
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Down in the Valley

Old temples scattered in the Kathmandu Valley, and seven of them have been included in the UNESCO world heritage list. Despite sitting in the poor countries of Nepal, this valley has long been a tourist destination for those seeking spiritual enlightenment. Trinity explore its. Executive summary by darmansjah

Mountain climbing and trekking is the purpose of the majority of travelers to Nepal. Naturally, because this country is crossed by a series of the Himalayas, including Everest and the seven highest peaks in the world. For the adventurous, Nepal is the place to carve a record in the race to reach the sky.

But what about the fact I am lazy and not 'kid mountain' answer is cultural tour in Kathmandu Valley. Valley of almost equal Singapore has seven sites included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage. Compared to climb to the tops of the mountains that drain thousands of dollars, this valley offers tours travel costs are much more affordable.

Newly formed on May 28, 2008. Nepal is one of the country's youngest republic. Country's flag was not rectangular, but two overlapping triangles. Before the status of republic, Nepal was a kingdom led by the Shah dynasty since 1768. Mass killings of all members of the royal family in 2001 to end the monarchy system.

Nepal's capital, Kathmandu, is also located in Kathmandu Valley and is in height 1,400 meters. Once landed at Tribhuvan International Airport, I felt grateful that his condition is worse than Soekarno Hatta. Nuance Tribhuvan really 'old-fashioned'. Brick wall, yellow tile and immigration rickety wooden table.

Worn it more complete impression when I ride an old car brand maruti Suzuki mini-sized and rust outside the airport. Taxi This brings me to the Old Town area of Thamel, like Khaosan Raod in Bangkok. The difference is more chaotic Thamel. Rickshaws, cars, motorcycles and a man meets a narrow road, while hundreds of hotels, restaurants, shops, internet cafes and travel agencies lined up on both sides of the road. This is where the tourists spilling out to look for lodging, fill the stomach, also partying..

Since the 1960s, Kathmandu has become a favorite castaways looking for spiritual enlightenment. Not surprisingly, foreign tourists currently divided into two groups: the hippies and tie-dye-clad gangs mountain of cargo pants.

When walking down the street in Thamel, I found the real face of Nepal are similar to those of Java with a sweet unique crossbreed including India and China, two countries flanking Nepal.

The food in my prime Nepal consists of rice, dhal, curried lamb, sauteed vegetables, chutney and compositions similar to Indian food. 'Everest', a local beer brand is very popular, featuring images Tenzing Norgay, one of the first to conquer Everest with New Zealand-born adventurer. Edmund Hillary.

After lunch and received his change damaged, smell, and no clear picture and number, I walked for 20 minutes to Durbar Square, the famous tourist sites in the Old Town. 'Durbar' means 'palace'. Complexes listed in Unesco's list of World Heritage is home to the kings Kathmandu since the 17th century.

Although foreign tourists must pay admission, but complex is not fenced. Which makes me surprised, complex predominantly colored brick building was very crowded and chaotic! Milling people and vehicles, shops foreign tourists currently divided into two groups: the hippies and tie-dye-clad gangs mountain of cargo pants. indifferent display merchandise on the walls of temples, cows roam at will and leave dirt in the streets, and hundreds of birds perched everywhere. The landscape is much different from the Unesco sites in general.

Browsing starts at Maju Deval, Lord Shiva temple Nine storey high built in 1690. The roof is presenting erotic sculptures, natural phenomenon in Nepal temples. After the stairs were occupied and laid a lot of people, I landed on the top floor which is the best location for people-watching. All activities around Durbar Square pins.

Behind Maju Deval there is the oldest building in the Durbar, Kathsamandap, which was built in the century 'to-12. The name 'Kathmandu' is taken from the name of this landmark. 'Kathsamandap' means 'wooden pavilion' and this temple was built of wood from a tree only. The roof is lined with statues of Ganesha perched three on each side of the building. Interior is quiet once a gathering place for residents before the religious celebration, but now has changed the function so space cult Gorakhnat, a spiritual teacher.

In the north there Kathsamandap Ashok Binayak temple which is the worship of Ganesha, the elephant-headed god depicted. Although small in size, but the temple is the most visited, because Ganesha is believed to dispel misfortune. Quite a lot of foreign tourists who come pray there. Apparently they are required to invoke the tour leader's safety before trekking into the Himalayas.

Not far from the Kumari Bahal temple there, the house was occupied by the sacred feminine. She's chosen people as the Goddess Kumari, the reincarnation of a Hindu goddess head. The selection process was not easy, because the candidate must meet many requirements: minimum age of four years, has not experienced foreign tourists currently divided into two groups: the hippies and tie-dye-clad gangs mountain of cargo pants., and has 32 dedicated physical signs, including eye color, shape of the teeth, to the kind of sound. Once elected, he and his family had lived in the Kumari Bahal and in charge of religious events.

The center of the Durbar Square is actually the Hanuman Dhoka, a former palace built by King Mella in the 17th century. Different from traditional architectural sites in the vicinity, Hanuman Dhoka modern style. Gates are guarded by statues of Hanuman, the white monkey guards Rama in the epic Ramayana.

Still in one complex, there Tribhuvan Museum displaying items from the Tribhuban empire (1911-1955) and two offspring, namely Mahendra (1995-1972) and Birendra (1972-2001). The majority of the collection is a tribute to the king's memorabilia, including clothes, photographs, coins, to birds and aquarium. There is no documentation about the massacre of the royal family. It seems that the people of Nepal would rather bury the dark tragedy.

