
Thursday, June 6, 2019

Quick Travel Ala Nagoya

City industry offers fun destination, by Junior Respati, photo taken from google, executive summary by darmansjah.

Did not have much time while in Nagoya-shi? Follow the steps I traveled quickly browse the city became the center of civilization Aichi Prefecture in central Honshu Island this. I guarantee you will enjoy fast pulsating industrial town.

I only have about eight hours to complete the adventure Nagoya in some time ago. Of population numbers, Nagoya became the fourth city encouraged. The city became a center of Chukyo metropolitan area, in addition to Tokyo and Osaka.

Traces of Nagoya as the trade since past is still visible. Coastal town in the Pacific Ocean this could be the home of Tokugawa Ieyasu, a Shogun Japanese authorities in the 17th century. Thus, we can easily search for places that describe the development of industry in the capital city of this central Japan. I hope you can also draw a red thread as well enjoy it like me.


History of the world's biggest carmaker.

Rows of machines over a century old, looks like a newly activated several years. I was amazed to see how the old machines they operate. Tunable mechanical sounds to lull the ear. One other thing that indicates that they are old technology used is simplicity. A highly sophisticated technology ever at the end of the 19th century.

Sweet scars historical journey through a long a story. With an attractive presentation, this place also shows the resolve of the owners to take care of him. So, I was enjoying the inside of the Toyota commerative Museum of Industry and Technology, located in the Nishiku.

I know Toyota as the world's largest automotive company. That is why I was interested drop by the museum. Excursion into the history of the legendary brand store long story that would make my knowledge extends.

When observing the shape of the building from the outside, I bet you'll wince. The shape is more like a fortress than a house museum in general. I had trouble getting directions or information boards. Once inside the lobby, then believe me, my goal was not wrong. I am more excited to find out more in the museum.

Part lobby turned out to save the uniqueness. There were no cars to show off here. I just get treats a giant loom, which is placed near the entrance. Well, is there a relationship between the textile and automotive in the journey of Toyota? I'm curious.

Like to make a surprise for every visitor, museum managers deliberately arranging objects unexpected history might lay in the front. Apparently. Toyota is not only closely related to the automotive industry. Sakichi Toyoda, who founded the company at the end of the 19th century is also known as one of the textile machinery makers. Well, one of his phenomenal looms large is on display in the lobby.

I continue to follow the course of history. I see rows of textile machinery is on display in an area of ​​3864 square meter pavilion. In the pavilion dedicated to the works of these Sakichi Toyoda, I was also able to learn the history of the world textile processing. Because, the museum also displays a variety of textile machines at that time, in order to assist these tools work Toyoda company. I deserve to give an A to the manager, because successfully mesmerized by showing how the old equipment had as its function. The final result of the visit I get a souvenir a small torque that is still warm due to coming out of the manufacturing.

Logistics transport: There are domestic flights operated by J-air, landed at the  Komaki airport which is located in Komaki and Kasugai. Nagoya train station serving the fast train Tokaido Shinkansen. When using the public bus, traveling 5-6 hours (estimated cost of US$ 30-US$ 90).

Accommodation: Rooms are special in Nagoya Tokyu Hotel (from U.S. $ 100-US $ 200) Nagoya Kanko Hotel is a great choice for you who want to do business (prices ranging from U.S. $ 95). For an economical option you can stay at the Best Western Hotel (prices start at USD45).


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