
Friday, February 1, 2013

Million Colors Barcelona

Excutive summary by darmansjah

Sparkling city party, as if vibrating flamenco floated soul, I sat drifting shades, vibrant Plaza at the corner of Catalonia, Maybe tomorrow I'll go, but I promise you, I am definitely return, for the love that remains at the heart of Barcelona.
Exactly 20 years since that time, I was riding the plane landed in the city where the Plaza Catalunya is located. 'Finally ... Ola Barcelona, I am here! I muttered to myself. Is El Prat, the name of the international airport in Barcelona. From the airport you can use the choice between rail, shuttle bus, or rent a car. Simply provide a credit card as a guarantee and International Driving License, you are also allowed to take a rental car after the expiration of the lease can be delivered to the office located in the city center.

The grounds are more economical and comfortable, I chose a train that departs every 30 minutes. This train will stop at Sants Estacio station, right in the center of Barcelona. From here, you can continue the journey by metro to the destination. Make sure you buy a ticket T 10 which can be used for 10 trips. T10 ticket price is € 8.25 and tickets more efficient than units that are priced € 1.40 one way. For accommodation, many hotels to suit your pocket, from the Bed & Breakfast, Hostel, Hotel, Dormintory, until the apartment is rented per day / week / month, depending on needs. Just make sure you've ordered it before leaving for Spain, especially during peak seasons. Sometimes, the immigration at the airport were asked where you will be staying while in Barcelona. So it helps you pocketed the hotel name and address. Geographically, Barcelona in the eastern Mediteranean sea Beach and is one of the largest cities in Spain in terms of size and population. Located on the northeastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula, overlooking the Mediteranean sea, the climate tends to Barcelona following the hot and dry in the summer and warm in winter. Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia, one of the Spanish autonomous region that has two official languages​​, Catalan and Spanish. Although it is the second largest city after Madrid, but in matters of culture, arts and heritage, the city is the most shining. History of the Roman Empire left a lot of influence, in the form adopted by the Catholic majority and a number of old churches scattered in the corners of the city. Just like an open-air museum, where a variety of works of great art throughout the ages ready drugging immigrants, Barcelona is a city with an abundance of charm.

Armed with roving Barcelona guidebook, map, and tickets for public transport canal, I was ready to explore the city. Sagrada Familia is my first target. Sagrada Familia is a church that was built in 1882. Financing obtained through donations to some, until finally an original brilliant Spanish architect, Antoni Gaudi, took over construction. Gaudi homage to modern changes to the original design of the church is a blend of Gothic and Kurviliner, where later the church building will have 3 faces or opposite façade. Façade is named: Naivity (east), Passion (towards the west) and Glory (south). Church carving intricate designs, unique, and unusual it's hard describe, even seemed like a collection of bones. June 1926, the architect died tragic accident hit by metro, while the new building to around 20%. Years later, Spain suffered civil war and crisis that led to the construction of the building is completely stalled. Construction began back in the 1950s, it also depends on donations. Sagrada Familia project estimated to be completed in 2026, 100 years after Gaudi's death.

The results of another Gaudi masterpiece you can enjoy as well as along Passeig de Garcia Street area. Two famous buildings in Barcelona after the Sagrada Famillia is Casa Mila, also called 'La Pedrera' which means' house Mila. Casa Mila stands on an area of 100 square meters, constructed since 1905 and completed in 1912. The owner is a couple named Rosario Segimon and Mila pere. Gaudi juggle building exterior resembles ocean waves, mountain ranges, and the cave dwellings of the gypsies. Gaudi was a lover of the natural things that he always avoided perpendicular like most other buildings. Casa Mila is open every day from 09:00 to 20:00 with paid admission.

Within 2 minutes' walk you will return to see the results of the genius of Gaudi Casa Battlo or Batlo family homes built between 1904 to 1906. Homeowners are Josep Batllo, textile entrepreneur rich and famous of his time. Batllo gives Gaudi freedom to innovate and be creative at the house. As a result, buildings with unusual designs created again present. The roof of this house shaped dragon claw dragon which parts serve as the chimney of his house. At night during the summer, visitors can not only enjoy the drinking at home with mezzanine homage bossanova rhythm of live music and jazz. Along the way Passeig de Grazia, the eye is pampered with buildings designed high-class art. In addition to Casa Mila and Casa Battlo, Casa Amatller are also designed by the architecture Puigi Cadafalch Josep and Casa Leo Morera designed by Lluis Domenech I Montanner. Art is everywhere in Barcelona. On the street, on the buildings. Nothing is boring.

Beware of Pickpockets

As a tourist, wherever and whenever the right of looking ought luggage especially valuables and travel documents. It is sad to know that the long hand Barcelona prone. Class travel website Trip Advisor also agrees this statement, especially in crowded spots such as Las Ramblas and the train station. Mode used is usually the same, that is if you are in the Las Ramblas and suddenly visited by two men who say that the dress or jacket you are exposed to bird droppings, do not rush to immediately remove the jacket or the look of panic because at that point there will be others from the same gang try to find a gap to take your valuables. Sometimes small children and old women can be involved in the plot, especially when it happens on the train. Make sure your passport is in the form of photo copies stored in another safe place, as well as cash and credit cards should be kept in a separate place.

