
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Ride your bike in Copenhagen

executive summary by darmansjah
one of the plaza in Stroget

Text by Jake Faithful - a eco-friendly means of transport is still much-loved walks all over the world is the bicycle. But not many cities and countries are to seriously encourage residents to use modes of transportation on this one. Denmark, one of the Scandinavian countries are renowned as the place of origin of the famous storyteller Hans Christian Andersen, is one of the few countries that are seriously campaigning for the use of bicycles for everyday transportation.

I like cycling. My love affair with the two-wheeled vehicle is started in Bandung, the city where I was born and raised. I am fortunate to live in the 'Fruit Stone' which is quite flat so cycling into their daily activities at school or weekends. Snack 'es sekoteng' in Jalan Puteri, buy school supplies in the market Palasari, visited the homes of friends in Turangga area at the Centrum or swim while enjoying the cool shade of the trees ‘taman lalu-lintas', all done by riding a bicycle.

In the last five years at a time when many do the traveling, cycling in a variety of destinations visited by a separate interlude which I enjoyed. When visiting Bali, especially Ubud, bike faithfully took me to reach many areas. My last bike ride from place to stay at Komaneka Bhisma in the Yoga Barn, Pengosekan, Ubud. I've also spent several days in Gifu, a small town near Nagoya, by cycling from morning until late afternoon before sunset, enjoy the countryside of Japan. I could pedal a bike to do when traveling by himself to Ayyuthya, around the ruins of the former capital of the Kingdom of Siam is famous for its network of canals. When staying at Manohara Resort is located in the complex of Borobudur Temple, with a colleague I had cycled for a few hours visiting a few temples that are located nearby, including Pawon and Mendut.

ridden a bike that has been modified in a special lane

As has been expressed by the late John f. Kennedy, for me nothing can compare to the joy of simplicity in cycling. By using these environmentally friendly vehicles I can reach more places than walk away without losing a moment that is often overlooked when using a motor vehicle. In addition to environmentally friendly, bicycles can be parked easily, so it is quite easy and save time traveling. Must not use fixie or MTB gear with a series of advanced, simple bicycle that is still often found in Yogyakarta was very fun to take the road to enjoy the beauty of the city or countryside. Saying, good habits I do not go on in everyday life in Jakarta because of the polluting air and chaotic traffic.

A330-200 Emirate aircraft that took me from Dubai perfect landing at Copenhagen Airport in the afternoon drizzle, early last October 2011. Airport looks cool atmosphere with typical Scandinavian minimalist design looks balanced with its festive color some modern artwork hanging on the wall. After passing through immigration and baggage, along with Soren from Copenhagen wonderful I immediately headed downtown to the Metro line M2 of Terminal 3 uses the Copenhagen card. Only within 20 minutes I finally arrived in downtown Copenhagen.

After a stop at the metro station Norreport, dragging my wheeled suitcase and walk for 10 minutes through five blocks until finally arriving at the Kong Arthur, hotel accommodation for four days. Located in the downtown area, the hotel is directly opposite the Peblinge So, one of five square-shaped lake that characterizes this city. Go to the lobby is simple with little decoration medieval style, the first thing I ask is a bike rental facility. With a smooth English, the receptionist explained that the hotel provides a bicycle that can be used by guests staying. My intention to explore the city even more bike passionate.

A comfortable hotel room I had left to start the trip in this city. After a short break and put the suitcase in the hotel lobby while using a wireless internet facility to exchange messages and giving the news through social media accounts, I am finally ready to explore the city by bike. I hurried to the back of the hotel where the bike park in parking lot. After a long search, finally I got the bike with the 119 number listed in the key provision of the reception. Hotel out the back door, my walk with the bike began. Afternoon sky was overcast and slightly permeable due to light rain can not discouraged me to be able to enjoy Copenhagen as local residents. Armed with a map of the city is given Soren, the bike was undertaken to Storget, the main shopping area in town which is only six blocks.

Strøget, is a shopping area in the heart of Copenhagen is the main objective of tourists who come to this city. Consists of several streets that connect some plaza or field, here the local population and immigrants mingle, visit the many stores that sell various products, ranging from tools to household needs, of course, bicycles. But because I arrived before six o'clock in the evening, most stores have started to close. After semapat stopped briefly at one of the four H & M store here and managed to get a pair, I moved on to using a bicycle around Strøget. This old town has many small plaza that is very pleasant and interesting place to visit each one has its own distinctive characteristics that provide a rhythmic panorama of the city. Some of the old church with a simple yet elegant form harmonious blend with the building took the architectural glory of the past implies. Sidewalk cafes filled afternoon many local residents and tourists who want to take a break while drinking a glass of Carlsberg, the beer is the pride of the city. Having had time to send some postcards in a small philatelic shop, I finally pedaled back home to the hotel.

