
Friday, December 20, 2013

Lyon, France

inscribed as UNESCO World Heritage site, Vieux Lyon mesmerises with its Gothic and Renaisance architecture

Morning suhshine, by Michelle Tan is thankful for the privilege of travel. The city of Lion embraced her with open arms last December, executive summary by Darmansjah

I had the honour of attending the renowned Fete des Lumieres (Festival of Lights) in Lyon with an artist team representing Singapore. We arrived to grey skies and a drizzle, but when we ventured into Vieux Lyon (Old Lyon) the next morning for its  weekly Sunday markets, the sky began to clear. The sunshine that morning warmed us greatly, making for a great walk around the markets, as we took in the palette of colours and taste, and accentuating the already stunning view when we sat down to tuck into oysters and champagne. C’est bon-it was a good day!

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