
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Cultural Trip to Rembang Jepara

Executive summary by darmansjah

Kartini trail

So far we know Kartini in the history books as being a smart woman who has thought far beyond his time. His life is tragic - seclusion, forced marriage, and eventually died young after giving birth to her first child - gives an idea of ​​how difficult it is to be a native girl in the past who
fettered in feudalism and colonialism. Although not bear arms against the invaders, the idea of ​​reform considered Indonesia uplift women in the spirit of the struggle for freedom from imperialism.

JEPARA and  REMBANG store historical romance that reveals the life of Javanese women in difficult times. Cultural Trip to Jepara-Rembang time will invite participants to re-trace the struggle commemorate Kartini by visiting the hometown and the city where he closed her eyes forever.

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