
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Finding warmth in Paris

This purse traveling on a winter season in Paris. At that time most of the leaves are reddish peuplier reluctant to fall. The 'Parisian' was still happy to sit in front of the cafe without the plastic sheath. Executive summary by darmansjah

"Normally the temperature in the fall of around 10 degrees Celsius. This morning I saw on the thermometer temperature up to 5 degrees, "said Ren Li. Women age 30 China's nationality was falling in love with Paris since studying there 8 years ago - also with a French guy who is now her husband.

When the cold air like that, our party of journalists from Vietnam and China, participants visit the drug manufacturer Sanofi, choose sniggle entrance to the Louvre Museum for warmth. Louvre, said Ren Li, located in Paris 'small' which is the center of the crowd, where most of the attractions, monuments, and buildings are the most sought after tourists. Apparently no word Big Paris and Little Paris.

Two Hot Girls

The museum brings together modern glass cupola pyramid Louvre Palace which was originally a fortress built in the early 12th century. The warmth spreads to the body so the foot planted in it. There are about 35,000 collection on show ranging from pre-history to the 19th century. Difficult to enjoy a whole. Louvre in one visit. I tiu time, intend to visit two popular beautiful women in the Louvre. One of them is the owner of the world's most enigmatic smile, "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci.

Travelers do not have to bother looking for a guide. A three-dimensional Nintendo contains maps, information collection, and pictures willing to be friends around the museum's superstores. Pence Mona Lisa. The device displays a map complete with a standing position. Passing through the hall-alley collection of Greek marble sarcophagus, red painted room contains a collection of paintings by French painter, and finally room displaying paintings by Italian painter. Most of the painting was a gift of friendship kingdom in two countries, Italy and France, is in the past. Surely 'Mona Lisa' is in this room.

In one corner of the bustling crowd. Ah, they apparently admire painting 'giant' by Paolo Caliari (1538-1588) titled "Les Noces de Cana (Marriage at Cana)" that meets one of the side walls of the room. Illustration festive atmosphere banquet in Cana in the form of Jesus stated in exquisite detail on canvas. On the other side of the room was visible crowd. Sure enough 'Mona Lisa'. all eyes lead to the smiling figure in frame, like hypnotized. Compared to the paintings 'giant' who had just passed, 'Mona Lisa' really tiny. How popular and extraordinary charm of 'Mona Lisa'. The painting was also the only fenced leash so that visitors do not get too close and shielded glass. Historically, the painting had been stolen.

'She was as beautiful as I had imagined, "said Hung, who joined colleagues from Vietnam stunned in front of' Mona Lisa '. Hung rushed to be taken a picture set in the 'Mona Lisa'. Ren Li recounts, 'Mona Lisa' became very popular among visitors because people who saw the painting from any angle like being stared directly at Mona Lisa's eyes. Visitors are also always interested in the mystery that enveloped him. In fact, there are researchers who are trying to interpret the meaning of a smile, happy or poignant. There mindedness 'Mona Lisa' is a self-portrait of Leonardo Da Vinci.

I chose to believe the testimony of the Louvre quoting painter and author of The Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, published in Florence, Italy, in the 1500's. Giorgio Vasari Florence said the portrait was a figure of the wife of Francesco del Giocondo. 'Mona Lisa' painted at the request of Francesco. Leonardo painted it for four years and really have not been completed.

Hunting is not finished. There's another one in the Louvre popular women need to be visited. This time the electronic guides on hand to bring a step into the ranks of Greek sculpture. Foot had stopped at a collection of the works of Michaelangelo afternoon amid surrounded a group of students and teachers. Louvre art learning resource is incredible.

That's it! The Venus de Milo aka The Beauty Aphoridte Greek classics the 5th century were found on the island of Melos, Greece, in 1820. Statue of the goddess known as the legend of the goddess of love and beauty symbol. Finely sculptured in stone white marble sized sculptures manifest the beauty of the human body and the anatomy of the perfect proportion, the Greek goddess of picture perfection.

The warmth of the café

Out of the museum, the cold back into the face. It was growing colder, either because it was getting late afternoon or an empty stomach. Time to look for another warmth: a cup of hot coffee and a booster stomach became the most brilliant idea at the time.

Trips geared to the Café de Flore on the boulevard St Germain, which is considered the most appropriate place for a taste of Parisian style coffee or dinner with a glass of red wine. One of the oldest café in Paris's beautiful to place the authors in 1940 until the 1950s, such as Jean Paul Sarte, Simone de Beauvior, Albert Camus, and Victor Hugo, talking politics, philosophy, and wrote their great works. So is the famous artist and designer of old, such as Brigitte Bardot, Alain Delon, Givenchy, and Guy Laroche.

French people build a culture of thinking not only on campus, but also pervasive in everyday life beats, including when they sip / sip a cup of coffee at local cafes on the edge of a rocky road.

Ren Li explains with passion, six cafes that are important in the Quartier Latin. Region on the banks of the river Seine, there are many universities, including the Sorbonne, so that it becomes the intellectual. In the Middle Ages, Latin became the language used in international higher education. Not surprisingly, in the quartier Latin there are plenty of cafes, galleries and bookstores.

Intellectual tradition in this cafe seeks be continued by Café de Flore. Literary grace Prix de Flore submitted annually in the 1930's style cafe that. The names winner of several last year was also printed on the food menu.

Even so, in his book, Contemporary French Cultural Study, William Kidd and Sian Reynolds said it was the past and sheer romance. 'In the cafes were perhap you will only meet students who have different concerns, not only about politics (or both like me). Forget the cliches such as cafes and existentialists on the banks of the river Seine in Paris describing the present, "they wrote.

While listening to the babble of Ren Li about Paris, a piece of duck meat, salad, and half of red wine glass alternately glide into the stomach.

France thought it selfish nature of discourse and dialogue. Parisian also seemed to struggle to protect his character. International chain of coffee shops is not found in every curve like in Jakarta. In major cities such as Paris, local cafes like Café de Flore warm still be an option and not empty.

In the return trip back to the hotel, the vehicle crossed the Eiffel tower, Paris compulsory icon. Iron tower was bathed in yellow light like a giant golden warmth spread the citizens of the world who visit in the winter.

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