPUK party attempting to rhino conservation efforts. One of them once a year survey and identification of signs of the rhino, like a trail, pool, and friction rhinos in the tree. NPUK as national parks also form the habitat of rare animals, like bison, suriil, deer, monkeys, gibbons, and leopards.

After running for 3 hours, we arrived at the resort long reef. Here we rested. Not far from ‘Pantai Ujung Ranjang’ resort there. Brown soft sand, warm greeting us in the afternoon. The beach is quiet, just us who enjoy it.

We spent the night in the Coral Beds resort that has clean water facilities. We also cook with firewood stove. Although there was no electricity, we enjoyed the evening decorated with a crescent moon.

In the morning we walked to the beach Cibandawoh. The trip to the beach about 2 hours, with down the road along the 5 km. That afternoon was hot, the sun and sand to make us like walking in the desert. After about 45 minutes passed, returning to camp into the forest.

On the way, Mr. Saefudin offered us see rhinos wallow in the woods. We entered the lush trees. Occasionally rubbed his hands and feet and blisters exposed sharp leaves. Finally we find muddy puddles and muddy rhinoceros. One of the habits of rhinos is wallowing in the water to cool the skin.

Coast beaches and coral beds Cibandawoh have the same coastline, which is in the south. However, the beach has waves Cibandawoh quieter than the beaches of coral bed.

This can be seen from the beach coral beach with white sand bed. The beauty of the west end of the beach is not only out Cibandawoh. There are still other areas that are not less interesting, namely Cibunar. However, to reach it, take a trip for two days.

Although only a small portion west end of our visit, the natural end of the west has endless beauty. West end was still maintaining the beauty and comfort as well as function as a shelter for flora and fauna therein.

Interested? You can try this line: Bogor (Baranangsiang)-Terminal Kampung Rambutan: U.S. $ 1.5 (‘Bus Miniarta’). Terminal Kampung Rambutan-Serang: U.S. $ 2 (‘bus Arimbi’). Desa Ujung Jaya: U.S. $ 5.5 (minibus rental).

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