
Monday, February 4, 2013

Defining Art (chitecture) in Barcelona

executive summary by darmansjah

In 1992, when Barcelona hosted the Summer Olympics, the logo is simple but strong character work of Josep Maria Trias immediately attracted attention. Three scratch lines in blue, yellow and red depicting people are exercising immediately became an icon known around the world for its simplicity and depth of meaning that is displayed. The position Barcelona as the capital of modern art even more firmly.

Modern art is the soul of Barcelona. Graffiti Picasso, Miro, Dali, Gaudi or Tapies as has been fused with the city. Great works they appear invisible to the eye, in the park, on the facade of the building, not just hidden in the room air-conditioned art gallery. Various media get a touch of creative hands, ranging from ceramics decorate the streets of Las Ramblas until the park opens Park Guell, which is still a part of the magic of Barcelona.

The maestro of modern art is gone, but the spirit to continue to promote modern art continues to grow and thrive in this city. Currently, the artists building, or more familiarly called the architect, tracing their hands beautify buildings, old and modern, into a masterpiece that made their name known to the world. Following the spirit that is transmitted by their predecessors, they change the composition of buildings that are not only high taste, but also highlight the traditions and encourage the development of Barcelona as the center of the art world.

Take for example the Mandarin Oriental Barcelona. Located not far from the Casa Batllo and Sagrada Familia, Antoni Gaudi's work two buildings, designed by Patricia urquiola hotel reflects the cosmopolitan character owned by Barcelona. Winning many prestigious awards such as the ADI Design Index, the International Design Yearbook, the IMM Cologne Award, Good Design Award of the Athenaeum Chichago, Red Dot Award and the Elle Decoration International Awards this balancing simple exterior lines with a spacious interior trimmed in carpet weaving and furniture selection works B & B Italia, DePadova, Flos and Moroso. Do not miss the various Scandinavian style armchairs in the restaurant Moment, traditional English leather sofas to tables made in France in the 1900s reinforces the cosmopolitan character of this hotel. The building itself was made after the civil war ended with Manuel Galindez, who was born in Basque, as an architect. Note the artificial marble stone in the 1950s in the facade of the hotel which is now no longer manufactured. "My dream was to build a hotel that I will visit. I travel a lot, and I understand completely what I wanted to do ", so says Rosa Maria Esteva, founder of the Hotel Omm, as written in the book Made by Originals. The woman who is known as an important figure in the world of restaurants in Barcelona is changing his family's old property to be one of the most stylish hotels in the city. In collaboration with architect Capella July, Rosa creates interior and exterior features are different. He gave the black color on the hotel hallway to create a mysterious sensation. Face look like a design hotel with a peeled fruit, soon became a characteristic that makes the famous Hotel Omm. Swimming pool roof off the hotel offers a view towards Gaudi's Pedrera and seas.

Renowned as a manufacturer of quality shoes with unique designs, Camper seemed not want to miss to help to strengthen Barcelona as a city of design. Comes with Casa Camper, a boutique hotel that also has branches in Berlin, since its inception has had loyal customers, the buyers shoes. With a target market that they have known, Camper creating features that make this hotel unique. A touch of minimalism in every room a touch of bold colors, and comes with an extra room and a balcony. Located in one of the creative center of Barcelona, ​​in the various galleries, bars, restaurants and within easy reach of the Plaza Cataluna, the hotel's gothic buildings of the 19th century has been restored by architect Jordi Tio and interior done by Ferran Amat of Vincon, one of the oldest design house in Barcelona.

Art looked very much appreciated in this town. Look at the pantomime artists who can be seen every day in Las Ramblas, they are so proud to work for use within high appreciation society. Not only local artwork, creations African rural communities and relics of the glory of Hindu carvings in Asia was a place in Barcelona. Look at Claris, a five star hotel located in the middle of an exclusive neighborhood Exiample. The hotel features a collection of hundreds of valuable antique art from various centers of world civilization, ancient sculptures made in the 5th century and the 13th of the India and Burma, British furniture collections the 18th century, to the art of Andy Warhol lithography decorate various corner of the hotel with 120 rooms. Hotel Astoria is located in the shade of Derby Hotels also features a diverse collection of art beginning of the 20th century that are still well preserved. Sculpture Art-Noveau and crystal lalique a separate feature in this three-star hotel. The walls were decorated with posters attractive Art-Nouveau. The hotel even has a museum dedicated to the legendary painter and illustrator Ricard Opisso.

Another with Hotel Balmes. Diverse collection of art from Sub-Saharan Africa, a vast region extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea, on display in the hotel lobby. Three-dimensional masks and sculptures representing indigenous groups spiritual fervor Sudan gives its own color. Some of the most unique of which is the mask of the tribe Soninke (Mali, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Mauritania (Ghana and Ivory Coast). While Granados 83 Hotel features a collection of art that adorn the walls of the Asia-style industrial building. More than seventy works art from India and Cambodia that have aged about ten centuries appear giving religious color. Relief from India depicting Hindu gods, Khmer-style sculptures, Buddha figure made up the 2nd century shows the evolution of the art of Asia. Hotel Granados 83 also has a collection of Roman mosaic made ​​the 5th century that once adorned villas in Italy.

Back to modern art, one of which you should not miss is the Hotel Arts Barcelona. As high as 44 floors with a view of the bare glass and metal, the tallest building in Spain is famous for its appearance resembles a whale metal adorning one side. The interior is contemporary in style with a variety of works of art of the 20th century that are specially made by the Catalan and Spanish artists. Created by American architect Bruce Graham and adjacent to the Picasso Museum, the Hotel Arts Barcelona has become one of the landmarks of modern art contemporary city.

Appreciate the art, the food did not go unnoticed hotels mentioned above. Being in the country with a strong culinary tradition, Barcelona is a gastronomic paradise, where many bloody chef living art. Chef Sergi Arola who has earned two Michelin stars interpretation serving mediteranean presenting a refreshing atmosphere in the Barcelona Contemporary Art. Albert Raurich, former chef de cuisine at the world's best restaurant El Bulli, a restaurant Dos Palilos mengahadirkan at Casa Camper Barcelona. Prepare your tongue to savor tapas inspired by the culinary traditions of Asia. Meanwhile, Mandarin Oriental Barcelona hotel offers a gastronomic adventure no less exciting, with female chef presenting the most famous Catalan origin, Carme Ruscalleda, in restaurants Moment. The owner of six Michelin star brings diverse as Arroc Caldos Catalan menu (soup with rice base material) Fricando (ragut veal), Suquet (traditional steamed fish) and Canelons (catalan style cannelloni). This short-haired Chef said, "Prescription Catalan cuisine is a reflection of the ancestors, and inspired by the city, the countryside, and the sea." Hotel Omm has Moo, one of the most hip restaurant in Barcelona run by the Roca brothers, owners of El Celler de Can Roca . The restaurant has earned a Michelin star offers a uniqueness that is not owned by another restaurant: flower decoration that is usually found in the table is replaced with the unique sculptures by acclaimed artist, while the plates are designed by renowned Spanish characters, such as Placido Domingo and David Delfin .

Attention to detail without being tied to certain rules, make art and artistic passion in Barcelona continues to grow. Hotel scene that you see only a small part of the various forms of modern art that continues to evolve in this city. Picasso, Miro, Dali, and Gaudi has long gone, but their spirit to continue to create forwarded by contemporary artists through a variety of media, including architecture. In your visit to Spain later on, do not miss the chance to set foot in this city and visiting various landmarks of modern Barcelona as mentioned above.

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