
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Traveling to Bodensee

Traveling in Indonesia  is sometimes exhausting, especially if the distance is very far away. Several times I went from Bandung to Bali by bus. Nearly one in Java I passed by this trip. So no wonder we can eat in a day in a different province. Breakfast in West Java, Central Java Lunch, and dinner in East Java. The next day, we had breakfast outside Java. However, no matter how exhausting journey that can be paid off with the satisfaction we feel when we arrived at the tourist places such as Bali or Lombok.

Some time ago I did a long road trip to the Bodensee, the largest lake in mainland Europe. Actually I've had several times visited this Bodensee. However, the interesting thing is because my friends and could spend all day in three state owner of this lake, namely Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

Our trip began on the morning of the city of Bern headed to St. Louis. Gallen. I just need to spend money to transport as much as 54 Swiss Francs. While still in Switzerland, then we do not need to spend more money to use public transport services. From St. Gallen, we immediately headed to the port of Rorschach. The streets in the cities of Switzerland in summer is a lot of repair. Thus, we have to turn things around or change the transportation rail should be a bus. The roads are actually still smooth when compared to the big cities in Indonesia, had to be repaired for the sake of convenience.

Lindau, Germany

At 13:45 the German-flagged ship carrying us toward the town of Lindau in Germany. The city is located just above the lake Bodensee. At first glance, if the note is similar to an island in the middle of the ocean. Lindau City has a population of about 3,000 people and the extent of only 0.68 km ². The population here compared to about 70 years ago experienced shrinkage of about 2,000 inhabitants.

When our ship docked to the port, then a tower that was built in 1856 and the stone lions that have a high of about six meters to the east will allow us to enter this area. From the town of Lindau, continue our journey to the city and Bregenz in Austria. What's interesting is when we buy something at a sidewalk stand. The stand sells souvenirs-souvenirs from abroad, such as rings, bracelets from Indonesia or Thailand. The salesman was quite fluent in Indonesian. So we do any fresh fighting in Bahasa Indonesian.

Bregenz, Austria

From the town of Lindau in Germany, we use the train to the city of Bregenz in Austria. The distance is not too far away. Only through a few stations only. Bregenz City is important especially in the summer it is today. We can enjoy the summer entertainment such as opera, musical or operetta performances on a huge stage on the lake. Even the stage was touted as the world's largest open stage.

Enough hot air this afternoon. Many people swim in the lake periphery. Or we can also hire motorboot if you want to go to the middle of the lake. However, many also just do a picnic or a nap on the grass. While I just simply listening to Jason Mraz's song with the lyrics of the song is so fitting with the atmosphere this afternoon.

And so I'm sailing through the sea.
To an island Nowhere We'll meet.
You'll hear the music, fill the air.
I'll put a flower in your hair.

After quite satisfied, so we decided to head back to Lindau.

Romanshorn, Switzerland

From the town of Lindau we do not return to the Rorschach, but towards Romanshorn. The city has a population of about 9,000 inhabitants. Romanshorn is a city that has the largest port area compared to other port cities around the Bodensee.

Bodensee really is an oasis in mainland Europe. Country Germany, Austria, and Switzerland each share of this vast lake of 540 km2 and 273 km long. Uptake of water in this lake, which can also be used as drinking water, reaching 48.5 billion cubic feet.

Our journey ends in Romanshorn. We returned to the city of Bern and arrived around 23.30.

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