
Friday, September 9, 2016

Classic side Kyoto

Original text by Chris Rowthorn, executive SUMMARY by darmansjah
Getting in the capital of Japan's imperial past armed with recommendations from experts and local residents.

Grooming your imagination about Japan will be revealed once on Higashiyama, east of Kyoto. Behind there is forest wealth of this country: the historic sites. You can down places of worship, temples, gardens, from Kyomizu-dera Temple in southern boisterous, up in the north Shoren elegant. Consider the classic atmosphere of Kyoto, a case Sannenzaka, and Ishibekoji. After a day of exploring Higashiyama, switch to the Gion district, which serves traditional entertainment. This is the favorite spots in Higashiyama and Gion recommended by experts and citizens Kyoto.

Kiyomizu-dera "It's not easy to ask Kiyomizu-dera Temple in the narrative," said lead author Arthur Golden's novel Memoirs of Geisha. Landscapes and charming and seductive pagoda enshrined in the images. "One of the most beautiful sites in Kyoto."

Shibazaki flown Restaurant soba (buckwheat noodles) at Gojo-zaka slope to nourish the body and mind. Next, enjoy the exhibition of historical objects, ceramics and ancient pottery. "A wonderful collection is found in Shibazaki, age 400 years," said Judith Clancy, author of Exploring Kyoto.

Place of worship Yasaka-jinja "Oase silence Yasaka-jinja ideal for those who want to stay away from the hubbub of the Gion," said John Dougill, Shinto expert and author. "Enter the world of spiritual Maruyama Park. Atmosphere of the night like a fairy tale. "

Chion-in Temple Located on the slopes of Higashiyama, Chion-in is like the Vatican of Buddhism Jodo Japan. "Entered the main room," advises Ian Ropke, editor of Kyoto visitors guide. "Refer hymns or silence, and feel the ultimate experience."

Throughout Shoren-IN TEMPLE cherry blossom season, a lot of people to calm down in the Temple Shoren-in. Japanese garden writer and expert Marc Peter Keane said, "Sit under a tree in front of the Shoren Champor in the shade and flavorful specialties, and soluble with time."

CAD 72 Kyoto geisha district centered in Hanamikoji, which explored the shops and traditional retaurant. This is where geisha (or geiko) entertain the elite. Mapirlah in 72 CAD, cozy bar not far from the Hanami-koji. "Many people admire the modern bar located in the traditional settlement," said Makoto, geiko.

KODAI-JI TEMPLE tea ceremony rooted in Zen Buddhism. Drank matcha (green tea) bring satori (enlightenment). "This temple for Hidyoshi chief Toyotomi who love tea. Two living temple tea master Rikyu designed by Sen, "said Randy Channell tea expert Canada Soei origin. "The temple is a symbol of the spirit of Budo (martial arts) and art and culture of Japan."

Kikunoi restaurant in Maruyama Park's favorite devotee of kaiseki (traditional multicourse Japanese). Kinue Terada, a businessman, said, "Everything, from furniture to dishes, excellent quality. Enjoy the typical atmosphere of each season. "

ENTOKU-IN ancient Painting works stored in the temple Hasegawa small part of Kodai-ji's. Goto Tensho, the head priest, said, "One of my favorites, Haru-no-e (paintings spring)."

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