There are many other interesting temples in Durbar Square complex, such as Jagannath, Mahendreswara, Kotilingeswara Mahadev and Trailokya Mohan Narayan. After a day of diving tour of the temple, I was enjoying an afternoon with sipping coffee and watching the sun set from the roof of a restaurant. The combination of mountains surrounding the Durbar Square, hundreds of birds flying over the dozens of temples, and the cold weather, make the sunset look serene.

You people of Indonesia? That statue of Garuda, the State symbol you! Said a tour guide yagn busy offering his services. Right in the middle of Patan Durbar Square, the statue of Garuda edged metal and crystal sitting on top of the pole.

Patan Durbar Square is a complex of palaces in the city of Patan, about seven kilometers south of Thamel. The site is also listed on the Unesco list of elite. While the name of Patan is the oldest city in Kahtmandu Valley formed in 570 BC. Durbar in this city is smaller and quieter, but save more effigies per kilometer.

Architecture buildings in Patan Durbar Square Newari style with wood and terracotta color dominance. When walking around, it's easy to see the Sadhu, dreadlocked holy men and orange robes. Although the status of a saint, the man is more commercial than celebrities. You have to pay $ 5 for a one-time portrait with him.

The most important site in the Patan Durbar Square is Krishna Mandir, octagonal shaped temple built in the 16th century by King Siddhi Narsingh Malla. Interestingly, due to the influence of India, Shikara style architecture. This three-tiered temple wall showing relief of Krishna in the epic Mahabharata war.

Other Unesco member sites I visited was Swayambhunath. If most populated temple gods and goddesses, 16 centuries-old Buddhist temple is actually inhabited by a herd of monkeys. No one dared to disturb, because they are considered sacred. According to local mythology, in iadalah incarnation of primate lice Mansjusri, Bodhisattva of wisdom. Maybe because it was born from the womb of wisdom, the monkeys here are not aggressive like in Sangeh, Bali, so I can leisurely stroll.

Swyambhunath located atop Hill 365 and connected by stairs. Lined the route stupas and a small white dome repose. Each side displays a Buddhist stupa Eye, symbol divine eye can see in every perspective. Colorful little flags that stretched in all directions around the temple constitute ornament for followers of Tibetan Buddhism prayer. Once again I was surprised at how apathetic traders put things on the walls stupa.
Swayambhunath Stupa featuring gold-plated dome that supposedly weighing up to 20 pounds! All around there are temples and stupas are routine in pilgrimage by Buddhists and Hindus. From here I can see Kathmandu Valley with houses painted colors.

Saturated with the temple, I drove 32km to Nagarkot, a vantage point to watch the snow slopes of the Himalayas, or even Everest if the weather is sunny and cloud-free sky. From the parking area, I was walking through the woods towards the Viewing tower. Although Nagarkot only 2099 meters in altitude, the air is cold and the wind successfully makes the body shiver. But the suffering was paid by the beautiful panorama in front of eyes: green hills, terraced rice fields with yellow rice, and mountains layered and colored shades of blue. It was spectacular!

On the last day, I use a rickshaw around town Kathmandu. The town is very quaint and chaotic streets. Do not expect to see a Japanese racing car or SUV made in America. There is only a mini sedan or pickup shabby. The majority of the buildings looked patched embroidery and dirty. Power lines dangling wires groped wildly. Trash and dust flying. But all this seems understandable. Referring to the list of GDP per capita in 2011 alerts IMF, Nepal is the second poorest country in Asia after Afghanistan.

Getting There
Flights from Jakarta to Kathmandu served among others by Singapore Airlines (U.S. $ 880), Thai Airways (U.S. $ 807), and China Southern Airlines (U.S. $ 1,000) all price pp in May. Rickshaws and taxis are two popular means of transportation to get around town and to reach World Heritage sites in the Kathmandu Valley UNESCO

When To Go
January to March is the coldest period in Kathmandu where temperatures can reach zero degrees Celsius. While the April to June are the hottest moments as well as the best season for hiking. It is advisable to avoid the rainy season that lasts from June to September.

Where To Stay
For those of you who are looking for an affordable cost. Hotel Silver Home is an ideal option. This inn offers a wireless internet connection and a restaurant (Thamel.Kathmandu. T.977.1.426 2986, ranging from U.S. $ 2) for lodging middle class Kathmandu Guest House, including the oldest, but cukkup popular among travelers. This simple property shaded rooms were spacious and clean (Thamel.Kathmandu. T. 977 1470 0632,, start from IUS $ 10). For premium class accommodation, five-star hotel Hyatt Regency Kathmandu is located about 10 km from the city center presents the architecture building. Newari and 280 rooms, plus public facilities such a swimming pool, spa, and fitness center (Taragon, Boudha, Kathmandu, T. 977 1449 1234,, mains from U.S. $ 1k65).

What To Do
It takes thousands of dollars to climb the Himalayas. If you do not have much money and physically capable, the best option is a cultural tour activities in Kathmandu Valley, the valley which saves seven Unesco World Heritage sites. Some must-see landmark temples in Old Town. Patan Durbar Square, Swayambhunath atop Syambhunath Hill, which offers panoramic views and Nagarkot Himalaya and Everest. Indonesian Citizens can visit the facility via Nepal on arrival (VOA). Make sure you bring a pen to fill out immigration forms, passport size 4x6 centimeters, and the exact amount of U.S. $ 25 to pay a visit visa valid for 15 days or $ 40 for a 30-day visit. Admission to the Durbar Square is valid only for one day. If you would like to visit it again and again, sign up at the manager's office, located in the south of Basantapur Square, with your passport and a passport photo in order to get a free visitor pass for valid visa.

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