
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Pursue GORAIKO in Top of Fuji.

Original text by Ahmad Arif, adapted by Darmansjah

Night before, bringing the wind blowing hard. Half moon emerged from behind the thick clouds. Cold air and rain can suddenly dim down no desire crowded climbers getting ready in Pos V Kawaguchi-ko, on the slopes of Fuji.

Window climbing Mount Fuji, Japan's highest mountain with an altitude of 3,776 meters, which is only open during the summer months of July-August, staying another day. Many climbers are reluctant to miss.

"It's been almost three years in Japan I have never climbed Fuji. Well, I come, "said Fathia Anzilni, old friend who was taking doctoral education in Japan, welcomed my invitation.

During July-August, the snow is usually blanketed peaks Fuji has disappeared. The weather is considered more friendly and warmer temperatures, although sometimes drop to near freezing. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people climb Fuji during these two months. Based on data from Japan's Ministry of Environment, the climbing season in 2012 Fuji climbers to reach 319,000 people. When averaged, there were 5,316 people a day who climb this mountain for two months.

Post Kawaguchi-ko, at an altitude of 2,300 meters, including the most popular for hikers because it can be accessed by bus from Shinjuku Station in Tokyo to 2,600 yen one-way fare. In addition, along the ascent route to the summit Kwaguchi known as the Yoshida line there are many stalls that provide food and beverages, room for a break, until the oxygen tube.

Than through Kawaguchi, actually there are three other climbing gates, namely Subashiri, Fujinomiya, and Gotemba. We choose a bus that departs at 04:50 PM from Shinjuku and arrived at Pos V Kawaguchi at 07.50 pm.

Still enough time. Ascent of Pos V Kawaguchi to Pos X or Peak Fuji estimated six to eight hours. After filling the stomach with hot udon noodles, then meet with a water bag and two packs of onigiri (rice ball type), we were preparing to catch the morning sun on top of Mount Fuji.

Almost at 09.00pm. The climbers one by one disappeared in the dark hiking trail. We followed the directions they disappear. About 15 minutes walking, hiking trail from Pos V still flat, even then declined.

While waiting for other climbers, we capture the views of a settlement in the form of flickering lights at the foot of Fuji, who disguised thousands of fireflies.

A man who came from the direction of Pos V emerge from the darkness. We stopped him and asked. "It looks just like this," he said friendly. "I just climbed Fuji once."

The man continued to talk while walking. "After the age of 50 years, I was also finally able to Fuji. It's my goal before I die, "he said.

Protected figure dark of night. I do not want to bother him with questions that are personal. We choose to enjoy a conversation without introducing themselves to each other. "At least once in life Japanese people have climbed to the summit of Fuji," he said before disappearing in the dark.

Exceptional mountain

For the Japanese, Fuji was special. Hundreds of years, the highest mountain in the country has been a source of inspiration. Many poems, writings, paintings inspired by the charm of Fuji. The mountain is also one of the followers of the spiritual orientation of the center of Shinto, the traditional religion in Japan. Some Shinto shrine established in Mount Fuji, reminiscent of the many temples and shrines built on volcanoes in Indonesia.

Fuji is actually an active volcano located at the junction of three tectonic plates collision active: Amurian plate (Eurasia), Okhotsk Plate (America), and the Philippine Plate. When last erupted in 1707, Fuji ash falls to Tokyo which is about 100 kilometers.

In June 2013, the Mount Fuji established as one of the eight world heritage by the United Nations. The climb to Fuji this year also added crowded. Not only teenagers, but parents until the children were mostly found in Fuji climbing lane.

In contrast to the mountains in Indonesia, which tracks mostly left natural and often misleading, hiking trail Fuji packed into convenient for tourists. Some roads have been made and braided rope ladder stone fence off a cliff.

Exhausted climbers can stay and eat at the many found in almost every stop. Toilets were available at the peak of the tariff ¥ 200 per person. Not only that, in each post, climbers can get souvenirs typical Fuji, the stamp is engraved on wooden sticks to mark we had to get there. These sticks can be purchased at Post V for  ¥1200 and ¥200 for one stamp.


Hiking trail to Mount Fuji is like a night market alone. Climbers snaking, hand in hand along the steep ascent that starts from the Post VII. Several times we had to wait in line.

04.30 am. Fuji peak closer, but the uphill road and dense. The cold wind blowing dust flew faster and faster, even gravel stinging during grabbing face.

Some of the exhausted climbers choose to rest in the flat land surrounding-gate wooden torii gate, usually painted red which connects to a sacred place-not far from the summit. They crouched behind a thick jacket and a shoulder to each other, while waiting for the sunrise.

05.00. a.m, a thick fog suddenly came. Temperature of 4 degrees Celsius and the wind rushing attacks. However, the climbers who had been waiting at the top did not move. "The sunrise was incredible moment for the Japanese. Remember Our country is often called 'the City of Sunrise, "Masahide Sasaki said, solo climber from Tokyo. "Waiting for the sunrise atop Fuji more special."

So special sunrise from Fuji, the Japanese have their own terms to call it, is goraiko.

Lavender color finally painted sky on the eastern horizon. And at about 5:20, the sun-awaited emerged. Solar rays led to a row of the lake at the foot of the original Fuji disappeared. Lake surface reflects the color silver. Only a few seconds the sun disappeared again. Then came back again a few seconds and disappear. As soon as the sun rose, people cheered.

"Goraiko ... goraiko," said Sasaki. He then offered to photograph me with the background goraiko. In return, he asked me to take a picture with the same background. "Sorry, I did not bring a camera. Allow you my photo and then sent to Facebook or e-mail to me? "He said repeatedly utter arigatou and bowed.

Ah, one photo shots can make new friendships. Fuji is full of inspiration, but it all ultimately depends on how we interpret it. Fuji winds are roaring and painful skin can be a valuable souvenir, as written haiko poet of the Edo period, Matsu Basho (1644-1649); The wind from Mt Fuji - I put it on the fan - Here, the souvenir from Edo ...


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