I love Copenhagen because of its size that fits. I can reach all parts of the city with ease and comfort. As a modern city, Copenhagen is also very interesting, both in terms of environment, design, and culture, Soren Even so the story when I asked about the reason love this city. Born and raised in northern Denmark, a man with a height of nearly two feet tells a lot about Copenhagen from various sides, including bicycles. I use a bicycle as primary transportation. Of houses located in Norrebo, I cycled to work in close 'round tower'. I rest a lot of walking, he said in the middle of dinner about cycling habits. The city government was very active role in supporting healthy habits, he added, among others, by making special lights for cyclists. Not only that, the rules of the road for two-wheeler riders were implemented with clear boundaries. Do not cross sidewalks for pedestrians, do not cross the zebra crossing, do not ride in the park, do not ride late at night and always pass in the right lane (Denmark driving on the right path are some of the major rules that must be obeyed. Do not stop there, the city government is also trying to pass the virus cycling to the visitors who come to Copenhagen. In the spring until early autumn, ie April to September, Copenhagen Bike rental facilities for free to anyone with a guarantee deposit of 30 DK or about U.S. $ 3. The facilities are named Bycyklen Kobenhavn although limited to the central zone consisting of the Copenhagen center and Chirstianhavn quite a practical solution for tourists who want to ride round about the city.

The next day, Soren gave me a surprise. I was invited to tour the city visiting various landmarks using a rickshaw! Yes, transportation is banned in several cities in Indonesia it was popular in the city. The fee was about the same as taxis can be negotiated adan. Starting from around 25DK, you can tell the driver where the tourist who wants to visit. Very convenient, especially for tourists who do not want tired walking or cycling to surround the city. For a moment, bicycle rickshaws were replaced by a Caucasian who was driving the blue-eyed blond.

The day we visited various important landmarks of the city. Starting from Rosenbog, palace-style architecture of the early Dutch made the 17th century which was built by King Christian IV, continued to visit Kastellet, a fortress which still maintained its preservation, to then see the icon to the port of Copenhagen, a princess mermaid statue is placed on a rock. Created in memory of Hans Christian Andersen, the world's greatest storytellers come from Denmark, this shoe The Little Mermaid as well as the Manneken Pis in Brussels has become one of the iconic objects, where many tourists taking pictures.

Further, I also invited to visit Amelianborg  palace to see changing of the guard ceremony right in the middle of the day. Along the way I dipandun by Jensen, the rickshaw driver who apparently has an extensive knowledge of Copenhagen. Apparently this 40-year-old man had lived in Indonesia for 5 years. The conversation between us had become familiar with the added distraction of the things he remembered about Indonesia, from tropical beaches to 'Star beer' and fried rice.

After lunch, I moved on to see Copenhagen landmark. Past the Nyhavn, the old port area has been restored into a restaurant with a hallmark of the complex of buildings are beautiful, colorful, that day I also briefly visited the palace, surrounded by canals and Christianborg Glyptotek, a museum with Renaissance-style building that holds a diverse collection of modern art and Antic collection of the family owners of Carlsberg beer that is located adjacent to the Tivoli Garden.

Then I also had to go to the Danish Design Center where a variety of typical Scandinavian collection of unique designs on display (including the work of Arne Jacobsen egg chair). After that I was invited to return to Strøget to see Copenhagen from the Round Tower is impressive. In two days nearly all the important sights in Copenhagen I have visited!

Copenhagen Card
These multifunction cards are very useful in supporting your activities during the tour in Copenhagen. Available in two types, adult (16 +) and children (10-15), with the option applies 24 hours and 72 hours, this card can be used for transportation services in the city of Copenhagen, either by train, bus, or metro , free of charge. Copenhagen Card can also be used to enter free of charge to 65 museums and attractions, as well as special discounts at various restaurants and shops. You can get this card at the airport, Visitor Center, the main railway station, and several hotels. Copenhagen Card can also be ordered online through

One thing I miss is the bike that day. Do not wait to get back to the hotel to pick up the bike and rode surrounding the city. Especially along the way I see so many local residents are cycling in running activities. On arrival at the hotel in the afternoon, I did not waste any time to immediately take the bike and wander back. This time I passed Nyhavn who had a goal. Through Gothersgade streets, tracing the edge of The Royal Garden is a favorite place for city residents to exercise or just sit back, to culminate in the Kongens Nytorv, the largest plaza of this city with a statue of Christian V of riding a horse, I finally arrived back at Nyhavn.

Cycling trips for about 20 minutes paid off with a beautiful panoramic view of Nyhavn at sunset. Beautiful views of the building lined with an orange glow on the horizon, combined with the light slowly begins to illuminate the road, it is interesting to preserve.

I spent that night with dinner at one of the restaurants are lined up neatly on the left side of Nyhavn named Cap Horn. Antic building located in the 17th century made ​​the former serves as a hotel, this restaurant serves only organic food with traditional recipes Typical Denmark. That night I ate venison with cranberry sauce that is served in large portions. While enjoying the atmosphere of restaurants, I complete the gastronomic experience this time with a delicious beer made ​​by Cap Horn restaurant. Back to the hotel that night, I went back to ride a bike, through the cold Copenhagen in late autumn.

