
Friday, April 22, 2011

Balitong Tourist Attraction

Legend Bali truncated

 Each time the name belitung not a few people always ask, what is right or Belitong Belitung? The same reaction when called Belitong. This attitude was reasonable because during these two names that are always spoken of people, whether they live on the island as well as those living in other islands so that confuses many people.

 There are a number of versions of an explanation of the island area of 480,010 hectares or 4800 square kilometers. However, according to Regent Belitung Darmansyah Husein, Belitung only used to mention the name of administrative region. For example, District Belitung, Belitung district, or District Belitung east, or the province of Bangka Belitung.

Instead, special Belitong name of the island or region. "If you call Belitong mean for the entire region of this island.
That is, Belitung is part of the Belitong, "said Darmansyah.

Belitong also anonymized with Bali truncated. It is said that the thousands of years ago the land was located on the peninsula island of Bali. However, this area is then cut, and big waves washed away toward the north, forming islands in eastern Sumatra. "That's why the first person to mention the cut K or Bali," said Regent East Belitung Basuri Purnama.

Legend says that in thousands of years ago lived a king who was just and wise on the island of Bali. He is very respected, revered, admired, and liked the people. This charismatic king who only have a daughter who is very beautiful.


Beauty of the princess that made the crown prince of the kingdom's crazy neighbor, and one by one came proposed. However, all such applications are always rejected. He did not move toward a morsel of wealth, luxury, good looks and charm which is owned by the crown prince.

The attitude of the princess that makes both parents amazement. The king and queen continues to ask: why their daughter was not interested in any proposal from the son of the crown? What is less than the young prince so that their only daughter would not open the door of his heart one bit?

Following days the king's curiosity continues to clot. He then tried to ask the empress, but obtained no answer. However, empress to believe that there is something to hide their beloved daughter. King was eventually assigned his wife to try to find out the cause.

After a heart to heart talks, the princess finally informs her mother that she actually was suffering from venereal disease. That's why he chose to reject all applications from the princes.

Hearing the news, the king like a lightning strike. He then asked for help among medical experts. For those who are able to cure diseases only daughter, the relevant permitted to marry the beautiful girl. However, this contest failed because none of experts capable of treatment.

In order to prevent the spread of viral diseases, the king and queen consort of their daughter chose exile to a forest on the peninsula which is located in the northern island of Bali. The commander immediately deployed to build a special hut for shelter of the princess in exile location.

After all the preparations completed, the princess was delivered to the peninsula of Bali. There, he lived alone and only accompanied by her beloved dog named Tumung. The princess received this choice for the safety of residents in the kingdom.

Curse king

It is said, was so close with Tumung, the princess was letting his dog was licking the source illness. In fact, the more often licked, the illness is finally healed. This fact makes the relationship between the princess and Tumung grew close. In fact, both are also frequent physical contact and finally pregnant. That said, the princess was eventually gave birth to a boy who tailed.

The news was conveyed to the king of the district chief. At first the king was very happy because her daughter is free from disease. However, he exploded with anger when he learned his daughter's pregnancy from the relationship with Tumung.

The act was considered insulting the king and royal dignity. King was immediately sworn and cursed her daughter's actions. The next few days going strong winds, tides, and land on the peninsula that was vibrating. Not long later, the mainland peninsula was cut off or disconnected from the island of Bali, even directly brought large flows toward the north.

The news was conveyed to the king of the district chief. At first the king was very happy because her daughter is free from disease. However, he exploded with anger when he learned his daughter's pregnancy from the relationship with Tumung.

The act was considered insulting the king and royal dignity. King was immediately sworn and cursed her daughter's actions. The next few days going strong winds, tides, and land on the peninsula that was vibrating. Not long later, the mainland peninsula was cut off or disconnected from the island of Bali, even directly brought large flows toward the north.

At that time, to the east of Sumatra, two fishermen were at sea using traditional boats. Suddenly seen a huge mound of dirt with big trees and little carried away and crossed in front of them. The two fishermen were finally approached the mound, and threw the anchor on one of its parts.

Moments later, a giant mound that was stopped and stuck in the water. Since then the site became one of the island itself. Local people then give the name of Belitong or truncated Bali. "I do not know the exact relationship between the legend and the presence of the influence of the kingdom of Mataram on the island of  Belitong, but this fact may have a correlation," says cultural Belitong, Ian Sancin. (JAN)......

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