
Monday, December 12, 2016

Removing Dusk at Tanah Lot

Spend everyday on vacation on the island of Bali is fun. Start with greet morning enjoy the sunrise so eagerly anticipated, especially relaxing on the beach. However, waiting for the night, do not forget the red seems her flushed sunset at Tanah Lot.

By Ayu Sulistyowati, executive summar by darmansjah

Together Kecak dance set in twilight red as the sun sets in the Pura Tanah Lot, Beraban village, Tabanan regency, Bali, vacation unforgettable.

Pura Tanah Lot is a leading tourist attraction after the Kuta Beach in Badung regency. Second distance travelers favorite location was not too far away, about 30 minutes to an hour by bus or rental car. Therefore, they could be an option to pick up dinner.

Well, the choice he exclaimed, sunset at Tanah Lot can get the beach or charm Pura Tanah Lot stands on a rock. Waves and Kecak dance songs to perfection landscapes.

Ticket prices vary between domestic and foreign travelers. Tike domestic for adults and children sold US$ 1.5 per person and US$ 1.0 per child. While foreign tourist US $ 3.5 per person and US $ 1.4 per child. If you want to enjoy the Kecak dance, all the tourists were priced the same, US $ 5.5 per person, with curtain time at 17:30 local time.

After purchasing tickets, visitors must walk through paths available. Souvenir shops, clothes that read 'I Love Bali', coconut ice and drinks are available along the route. But remember, the visitors were expected to keep their participation. The call over the loudspeaker will be reminded every hour.
However the region is actually the leading worship for Hindus. Tanah Lot area of ​​about 36 acres (3,600 square meters) with six temple (place of prayer). Ostensibly the sequence from the southeast to the west is Tahah Lot temple, Pura Enjung Galuh, Pura Jro Kandang, Pura Batu Bolong, Pura Batu Mejan, and Pura Pekedungan.

Pura Tanah Lot
stands on a large rock. Berates-hundred years the waves hit, but the temple was still standing. Yet in 1976 and 2001, the local government to build a breakwater to withstand the waves so as not to erode the rock temple. If the tides, people who want to pray to a Hindu Pura Tanah Lot must be crossed by canoe and high otherwise they could walk her through the water at about 0.5 meters.

However, local people believe, pretending it still will stand forever. Condition, they agreed never to forget Sang Hyang Widi to pray and hold appropriate ceremonies Balinese calendar.

Another temple scenery is equally interesting, as Pura Batu Bolong. Pura is also similar, standing on a large rock, but elongated and perforated them. Regular visitors are expected to respect the places of worship.


Early September, visitors are not allowed into the temple area and the door remains closed. They were allowed to enter only the visitors whose purpose is specifically praying.

Every day, visitors can reach more than 1,000 people ranging from counter opening hours 07:00 to close at 19:00. However, if the school holidays or the holiday season in some countries, visitors to 10,000 people per day.

Having said that, comfort continue to be addressed. This year, managers improve several sections of the track.

The 15th century

Tanah Lot has a story. Around the 15th century, Bhagawan came a named Dang Hyang Dwi Jendra. He wants to spread the teachings of Hinduism. However, some residents oppose the moment. Dwi Jendra then meditated upon the removal of a large rock into the sea (named  Tengah Lod) and protect themselves by spreading snake.

Finally, people who oppose even recognize his power and want to follow his teachings. Dwi Jendra Before leaving, he left the dagger named Ki Baru Gajah placed Pura Luhur  Pakedungan. On the feast of Hari Raya Kuningan (10 days After Galungan), local residents held a memorial service at the temple by walking around the temple. It is located about 300 meters from the Pura Tanah Lot.

One more thing, if forgotten or do not pick the photo camera, at least 200 people who worked as a photographer ready to capture the moment vacation in Tanah Lot. Only pay U.S. $ 2.5, visitors can immediately take home background photo Pura Tanah Lot complete with frame paper with Tanah Lot. Want to stay or eat just enjoying the view, there is also surrounding the inn and restaurant. Complete vacation!.

So why hesitate .... Let's appreciate and enjoy nature island of Bali at Tanah Lot Tabanan with tasting cakes, green and black klepon of sticky rice. Then flushed any hue-hue adorn the ceiling around pretending. Tanah Lot, beautiful ....!

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