
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Browse Kabul’s Hall

green rice fields and plantations in the watershed is a rare sight in the country with the geographical conditions composed mostly of rocky mountains and clad in a dry climate.

executive summary by darmansjah 

IN ANOTHER CHANCE, I was coming of an old friend who asked me to accompany him during his visit in the city of Kabul. Colleagues from Indonesia who works as a photographer working on a project documentation nomadic tribes in the country is rich in mineral deposits. Before he went to several cities in other areas, we did not forget to stop in some interesting places. On the way we were accompanied by Qurban Ali who works at my friend's place to stay.

Activity week in Afghanistan began Saturday and ends on Wednesday, the holiday falls on every Thursday and Friday. By using our general trace taxi alleys, dusty town on a quiet Friday. The scenery is almost uniform, high concrete wall fence with barbed wire on top and around the fence made of iron. Private security guards carrying AK-47 automatic rifle visible vigil in front of the haves and the residence of foreign workers. Scenes like this are not unusual.

Networking crowded main streets of Kabul by Japanese vehicles Toyota-brand imported from other countries. Occasionally seen Toyota Land Cruiser bulletproof passed quickly bring soldiers of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) or the non-government workers and the rich international Afghanistan. In every corner of the street looks pickups Afghan national police's green complete with automatic machine guns and officers watched corner of the city. When we feel safe being close to the police, in Afghanistan instead. As we get closer to the police, the more dangerous because they are often the target of acts of terrorism, including the government buildings should be avoided.

Driving a car in Kabul does not look easy, grid-patterned city makes the motorist must pass through many intersections. Not to mention the added very little traffic signs are just standing in the street with no pass-awareness obey traffic rules right from road users. Most unique things at once dizzying, Kabul only know the name of the area with no street names, to the driver who will pick up after lunch. For example, "In Sha-e-Now the seams right after Kabul Fried Chicken restaurant, the door to the left of the 10th green." Similarly, buses and public transport, there are no numbers or words that indicate the origin and destination of the vehicle . The conductor just shout their destinations and local people seem familiar with the routine of their daily routes to recognize the purpose of public transport through the conductor. Private unmarked cars are also used as public transport, old sedan infested crowded by passengers who stop along the way.

Our first stop, look at the remains of Mausoleum of Nadir Shah who has lived more than 100 years and was severely damaged during the invasion of the Soviet Union. From the tomb of the king on the hill Maranjan also seen views of the city of Kabul. Here we were met by a small group of kids who are very willing to take his picture. After that, they ask in return. Apparently many foreigners who come here and make them come to expect rewards.

Even on the way to Ba- e-Babur we also took pause at Darul Aman, neo-classical palace ruins were constructed as the residence of the royal family Amanullah Khan in the 1920s. We could not get closer as a police officer guarding the area to stop us with the reason many Kuchi tribes gathered inside. Kuchi tribe is one of the tribes living in Afghanistan are always moving.

Towards the edge of town we finally arrived at the park history, the resting place of the first emperor of the Mughal Empire that was born in the valley of Fergana, Uzbekistan, from the lineage of Genghis Khan. Although Babur wished to be buried in his favorite garden in Kabul, a city he loved. The tomb is located on the first Mausoleum in Agra, India. Then nine years later, the tomb of Babur moved to Bah-e-Babur, known today as the Babur Garden, a beautiful garden in the spring and autumn in Kabul. Written in his grave "if there is a surge in the Earth, it's here ... is the place where ... This is the place."

Then we headed to Ka Firushi bird market. Entering the bird markets like going back to life decades ago, was untouched by war and modernity. Long and narrow maze tarp roof and paved land surrounded by clay-walled buildings. The melodious birds singing as if not to be outdone enliven the discussion of the prospective host, who transact. Here is sold various types of cages. This place is a favorite with bookmakers for the birds to seek whiz at stake every Friday in the city parks. Although gambling is not justified, betting bird that has become a tradition passed down is allowed.

I tied on Chicken Street, a road that popular among the hippies of the 1960s through the 1970s used as a stopover on their overland journey from Europe to Asia through Mashad in Iran, through the Heart, Kandahar and Kabul in Afghanistan and crossed Kyber Pass into Peshawar in Pakistan.

Tracing the steps through the bars contained English translations of "Chicken Street", I hear the call hopefully. The hawkers and shopkeepers friendly greeting, "Hello sir, come see inside. Nice carpet, jewelry for your wife sir. "Meanwhile, a woman in a blue burqa begging continues to follow me. She pretended to cry and the children said, "Hello sir, what is your name? sir, are you from Japan? A merchant Other expressed lament, "Business today is very bad, sir." "Tourist khalas" he continued to explain there is no traveler who comes after the explosion on this street that killed aid workers from the U.S.

Amid the unfavorable economy, traders remain in business. With enthusiasm they show a variety of crafts and collection of items that meet the small shop. Hand knotted pile rugs are patiently waiting at the corner store to anyone willing to buy it, typical stone Afghanistan 'lapis lazuli' blue faded rose covered in thick dust and no one ever touched it in a long time.

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