The next day after doing a tour of the canal and back to Storget to enjoy lunch at the Royal Café, a restaurant listed in Michelin serves traditional dishes Smorrebod Denmark, in the form of open sandwich with sliced ​​meats and fresh vegetables with sauce concoction of my own re-cycling around the region. On a road open to a small plaza, I found a bike shop displaying colorful. I went into the store and found a wide range of bikes, ranging from the famous brand Velorbis with a charming design to bullit, a special bicycle cargo with renowned reliability. This store is one of about 400 bicycle shops (cykel / bike in the Danish language) Who spread throughout Copenhagen.

Epithet as the city's bike seems to be true after I saw firsthand the everyday citizens of Copenhagen. Along the way I looked through the town passing by on a bike different types and colors. Young executive in a suit and dress shoes, children sports schools with uniforms, young mothers carrying infants in a special saddle, all using the bicycle as a means of everyday transportation. Some of the bikes that have been modified, for example by adding a tub to transport goods or children, also appeared on the streets. All seemed so engrossed the two-wheeled riding by always heed the signs that exist. So much so that cyclists do not be surprised if the statistics say that approximately 60 percent Copenhagen residents use a bicycle as primary transportation! Topography of the landscape, a special line built by the government (reportedly reaching a length of almost 400 km!) And clean air make the local residents choose bicycles as everyday vehicles. A healthy choice, sensible, and environmentally friendly.

Last morning before home, I took a bike ride for the last time around two artificial lakes Jorgen So and Peblinge So that limits city center with residential areas Norrebro. As the streets of Jakarta in the morning full of two-wheeled motorized vehicle population of Copenhagen seem crowded bicycle special lane on the left and right of way. When traffic lights turn on, once they stop with the orderly and patiently waited until the allowed path again. With the bright morning sunlight adds to the atmosphere of an abundance of comfortable cycling along the edge of the lake. Who knows when I will return to Copenhagen, the city has definitely made ​​me re-fall in love with the bike.

How To Get There, the State Capital of one of the oldest monarchies in the world is located in Scandinavia, exactly in the east coast of the island of Zealand (Fjaelland). There are no airlines that fly directly linking Indonesia with Denmark's capital, you have to transit at least once. Emirates, from Jakarta, SoekarnoHatta International Airport to fly to Copenhagen to transit through Dubai. Quatar Airways via Doha-From Jakarta continued to Copenhagen. Turkish Airline Istanbul-from Jakarta to proceed to Copenhagen. KLM Airlines, via Kuala Lumpur to Jakarta to Amsterdam continued to Copenhagen. And Lufthansa Airlines with routes: London-Singapore-Munich-copenhagen.

HowTo explore – To explore Copenhagen, you can use public transportation such as buses, S-train (S-Tog), and Metro. All transportation using the zone system with the cheapest ticket prices for the distance between the two zones (12Dk 24DK for adults and for children). You can buy tickets at the counter, automatic selling machine, and the bus driver. Ticket is only valid for one hour and you can trade them with tickets for all trains, Metro, or bus in that time period. To facilitate access to transport, you can use the Copenhagen Card. But the best way to explore this city is by bicycle.

Where To Stay-Ibsens Hotel, three star hotel in Nansensgande newly renovated in 2011 offers 118 rooms with six different types. You can enjoy the works of local designers and artists on the decor, from key chains, pillows, table and books stored on shelves. You can enjoy the facilities include: bar, restaurant, lunge & café, free internet service, meeting rooms, and libraries; Vendersgade 23, DK-1363 copenahgen k. T. +45 33 13 19 13 F. +45 33 13 19 16; reservation +45 33 95 77 44; online reservation: E.hotel @ or

Hotel Kong Arthur- its location only 10 minutes from the fire station and metro Norreport Crete, allows you to reach out to Strøget, main shopping center in Copenhagen, and Tivoli. This eco-friendly hotel also provides a variety of modern conveniences that will be easier for you to enjoy a visit to Copenhagen, from bicycle rental facilities to the wireless internet in the various public rooms. Norre Sogade 11 Dk-1370 Copenhagen K. T. +45 33 11 12 12 F. +45 33 32 61 30; reservation +45 33 95 77 22; E.hotel @ kongarthur, or

Wake Up-Who says Copenhagen hotel in Scandinavian countries is expensive? Just 15 minutes walk from Tivoli, modern hotel offers 510 single rooms with air conditioning, flat screen televisions, luxury bedding, glass-walled bathroom with view of the city at an affordable price that can be tailored to your preferences with. Niebuhrs Carsten Gade 11 DK-1577 Kobenhaven V: T. +45 4480 0000, +45 4480 0001 F. E.wakeupcopenhagen @; Reseration: +45 4480 0010 or
Population: 1,199,224 (in 2011), Language: Danish (Denmark), the currency: Danish crowns (DKK). 1DKK equivalent to USD0.15, time difference: GMT +1, phone code: +45


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