
Thursday, May 5, 2022

Hour China

*wuxi – qinhuan : Zhangguo – yellow river
*Zhukou – 1950 communits
*Yangzhou 1900 BC : xia, fuxi , nuwa . Erlitou, Henan province : old town, grandcanal 605 BC
#Xia Dynasty
#Shang Dynasty 16th – 11th cBCE : first chinese letter :  big, water,heaven
*Anyang – Henan
*Shangqiu 1511 : King Di Xin 1105- 1046 BCE
#Zhou dynasty 1066 – 256 BCE : Taoisme, Qufu capital – The Analect of Confuncious, warring states period 5th cBCE (metofora hidup) : kemanusiaan & morality. 551 – 479 BCE, what a joy it is to have friends come from far away/kebahagiaan adalah memililik teman yang datang dari tempat yang jauh.
#Qin dynasty 221 – 2016 BCE / Qin Shi Huang Di 259 – 210 BCE :  Xian – changgan
#Han Dynasty / Liu Bang 265 – 195 BCE / 206 BCE – 220 CE :
*Luoyang – Sima Qian 145 – 86 BCE ; choi’s city

#TANG Empire 618 – 907  AC * Xuan Zhang : Longmen Caves  - Matanga. Taklamakan Desert / masuklah kau tidak bisa keluar kembali.
Empire taizong 598 – 649 – Anxing
*Gaozhang 640-648 Taizong’s campaign in the west ; Grandcanal : Du Mu “Saat Yangzhou berjarak 16 km dari angin musim panas” 830 eufisme dalam puisi.
*Xinjiang – expanse muslim – Li Bai / bertempur di barat. Sungai kashar – Sung patia – Tiangasan mountain – Jiara, Xuanshong empir vs An Lusan, Sin Siming : “Adegan musim semi “ by Du Fu.
*Xi’an 638 AC. : xian ling mosoleum 700 Ac.

#TANG EMPIRE 967 AC collapse/ Kaifeng – Central china
#SONG DYNASTY 960 AC -  chen duan – hua san – 20 banjir besar –  Shanghai china art palace 1120  - AC – Meng Yuan Lo
Taizou Song Founder
Expansion of Kaifen 960 – 980 Pagoda Besi di Bukit Panjang Umur. – festival di sungai 1120 AC the festival on the river Kaifeng  -karakter china – bi seng.  – susong 1020-1101.
Sima guang – Henan university
1100 Emperor Huizong 1082 -1135
The siege of Kaifeng 1127
Qing Zho On the defeat of the nation – Song Retreat 1129
Capital of the southern song 1132 Hang Zhou.
Tieshan 19/03/1279
Lu xiu fu  : the end of song dynasty
Hong Wu Empire 1328 - 1398

#Ming Dynasty abad ke-14 (1368 – 1644); Nanjing / sang pembawa lentera; Zhu Shuan Yang; Hong Wu emperor 1328 – 1398 /Shaoxing / Zhao Village : Fujian / Zhang Dai (Biksu) 1645.
Wang Ren yu (penyair) / Xian (Tang’s City)

Manchu / Qing Dynasty
Kangxi Empire
Quangzhou  / Canton

Note: silk road or silk route

Silk Road, also called Silk Route, ancient trade route, linking China with the West, that carried goods and ideas between the two great civilizations of Rome and China. Silk went westward, and wools, gold, and silver went east. China also received Nestorian Christianity and Buddhism (from India) via the Silk Road.
Originating at Xi’an (Sian), the 4,000-mile (6,400-km) road, actually a caravan tract, followed the Great Wall of China to the northwest, bypassed the Takla Makan Desert, climbed the Pamirs (mountains), crossed Afghanistan, and went on to the Levant; from there the merchandise was shipped across the Mediterranean Sea. Few persons traveled the entire route, and goods were handled in a staggered progression by middlemen.
With the gradual loss of Roman territory in Asia and the rise of Arabian power in the Levant, the Silk Road became increasingly unsafe and untraveled. In the 13th and 14th centuries the route was revived under the Mongols, and at that time the Venetian Marco Polo used it to travel to Cathay (China). It is now widely thought that the route was one of the main ways that plague bacteria responsible for the Black Death pandemic in Europe in the mid-14th century moved westward from Asia.
Part of the Silk Road still exists, in the form of a paved highway connecting Pakistan and the Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang, China. The old road has been the impetus behind a United Nations plan for a trans-Asian highway, and a railway counterpart of the road has been proposed by the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP). The road inspired cellist Yo-Yo Ma to found the Silk Road Project in 1999, which explored cultural traditions along its route and beyond as a means for connecting arts worldwide across cultures.

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