
Monday, November 11, 2019

Tsunami Warning Hamaguchi

By Raditya Djati, executive summary by darmansjah

Traveling to the village Hiromura in Wakayama, Japan's western coast as well as bringing knowledge and awareness about natural disaster response. Visitors can experience the lives of the fisherfolk

Moreover, we can observe the advanced technology in early warning for natural disasters. I observed a hill dam has steel doors that can be closed when the tsunami arrives. To be more friendly to nature, the area along the hillside dams and planted with grass. Once a year to commemorate the spirit of the Japanese tsunami inventor character, Hamaguchi Goryou walking while carrying the torch along the dam.

Hamaguchi Goryou Hiromura born in the village in 1820. He is good at reading the signs of the natural coastal areas. He has saved so many lives when the tsunami hit the region, by getting people fled into the hills. A few moments later, He made a fire of rice bonds, known as Inamura-no-Hi-no-Yakata evacuation routes as a guide for people who are still in the coastal. The term tsunami is known throughout the world, popularized first by National Geographic in 1896 without converting it into English.

The government has made hiromura village as a center of learning of the first tsunami in Japan. Tsunami Educational Center presents historical documents, space simulation, relics spirit of Hamaguchi, three-dimensional theater, the stage of prevention to recovery after the tsunami disaster that is packaged in a traditional Japanese house. Really, it's a humane approach, how visitors brought to the past when she felt the spirit of Hamaguchi save lives and open a discourse of how to deal tsunami. On the ground floor, visitors can enjoy a folklore story teller brought Questioning tsunami, as a part of Japanese society today.

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