
Sunday, April 21, 2013

The trail of disaster in Miyagi

 Senseki railway line connecting the city of Sendai and Ishinomaki in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan still disconnected Nobiru District, Higashi Matsushima. The rail line was washed away in the tsunami swept away March 11, 2011 and to date has not fully recovered.

By Dahono Fitrianto, executive summary by darmansjah

Prefecture Miyagi is the region most affected by Japan's earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011. More than 9,500 lives were lost in that prefecture alone.

We still remember the video footage moments the tsunami hit the east coast of the island of Honshu, the main island of Japan. One of the most famous photo shows Sendai airport in Miyagi-a-capital destroyed, the runways were submerged sea water mixed with mud.

Two and a half years after the disaster struck, the traces of the disaster almost invisible again in Miyagi. No one looks not normal in the city of Sendai, Thursday (13/9). The city was as busy and busy Tokyo.
In fact, as we move toward the shoreline to the east of the city, none of debris or traces of mud marks tsunami inundation sight. As far as the eye could see vast desert looks overgrown grass and verdant shrubs.
However, for local residents, prairie trail that disaster. According  Katsuyasu Takahashi (50), a native of Sendai that led us to explore the east coast of Miyagi day, before the tsunami, the area near the beach is not the grassland and scrub.

Previously, Takahashi said, it is a densely populated area. Houses are lined up behind a series of meetings on mangroves that limit the area with sand. Almost all wiped out in the day's tragedy.


a house that was destroyed by the tsunami
Indeed, it appears that the two houses are still standing and apparently still inhabited. However, once approached, the houses were badly damaged in a state. Glass windows and brick walls partially collapsed. Not seen one anywhere near the houses.

Behind the tall shrubs that start was also seen traces of the foundation. The remains of an iron fence and electrical installations appear to emerge from behind the pile of sand and soil.

As  general, society does have returned to normal at the worst points hit by the tsunami. Emergency response period has passed, and the government's efforts recovering Japan to be recognized very quickly.
Almost the entire infrastructure, from electricity, clean water, until the Shinkansen high-speed rail operations, have all been normal. Fresh fish market in Shiogama the famous  it was already crowded by tourists. Residents were casually fishing on the pier. Travelers also re-flooded Sendai, which has one of the most beautiful beaches in Japan.

However, traces of the disaster remains all the way to the city of Sendai Ishinomaki fishing. The traces were reminiscent of the greatest tragedies that occurred in the land of the Rising Sun since WWII ended.

One area that still leaves a trail of disaster is clear enough Nobiru District in the city of Higashi Matsushima, Miyagi. In the tourist area which has beautiful views, the railway line connecting Sendai to Ishinomaki still disconnected.

Atmosphere tense

Railroad tracks in one segment is lost without trace. While at the station Nobiru, which until now not yet operate, electric poles and wires which collapsed electricity boosters separated power train appeared to be not excluded.

According to Takahashi, three wagon train on track Senseki tsunami that swept the new year even eliminated in April last year. Some businesses, such as hotels, also recently back in operation within two months.

Increasingly tense atmosphere before entering the city of Ishinomaki, one of the cities hardest hit by the earthquake and tsunami. In the southern part of the city, an area of ​​the upper middle class residential area like a ghost town.

From afar visible houses glance seems intact. However, when approached, the houses suffered severe damage and in an uninhabited empty. Apart of whom are still submerged in sea water.

Some furniture, such as kitchen equipment, was still neatly arranged on shelves, but the coated dust and mud. In a house that looks still intact and neat, looks a long pink dress still hanging in place, blown a big hole in the wall.

According to Takahashi, the house was formerly a daycare. I wonder what happened to the residents when the disaster struck .....

According to Hiroyuki Kogure, head of the publicity department NGO Japan Emergency NGOs (JEN), the whole process of recovery in the Miyagi prefecture post-disaster may take at least 10 years.

"There is still much to do ..," said Kogure.

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