
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Berhala Island Charm Of Concern

Orignal Text by  Irma Tambunan, executive summary by Darmansjah

Berhala Island on the border of Jambi and Riau Islands waters to save the beauty. Stretch of white sand surrounds the island. Always look beautiful scenery from any angle. Looming large quartz rocks and spread along the coast.

A collection of tongtong heron perched on the branches of mangroves. They are not disturbed when we use motor boats going past. However, when the boat slowed and we issued a camera, stork, heron flew away.

Although classified as protected wildlife, herons can easily tongtong we have encountered along the Batang Hari River estuary in the village of Duck River, District Sadu, Tanjung Jabung Eastern District, Jambi Province. Mangroves there are relatively close together they become a comfortable home for them.

After going through a stretch of mangrove trees that seemed endless, our ship finally entered the coastline. Berhala island began to appear from a distance even though the trip actually still is about 16 miles to go.

That is, we need about 1.5 hours to reach the island area of ​​60 hectares which is currently with the status quo because it disputed by the Jambi and Riau Islands.

The journey we traveled last October it was quite interesting. Not only in the waters of the River Village's only stork tongtong Ducks and gulls often we meet. Among rumpon shrimp nets surrounded wooden stilts near the sea too.

On top of the milestones that the herons and seagulls watched the fish prey, passing on the water surface. The group shot the bird was so nimble touch the surface of the water takes its prey and immediately flew into the air.

Ship Island is reaching the Berhala. From a distance looks a number of other islands, such as the postal Ciumar Island lighthouse, the island filled Eggs large quartz stones, and green-colored hair island in the eastern part of Idols.

Around 16:00, shipmaster, Arsad, and colleagues, Dody, tether ropes at the pier that was built Berhala Island Provincial Government of Riau Islands. Dock along the nearly 200 meters was broken at the edges.
Conditions were quite apprehensive pier damage. However, far more concerned about the condition of the pier that was built in Jambi Province. The dock is disconnected in the middle of the sea so completely unusable.

The wood pier made it even exists Jambi province that has been stolen citizens to be wood. "It's one more year of this second pier damaged. But there has been no improvement by each provincial government, "said Arsad tell.

Ghost Island

Idols in the past the island known as Pulau Dakjal, Bratail Island, Island or Pulau Bertayil Afgorl (Netherlands), Island Birella (Tome Pires), and the Island Verrela (Portuguese). In fact, some refer to it as the Ghost Island.

Although the name is rather creepy, Idols save the beauty. Stretch of white sand surrounds the island.

At any point on the island, the scenery is always beautiful. Quartz rocks looming large and spread out near the pier, heading the resort, and among the coconut trees that has aged nearly 30 years old. Trees that meet the island to near the top of the hill as high as 200 meters above sea level. Sea water around the coast is green, not blue, like most beaches.

There are a number of historic relics on the island. One is the tomb of Datuk Paduko Idolatry, founder of the kingdom of Jambi Malay, who was in the waist of the hill.

Continue up to the neck of the hill there is a frog cannon, and getting to the top there is a Japanese cannon among the wild bushes.

At the bottom of the island, we will meet the Japanese army kitchen, that looks more like a furnace heated as high as 1.5 meters. Not far from there, there is a hideout, aka bunker ground.

From a number of historical relics and natural beauty inherited Berhala Island, which is not less interesting precisely underwater wealth. Some divers often visit there to witness the beauty of the underwater world.

According to Agus Sudaryadi of Archaeological Heritage Preservation Hall Edinburgh, by diving at a depth of 5 meters above sea level, we can already enjoy the expanse of the root bahar or gorgonian corals are colorful.

In addition, continued Agus, an estimated one from Thailand that sank the ship around the island Berhala. "It was known after the nets of a fisherman ever get a jar of Thailand about five years ago," he said.

Despite having a lot of tourism potential, Berhala Island is now even more lonely. According Junaedi, head of the local village, about five years ago, when he began to settle in the idols, there are many tourists visit, including foreign tourists.

"Bule-bule love to come here because the island is beautiful, but quiet. They are free to sunbathe all day and we were just stunned to see them sunbathing from far away, "he said.

During school holidays, Idols also frequented by a group of students. They generally arrive on the island late in the afternoon, then spend the night. The next day a new day they left the island. "Many also come to a special idol for fishing," the story Junaedi.


As the heat of the disputed island of idols, the rate of tourist visits declined during the last two years. Foreign tourists never even longer singggah to idol this past year.
In the school holidays in July, did not seem too group of students who vacation there. "The island became more quiet," added Junaedi.

Local governments argued, continued Junaedi, the island is in the status quo so that tourism development should not be done there. "Therefore, the dock is left broken," he said.

Garbage began much scattered. Construction of supporting facilities, such as lodging and sanitation, are also absent. Access to the island was left to be difficult, including for residents.

Therefore, to achieve the idols, travelers must pay at least IDR 1 million trips just to rent a boat.

Junaedi admitted quite concerned with such conditions. He worries that idol be forgotten. The government certainly needs to quickly find a solution to the dispute so that the two areas do not become islands dead idols.

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