
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Queensland, from the Skyrail to Air Balloon

Original Text by Retno Bintarti, executive summary by darmansjah

QUESTION apparently difficult to answer simple short. "What do you think of the many places you see, the people of Indonesia would most like which one?"

So the question of the Queensland Tourism Tracy Farr as we were walking in Kuranda village, Cairns.
That afternoon we had just tasted the scenery in the woods of the skyrail along 7.5 kilometers. For those who enjoy the atmosphere of green, this place is definitely interesting. Add interesting when listening biological richness and a collection of birds and butterflies that are still enjoyed it. "If you're lucky. You will see a blue butterfly glittered on the trip, "said ranger escort us. And indeed, butterflies are very beautiful-ulysses-four three times seen on the way to and from.

Forest green scenery for us who come from forest-rich country is not at all something that is full of surprises. However, when will we be able to enjoy the forest from the top of the cable car that runs quietly. What is interesting is precisely the story of how the cable and stations were made.

"It took seven years to build because the government will not allow no forest clearance to build it all. For environmental reasons, there should be no forests are sacrificed. Tools and workers descended from helicopters, "said the ranger. Pictured in our minds how simple it was skyrail the development process. Installing stake, pull wires, set up station stops.

Cairns is one of the destinations on our way for a week in Queensland, Australia. As a Host, Tourism Queensland took us to various places in Brisbane, Gold Coast and Cairns. "We really need to make the program difficult when only three days on the Gold Coast," said Director Executive Destinations. "It's nothing, too many places of interest here, three days is not enough at all," he reasons.

We come before summer. When landing in Brisbane, the trees 'Jakaranda' spread fascination with lush purple flowers. Park on the banks of the Brisbane river made ​​us feel at home to relax before we were taken down the river by boat spinning City Cat.

Air balloon

Perhaps because of the limited time, we are not allowed to adjust the time. Before we rest, our guide, had warned that we went to bed.

"Tomorrow you will be woken up at 03:15 .. Morning Call second at 03:50, "the message said guide reminded us to wear warm clothing light.

The air is not too cold when our cars and buses are also another group of Palazo Versace moved to a place we do not know exactly. (Oh yes, Palazo Versace is one of two boutique hotels in the world, designed by the late designer Versace). Eyes still sleepy. The streets are still quiet we've been through, and it was the point where we were headed was quite far away.

Hodges, had parked his car. We think we will air balloon ride around the parking lot there is. Apparently, we've had to take a minibus again. Bus driver uniform khaki drill that will explain our balloon ride and safety rules.

Within about 20 minutes, we arrived in a clearing thick grass repose. Two giant balloon still on the ground in the position shown being pumped. As passengers, we could see the crew were busy preparing everything before the balloon was flown. Smell the gas from where we stood within about 30 meters. "Big balloon is equal to 415,000 basketball," said Blake, "pilot" blimp.

Rattan box for a passenger standing measuring only about six square meters so that, except for the camera, we can not take any baggage. Standing a little packed in two boxes containing a total of 20 people. We slowly started taking off. Movement balloon very slowly, with no turbulence so for those who have impaired airsickness not be guaranteed nausea.

The morning sun looks a little sketchy because the weather was a little foggy morning. We crossed the hills to an altitude of 3,000 to about 6,000 feet. The atmosphere was really relaxed and refreshed.

However, the roar of gas with a temperature 95 degrees Celsius, limiting us to be able to chat during the flight. Blake occasionally play something that makes noise suddenly became silent. It feels comfortable once without background noise. We can enjoy the scenery, and enjoy the quiet of nature in the middle of a vast field almost uninhabited.

Hard landing.

After about an hour in the air, the balloon starting slowly down. Down here seen hundreds of cows grazing in groups without a shepherd. Animals that did not seem bothered by the two giant balloons that fly above them.

Before you hit the ground, Blake explains what we should do. We were asked to lean body, clutching the edge of the box by pressing the foot toward the front. "Bang!" Rattan box touched the grass. We were asked to position back to the ground. Box lifted, as if we will shed. From there, one by one, we were told to get out. Apparently landing was not unusual, but it was intentional.

"As it is if the crash landing," said Blake.

Affairs are still not finished. We were asked to stand in rows, two rows. Blake exemplifies a certain movement and we were asked to follow. From start to end, the balloon was on the ground trimmed in mutual cooperation. After that, there are other additional ploy, rollicking insert a balloon into a giant sack. Pretty tough, but fun. We also shared a sack balloon was transported by truck to the highway, where our car was waiting.

Still early days followed by eating breakfast in a typical villa has Killowen architecture with a veranda overlooking the vineyard. A waitress greeted us with glasses of red wine. Breakfast with the standard menu-fresh bread, croissants, muffins, various flake, scrambled eggs, sausage beef-be was doubled delicious as served at the precise moment when the stomach is already hungry and it was held in a beautiful nature. Top!

Horse Shows

Outback, Australia-style spectacle

Outback said, sounding quite familiar. The word was reminiscent of the restaurant steak from Australia. However, the Australian Outback Spectacular is not the name of the food, but shows in Gold Coast, which features dozens of horses, which comes packaged in a story with music and song and combined the sophistication of special effects.

Bare sand arena is under. Spectators watched from the seating arranged as usual has stairs we watched a sports game. Where the place has capacity 1,000 visitors reportedly designed many years, the construction cost of 23 million Australian dollars, or nearly equivalent to USD230 million.

That evening presenting Australian Outback Spectacular show titled 'Spirit of the Horse'. The storyline is easy to follow, interesting setting, Plus with interludes of humor makes the show almost two-hour time almost imperceptibly passed. Australian horse tradition that has now started marginalized as presented back in a show that can be enjoyed by all ages.

The story this time is special to honor the racehorse Phar Lap was legendary, even regarded as a national hero. Phar Lap who has repeatedly been a champion race horse, it was hailed fans. Phar Lap is still very calculated when he suddenly died while going to race in America. The mysterious death caused a stir millions of admirers. Major newspapers put Australia at that time the obituary on the front page.

The night was Phar Lap presented through documentation in the form of a large screen display. Described how great the black horse in the race and how the animal treat champions. Residents of Australia experienced a deep sadness to hear of his death. Performances brought the audience into the atmosphere, with an upbeat music and narration so.

On the other hand, the show wowed when the acrobatic competition between cowboys standing around and not fall.

Cowgirls who came later, was not only able to do these scenes, instead they throw myself aside and do the rounds in the state of the body facing up just a foot resting on the link in the saddle.
Wow! Horses run fast and the women then got up again and stand on a horse. Only trained people who can do such scenes. And certainly, too, the horses were ridden by riders had a major role in the acrobatics show.

While the show progresses, the audience was treated to dinner, with a menu of 'tenderloin steaks' smothered in gravy, equipped mashed potatoes, carrots, and bean stew. Coffee and hot tea repeatedly offered by the waiter. Also cold beer. Specialties, pavlova, cake wrapped the whip cream and sprinkled with berries, a dessert that is very dear to miss. Treat night complete.

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