
Monday, November 25, 2013

Maori at kiwi Gardens

Original text by Frans Sartono, executive summary by darmansjah

Remaining traces of Maori culture in New Zealand amid modern life. Traces of civilization that makes Indonesian people are not too alien in the land of the Kiwi.

Do not be upset if the Maori bug out eyes to you. Do not be too offended if they stuck out his tongue as if mocking. It's part of the Haka dance as friendly welcome to guests in New Zealand, including visitors to the Kiwi 360, a kind of fruit gardens, in the City of Bay of Plenty.

One of the dancers blooded Maori Haka, Haka is explained first that the war dance. The dance was held to challenge and provoke the opponent before the fight that opponent discouraged before competing.
Haka has now been turned into a dance entertainment, including dance to welcome guests-read tourists. We can take pictures with the dancers pose bug out eyes or stuck out tongue. You may also participate glared and stuck out his tongue, if you want.

In the form of a still atmosphere of 'war', currently on display Haka before football or rugby team play New Zealand. More as the spirit of competing pumps, other than as a spectator in the field of entertainment. That's how the New Zealand Maori up dated rest of civilization in the midst of modern life.

From Waiheke to Way Kambas

Maori Polynesians came from South to use within the region now was known as the New Zealand during the years 1250-1300. While the Europeans came to New Zealand 500 years later. Residents of Maori descent, now standing at about 620,000 people or 15% of the total New Zealand population, amounting to 4.5 million people.

Maori civilization traces still visible in the names of places in New Zealand. In addition to smelling European names, such as Wellington or Auckland, there also has distinctive Maori names, such as Taurangga, Maunganui, Kati-kati, Matiatia or Waiheke.

There are names that are reminiscent of the name of the area in Lampung, Indonesia. Just compare Waiheke, Waikato, Waitomo, Waitemata, Waitakere with place names like Way Kambas in Lampung, Way Seputih, and Way Halim.

Apparently there is similarity of meaning. Wai in Maori means water. Way in Lampung language is also not far away from understanding the water, the river. Waiheke, the name of the island in the northern city of Auckland, for example, means that the water that spilled bulky. While Waikato, the name of the area in the north of New Zealand, which means flowing water.

South Polynesian language family there is little exposure to Malayo Polynesian family of languages, including Malay, Javanese, and Tagalog. Warih Java language, which means the water is one of the signs that contiguity. also remember Waikiki Beach Hawaii with her, which means the water gushed.

Some number or numbers in Maori language there are similarities with the Java language and Tagalog. For example, two for rua, toru similar words or tilu or telu. Then rhyme for five. Whitu for pitu (seven) in the Java language. As well as hibiscus, which is similar to the wolu (eight) Java language.

One more similarity is the word vocabulary mate in the Maori language means death. Language that makes the New Zealand Maori and was familiar with Malay tourists.

From Mountain to Island

The place names of the Maori language has been fused with modern New Zealand life. Maunganui, for example, is the name of the small town as well as the name of a small mountain in the tourist area in the Bay of Plenty coast. Just as high as 232 meters and standing right on the waterfront. Mount Maunganui can be climbed in one hour. Local people use the small mountain for jogging. They usually run from the coast to the mountains. There is a special track or path is comfortable for pedestrians. From the height of a small mountain, we could see the panoramic ocean and city.

Sitting on a bench at the edge of the beach, we could call a tame seagull. Many families bring their children to feed the gulls that live freely without being harassed.

Unisex Waiheke island within 18 kilometers to the north of Auckland. The island can be reached by ferry for 30 minutes from the Dock Devenport, in downtown Auckland. Located in the Hauraki Gulf, Waiheke including towards calm waters, no big choppy.

The island is known as the olive groves and wine. We can see dipeti zaitu plants and processed into virgin oil and other derivative products in Rangihua Estate. You also enjoy homemade wine Mudbrick learned from vineyards on the island. While enjoying a meal in the open air, We can enjoy panoramic sea views. And the faraway look of Auckland, including the Sky Tower looming tower and a city marker. Celebrities such as Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift had brothels on the island

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