
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Castle Heaven Halong Bay

Halong Bay, Vietnam Natural Enchantment 

executive summary by Darmansjah Godjali

After breakfast and check out at a hotel in the old town of Hanoi, the trip to Halong Bay was begun that morning. Tour to one of the sites in the world of natural magic, who had entered the list of candidates for New 7 Wonders of Nature, it passed the width of the road without the beautiful scenery, and even tend to be boring.

the old town of Hanoi  

We rode the L-300 car travel to the north of Hanoi. Inside the car there is, among other things, Din Huyen Tram, employees Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam; two staff Indonesian Embassy in Hanoi, Mrs  Ana and Pak Nyoman. Tram was a guide.

The road is wide enough and free of obstacles, but dusty. One of the cities worst hit due to dust is the Cam Pha. Houses and other buildings, roads and crops here covered in dust. Residents wearing hats and masks.

"Dust from the coal mining industry," said Tram.

the Cam Pha  

Boredom on the road can be driven by listening to music from your iPod, chatting, reading books about Vietnam, or sleep. Before passing Cam Pha, the car stopped at a craft center stone sculpting, carving, painting, and weaving. The workers were physically disabled.

halongba junk 

The car we were riding finally drove again. Not long ago, we had entered the border province of Ninh Quanh. Views of the beach began to entertain a previous trip flat. Three hours after leaving Hanoi with a distance of about 100 miles, we arrived at Pier Bay Cay.

the border province of Ninh Quanh  

Pier Bay Cay.  

There was a lot of timber ships (junk). One of them is ready to transport us to the rocky island, Thien Cung Grotto, to see the stalactite and stalagmite caves of the largest in the region, Don Tien Chung. When in "open sea", it appears a lot of junk with the model, size, and kind of different.

Thien Cung Grotto  

Timber ships with one floor, such as carrying at the time, for day-tours are only serving lunch on the ship and returned to Hanoi in the afternoon, or staying in a hotel in the city of Halong Bay. This ship with a capacity of 20 persons.

the city of Halong Bay  

There are also ships with two floors, just for a private cruise with a restaurant on the second floor. There is a ship into a hotel, cabin type was undifferentiated. The fares are very expensive. Can more than one million dong, or $ 80 per night.


The journey begins with jubilation see the wonderful panorama of the bay. In this bay, with an area of ​​approximately 1,500 square, scattered about 1996 coral islands and some of them appear green. This stretch of one of world heritage by the Organisation Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Suddenly the fog blocking the view of inter-island.

According to the literature on Halong Bay, on the islands there are 435 plant species, 22 species of marine animals, and 76 species of birds. In addition there are 28 varieties of mangroves, 315 species of fish, as well as 545 animal species and 234 types of coral Invertebrate. "Halong Bay is a beautiful natural painting," said Tram.

The ship that we were riding quite comfortably. Approximately 30 minutes of sailing, Tram said, "That Thien Cung Grotto, our goal this time". Thien Cung means the palace of heaven. The island seemed covered with dense forest. After descending to the dock, climbed the 51 rungs of natural stones, we arrived at a narrow door into the cave.

Everyone looked stunned, stunned for a moment, so knowing he was already inside the cave. Involves the layout of artificial lights that highlight the most salient parts of the characters and legends of the cave, as if feeling the fantasy world of animated nature. 11000-700000 age coral island that year.

According to the legend told by one of the guides in the cave, a young woman named May caught the eye of the Dragon Prince and he fell in love with her. They became engaged. The wedding lasted seven days and seven nights at the center of the cave.

In honor of their wedding, small dragons flying through a stalactite and stalagmite. Joined the dance happy elephant, snake wrapped himself like he was spinning cloth around the tree. An elephant big, well dressed, waiting to transport the bride and groom. Genies from various parts also come to attend the banquet.

"All scenes have now been fossilized in the cave," says Ms. Thuy, a guide in the cave.

In the middle of the cave there are four large pillars supporting the "roof of heaven." (Roof of heaven). From the bottom to the top of a lot of strange pictures of birds, fish, flowers, and even a view of human life. On the north wall of the cave a group of fairies seem to dance and sing in honor of the marriage.

Arriving at the last part of the cave, it seems natural water flow from the rock hole. There are three small ponds of clear water. In the small pond was littered with coins dollar and dong. According to legend, bathed in the pool this May 100 children, making them wise and happy being a teenager.

One passage out of the cave is a way for November along with 50 children took to the new crop land. The remaining 50 children, along with their father, were left to rebuild the country of the original.

Lunch on board that evening was delicious. The menu specials, not far from the fish. After eating, the boat took us past the reefs are magnificent. Under overcast skies and cold weather, temperatures around 16 degrees celsius, we headed to the hotel where to stay overnight before returning home.


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