Finished admiring four unique buildings, my foot back down the 'Plaza de Catalunya' and 'Las Ramblas'. If Bali have Seminyak road and Yogyakarta have Malioboro, then Barcelona had two famous roads. Plaza de Catalunya is the largest square in Barcelona where the historical and modern energy fused into one. By walking on the pedestrian's beautiful in Barcelona, then you will arrive at las Ramblas impressed as a comfortable, relaxed, and popular tourist attractions. There is a row of restaurants, souvenir shops, and street artists in action as well try your luck to make money from the tourists. These artists are willing to remain silent as a statue wearing strange clothes, such as Roman soldiers or angels. If someone gave money, If someone gave money, this imitation statue will move and act funny. Street buskers also often encountered, whether young or old along with the instruments they control, trying to steal the hearts of visitors to pause and enjoy the music they play. Of course entertainment is not free. After the action was over, they will distribute bags or cans and visitors can provide modest benefits. Just like singers in city buses in Jakarta.

If you continue down Las Ramblas, the traditional market will look St.Joseph. there, lots of stalls selling a variety of fruits, vegetables, raw meat, a variety of ham, and so on. The market is far from the shadow market, dirty and smelly. Quite fun to be here because most fruits and vegetables sold different from what we encounter in a tropical country markets. Catalonia is a province that have less good reputation in terms of food production. Geographically, the region has a variety of food from seafood, poultry, fruits, and vegetables. Make sure you feel the sensation of Catalan specialties which though simple but basic ingredients fresh, healthy, nutritious and rich in nutrients is high. One example is the Catalan specialties Pan Payes Tostado Con Tomato consisting of traditional bread wrapped in olive oil, garlic and fresh tomato slices. It sound casual, but feel first and then the value. On the other Spanish provinces, sometimes they do not understand how to create menus that one. Like the time I was in one of the restaurants in Madrid and book this menu, they serve only a piece of bread and a piece of tomato fruit, much of what I enjoy while in Barcelona. Catalania typical menu is worth a try include AMB carglos Conil (rabbit cooked in a very fragrant sauce accompanied with snails), Sarsuela (fish cooked with olive oil and sauce mix onion, garlic, tomatoes, and peppers), Escudella Aku Carn d’olla (local beef stew, meat and vegetables cooked together in a large saucepan with spices typical Mediterranean), and Arros Negre (rice cooked with squid). Favorite menu is available in all parts of Spain jgua can be found easily in the city, ranging from Paella (a type of yellow rice with ingredients mixed Safran fish, squid, shrimp, and mushrooms), Tapas (appetizers served in small portions , usually consisting of calmari, mini croquettes with salad, until tortilla with salsa sauce) to Sangria (red wine or a mixed drink with fruit juice with white pieces of citrus fruits, strawberries, grapes, apples, and others, served cold).

Not just a passion for art, architecture, food, and shopping, residents Barcelona also loved sports, especially football. Although you are not a lover of football, a visit to the Nou Camp can not be missed. As the stadium and the home of the world's elite soccer team, FC Barcelona, at the Nou Camp feeling of being different from other football stadiums. The stadium is one of the biggest in Europe with a capacity of capacity of nearly 100,000 people. An incredible amount so that the FIFA stadium officially named Estadi del Futbol Club Barcelona was awarded 5 stars. With tickets costing € 22 per person, you do not need a tour guide to get around this stadium because of the sign that is intended for visitors is very clear. Set of trophy-trophies trophy and winnings FC Barcelona from time to time, posters of athletes and coaches, to the revolution t-shirts worn by athletes ranging from 1899 to date is here. You can even visit the locker belongs to the athletes to their bathing space, a press conference, by the way to the ground! Visitors are not allowed to touch let alone walk on the grass field, however this field just look around is enough.

My imagination saw Messi is fighting against Chirstian Ronaldo from Real Madrid. Hopefully next time, I can see these gridiron warriors competed directly. Nou Camp was opened to the public (closed if there is a match) in June-September Monday-Saturday from 10:00 to 20:00, Saturdays and public holidays 10:00 to 14:30 hours, while for the other months open starting at 09:00 to 14:30. Still not satisfied with the masterpiece of Antoni Gaudi? Do not miss the Parc Guell, a garden complex located on a hill a little outside Barcelona. Built in 1900-1914, initially Parc Guell area is private land owned by Eusebio Guell. He also asked Gaudi designed the garden to be a private villa. I do not know what happened, housing projects stalled and diverted into a complex of spacious garden. Although located a bit outside the city of Barcelona, you will not regret taking the time to be here. Mosaic-colored mosaic arranged in such a way to make anyone who saw amazed. Everything looks completely detail. Walls, floors, ceilings, statues, and fountains are all united in harmony. Anyone workers definitely filled with love while working on this project. In 1984, UNESCO set Parc Guell as a World Heritage Site.

Barcelona is a very charming city and it takes at least four days to enjoy the aura. For those of you who only have a little time to get around the city, I suggest you to choose alternative transportation, ie  hop on off bus. Tourist bus that is always there in every city of the world this will take you to any city highlights Barcelona quickly. You can get off at the desired place and back up the bus to continue the journey with just one ticket only.

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