
Sunday, September 11, 2011

events of 11 September and Pakistani intelligence services on 20 September 2001

Sept. 11, the center of strategic studies group of neoconservatives, Project for the New American Century, wrote an open letter to U.S. President George W Bush in the Washington Times and Weekly Standard.

It contained, among others, urged the U.S. government to take military action ousted the ruling Taliban regime in Afghanistan and capture or kill Osama bin Laden. The letter was signed by 40 intellectuals from various fields. The majority of the group representing the neoconservatives.

Later that night, still on the same day, President Bush addressed the U.S. Congress, declared war on terror. He called the perpetrators of Sept. 11, linked to Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

In his speech, Bush's ultimatum to the Taliban regime immediately hand over Osama bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda frontman. In addition, the Taliban have to close all terrorist camps and open access for the U.S. to conduct the examination.

Bush called the ultimatum is unconditional and not negotiating. "If the Taliban regime refused, his fate will be the same as terrorists,'''he said. He declared war on terror begins with al Qaeda attack.

The speech was riveting members of Congress, the American people, nor the international community. In fact, citing law enforcement sources, the newspaper The New York Times (9/24/01) wrote, two weeks pascaperistiwa September 11, investigators have not found a link nineteen perpetrators with groups inside or outside the country.

Pressure on Pakistan

For President Bush and the neocons in particular, the evidence is no longer needed since the events of 11 September is concrete evidence of terrorist crime, witnessed by mankind.
So, a day botched Sept. 11, military invasion preparations have been discussed. The first step is to isolate the Taliban from sponsor countries, namely Pakistan.

Deputy U.S. Secretary of State Richard Armitage, then call the Head of Pakistan's intelligence agency (Inter-Services Intelligence, ISI) Lt. Gen. Mahmoud Ahmed, who was then in Washington (9/12/01). He warned, now there are only two options for Pakistan. Namely, support the U.S. or face up to life in the rain bomb Pakistan back to the way in the stone age.

Pakistan's President Gen. Pervez Musharraf expressed shock when Lt. Gen. Mahmoud this from Washington. The next day, Armitage actually filed seven U.S. demands to the government of President Musharraf.

Seven U.S. demands, among others, Pakistan broke off diplomatic relations with the Taliban, condemned the perpetrators of the September 11 attack action, taking action against Al Qaeda, Pakistani military bases and prepare to land, sea, and air-to use U.S. troops in attacking Al Qaeda.

The situation in Pakistan became critical and security forces on full alert. On the same day (09.13.01), without any notice, suddenly the Government of Pakistan to close all the airports. The closure is related to the existence of intelligence information about the planned landing of commandos of Israel and India, with the intention of taking over control of Pakistan's nuclear reactors and weapons.

President Musharraf faced a difficult situation, especially because during the ISI raise the Taliban for Pakistan's geopolitical interests in Central Asia and India to stem the influence and threats. Paranoia on India pushing ISI facilitate various terrorist groups.

However, worried the U.S. will use hand India and Israel, President Musharraf has finally told the U.S. ambassador in Islamabad, Wendy Chamberlin, accept U.S. demands unconditional (14/09/01).

President Musharraf's decision to support the U.S. in the war on terror, inviting a wave of protests and demonstrations in various cities, primarily because about 40 percent of the Taliban militia recruited from among students and the Pakistani military.

Mission to Kandahar

Lt. Gen. Mahmoud Ahmed returned to Pakistan in mid-September. President Musharraf twice sent him to the city of Kandahar, Afghanistan, to persuade Mullah Muhammad Omar, supreme leader of Taliban, to hand over Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda frontman 13.

Lt. Gen. Mahmoud diplomatic mission failed. Mullah Omar does not believe Osama bin Laden is able to perform sophisticated attacks of September 11. Moreover, thousands of miles away from Afghanistan.
So no basis to extradite Osama bin Laden cs, unless the U.S. hand over the evidence the involvement of al-Qaeda leader in the events of 11 September.

President Bush outraged over Mullah Omar's answers. He then gave the green light for the start of military operations in Afghanistan. U.S. Air Force and Britain began air strikes by bombarding the Taliban militia camps, Al Qaeda, and the key cities in Afghanistan (07/10/01).

The war had begun and so far has lasted 10 years. Afghanistan, one of the world's poorest countries, devastated. Thousands of people have been killed and millions displaced to the border of Pakistan and Iran.
On the first day of U.S. strikes on Afghanistan, President Musharraf fired Lt. Gen. Mahmoud Ahmed. It gets information from one of the scholars who participated to Kandahar, Lt. Gen. Mahmoud was not carrying out its mission.

Instead, it suggested Mahmoud Mullah Omar not to hand over Muslim fighters, Osma bin Laden cs, and not bow to pressure the U.S. government infidel. He promised Pakistan's military will support the Taliban if the U.S. attacked Afghanistan.

Transfer money

Lt. Gen. Mahmoud game was not just that. From the results of cell phone tapping, India Intelligence (Research and Analysis Wing-RAW) reveals the head of Pakistani intelligence involvement in the events of 11 September.

In one conversation, August 2001, instructed Mahmoud Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh to transfer $ 100,000 to two accounts of Muhammad Atta in Florida (USA). Atta was the one who led the hijacking of four aircraft in September 11.

Western media are not interested in preaching it, but The Wall Street Journal (6/10/01). That was just a glimpse of the FBI confirmed the tape is authentic conversations and transfers of money made in one of the banks in Pakistan.

Until now, Lt. Gen. Mahmoud Omar Saeed Sheikh, or have not examined the matter of money transfers. All this led to various speculations. As well as meeting with Lieutenant General Mahmoud Senator Bob Graham, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and Porter Goss, Chairman of the Congressional Intelligence Committee, on Capitol Hill, Washington, during the September 11 attacks.

Bob Graham and Porter Goss was appointed as chairman of the Commission on 11 September, which was formed to investigate the incident. At least 25 former officials of the CIA, FBI, and other security agencies formally protest the commission's final report because they are covering up the facts. They even doubted the involvement of Osama bin Laden.

So, who is Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, who transfer the money into two accounts of Muhammad Atta in the U.S.? (original text by Maruli Tobing)

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