
Monday, September 21, 2015

APPENZELL, Switzerland the other side

Original text by Retno Bintarti, executive summary by darmansjah

It's still early, around 08.30, when we arrived at a train station at the end of last August. A young woman dressed with colorful hair twisting welcome once drove us to the city center which is about 200 meters. Here APPENZELL, a small town in eastern Switzerland. 

We stopped in Appenzell few days in the International Media Trip "Living Traditions". A total of 140 journalists from various countries in marathon arrive and register its presence at the counter that had been prepared in the middle of the shopping center. Our group-about 30 journalists-are the first group to come Despite its central place of registration of shops and the clock shows close at 09.00, the atmosphere around was quiet. Could it be because the shops and eating places open yet?

Appenzell, the name of the place we stopped, it was quiet, even at lunch. Where are they?

With an overall population of approximately 16,000 people living in an area of ​​172 square kilometers, wonder if Appenzelland feels empty. "Lucky" here and there in the hilly lands occasionally seen cows according to number only a little difference with the total population, ie 15,500 tails.

In this setting, our party who mostly come from major cities in Asia to find it is traveling so far. Appenzell tub far from our reach. In fact, the distance Appenzell-Zurich, where we landed, is actually relatively easy reach. Train ride from the airport with a moving train only takes about 40 minutes.

It may be that this is because Appenzell itself is foreign to us. Talk Swiss, this place almost rarely mentioned as cities or other places, such as Geneva, Zurich, Bern, Lucern, Laussane, or Montreaux.

Swiss tourism board this year seems to promote massive Appenzell. That's why they invited 140 journalists from 33 countries to attend the convention and to explore living traditions in Appenzelland.

"Tradition is the living part of the culture. Living traditions require our attention, "says Daniela Bar, head of communications at the International Media Swiss Tourist Board, when the convention was attended by 140 journalists.

Switzerland on the theme "Switzerland-Get Natural" to sell tours the country with eight souls. Appenzell use within society still holds a strong tradition in terms of dancing, singing, farming, democracy, and other course promoted the theme tune, get natural.

Impressive, as each piece is made with great earnest. Consider for example, "Appenzell. Switzerland is the Swiss even more than you think ". Or "More than just a picnic, an experience".

As someone who comes from a congested city such as Jakarta, Appenzell like oasis for a moment away from all the hustle and bustle and busyness of the city like never stopped exploited. Several times the train ride from the hotel to the city center, we found only two or three men who were riding with the same purpose.

Biosphere, Entlebuch

Our program in a small town called Entlebuch bit confusing. We went along the familiar direction of our guide we call Alfonso. With a train ride and move in three stations, including Lucerne, we arrived at Entlebuch. Our hotel is quite simple, like a jasmine-class hotel. But, then, we must raise hand up because the food is delicious.

Entlebuch 2001 was named the first biosphere reservation in Switzerland based on the decision of UNESCO. The area is 400 square kilometers is one of the most beautiful and unique areas. Here are the snowy peaks throughout the year, which can be visited with a cable car ride. The first national park in Switzerland are in this region. Expanse of bush and swamp maintained almost at a quarter of the region. To maintain authenticity, local residents led to the birth of local products.

We got introduced to the game of golf Switzerland or whose real name is hornussen. Steven demonstrates that during the game it's been a tradition since childhood whose members consist of various ages. The game is still quite a lot of fans, at least not at this time there are about 130 clubs throughout Switzerland. "It's never bored," said Gregor Felder, a member of the club who is now 78 years old.

Traveling in Etnleburch not just eye wash trip. When we were taken to the place of traditional charcoal making, we got a very interesting lesson from a complex process of making charcoal, from the beginning of the timber, sorting, building piles, until the authoring process that takes weeks.

Willy Renggli, the name of the charcoal farmers, forced to build a cottage near a pile of charcoal
while burning process takes place. Middle of the night he had to get up and do the inspection until the entire combustion process is completed. The routine work has been done many years. And in fact, she was able to support his family in a fairly large and beautiful a few hundred meters from the place of manufacture of charcoal.

However, as in other fields, she turns her work the occasional flinch. "Especially in the winter and blustery storms, I ask myself, would I survive?" Said Willy who was quite well-built.

While listening to his explanation, we imagine supercooled weather, with storms rare these residents. If it were so, the grass is not always beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Susan, I completely admire your work. I believe your post is going to be of a great help to me. I will be traveling next week to Switzerland as i have my Online Swiss Visa Appointment. Would love trying delicacies at the restaurants picked by you!
