
Monday, September 12, 2011

Exciting Back Padang Sabana

executive summary by darmansjah

A group of horses grazing in a way off in the pasture across the region Kahiri, Watu Hadangu Village, District Umalulu, East Sumba, NTT, Saturday (30/10).

Expanse of savannas interspersed with shade trees and pools of water on the island of Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara, characterizes the island as breeding areas. Arguably, almost all indigenous people of Sumba have cattle.

This, savannas is quiet compared with 10 the previous year. Surra disease, according to Head of Department of Animal Husbandry of West Sumba Peter Taguboro, attack cattle, horses, and buffalo in Sumba. From May 2010 until now can not be eradicated completely. Factors are disease-carrying flies cattle roam across the Sumba.

"We are very limited budget to buy disinfectant surra disease, anthrax, and the snoring disease in cattle," said Taguboro in Waikabubak.

pasola festival

Ironically, NTT as a repository of national livestock veterinarian shortage instead. It is said Head of Animal Health and Veterinary Public Health Animal Husbandry Department NTT Mary Geong.According to him, this time in NTT there are only 83 vet. That was the highest in the provincial government. The average veterinarian in the district / city is only two people, but ideally a veterinarian handle livestock 2500.

In 2008, in four districts in Sumba, a total of 2,532,531 head of cattle, 145,760 head of horses, 187,560 head of buffalo, cow tails 184,471, 1,681,420 and pig tails. Largest livestock population in East Sumba, namely 1,036,627 tail.

This number decreased compared to 2000 reaching 3,238,748 tail. That amount consisted of 214,540 horse tail, tail 250 518 buffaloes, 232,480 cows tails and pig tails 2,541,210.

Southwest Sumba Regent Kornelis Kodi Mete suspect lonely desert due to massive livestock sales to other islands. "Every week, hundreds of cattle, like horses, buffaloes, and cows were taken out of the island through the Port Waikelo, South West Sumba," said Kodi Mete.

In addition, many pastures changed into residential areas or fields. That plus the drought, cattle disease, and the lively culture of traditional party at the expense of tens to hundreds of head of cattle.

There is nothing wrong with the sale of cattle to other regions or large-scale livestock consumption. The problem, local residents have not been farming culture along with the high demand of livestock.


More than a century ago Sumba renowned as a center of horse breeding and cattle Sandel Sumba Ongole. However, until now most of the people of Sumba not think horses, cows and buffaloes as economic goods, but as a symbol of wealth. Cattle not sold if it does not need the money.

According to the Acting Head of Department of Animal Husbandry John Radamuri East Sumba, Sumba system of animal husbandry in general, is still extensive. Cow, buffalo or horse is released in the desert. When the dry season, they are not moved to find fodder. As a result, cattle are very thin in the dry season and mating lazy.

sumba traditional village

One afternoon in paddocks Petawang Village, District Umalulu, East Sumba, NTT Civilization Trace Expedition Team met Umbu Melkianus Hunggu Andung (65). The man who was waiting with his son was admitted cattle has 45 buffaloes. He did not specifically breed buffalo and buffalo do not sell if it does not need the money. Within a year, he only sells 1-2 buffaloes, worth Rp 6 million-$ 7 million per head. For everyday life, he relied on a hectare of rice paddies, fields of corn and vegetables, and pigs and chickens.

However, some are being oriented economy, such as Ngelu Ranjawali (52) who in 2006 got a two-tailed distribution of cows from the government. Now, he has returned three cows and 22 cows have become the tail. He could buy a cow from profits selling cattle. Bulls he sold Rp 5 million per head to buy cows USD 2.5 million to Rp 3 million. In the group there are five farmers, but farmers who grow only two.

Inter-island trade of livestock is still running. In East Sumba, there are approximately 10 inter-island trader cattle. One was Johnny (24), owner of PT Bintang Baru in the district Melolo. Graduates of the Department of Economics, University of Widya Mandala Surabaya in 2009 it inherited from his father's trading business.

Every week Johnny sends 20-40 tail of beef cattle to Jakarta via Surabaya. Sometimes there are horses for orders in the tourist area of ​​Malang. Business has never been dropped, just send the 10 head a month, when the Minister of Agriculture to allow imports of beef from Australia some time ago.

Efforts to improve livestock productivity, according to John Radamuri accompanied by Head of Department of Livestock Production in East Sumba Dominggus Ara, among others, is the intensification of natural mating. Farmers are encouraged to maintain a balance of male-female cattle, giving penyerentak hormonal lust, selection and Kalin (dispose of cattle that are less good than the group, castrated or sold as beef cattle). In addition there is pasture improvement, making the garden green fodder in a number of districts, making ponds, wells and ground water in the paddocks. A limited number also performed artificial insemination.

"Development of artificial insemination hampered farmers who are less responsive attitude, but free. They are reluctant to tie cattle. Therefore, only done around the district capital, such as Waingapu, Kambera, Pandawai. In addition there are limitations to the procurement of frozen bovine semen and liquid nitrogen, "said Radamuri.

Changing the mindset of the people done through counseling in collaboration with the National Agricultural Extension, Fisheries, Livestock and Forestry (BP4K). Currently penggaduhan cattle has reached 10,000 farmers in 4,000 farmer at the beginning of the program in 2000.

To provide superior livestock seed in East Sumba office establish a breeding farm (breeding center / BC). Unfortunately, in BC is still doing the intensification of natural mating with the administration of hormones penyerentak lust, not through artificial insemination so that the increase in the number of cattle has not been as fast as expected.

According Radamuri, to maintain a balance between livestock and seeds carried cattle from Sumba spending restrictions. Steers less than three years, cows less than 13 years, and a mare of less than 11 years, be brought out of Sumba.

Various attempts were made local government to improve livestock productivity. It can only be successful if carried out properly and seriously. In addition the orientation of the citizens of the cattle need to be changed so that the dream of becoming a supplier of livestock and still graced the paddocks can be realized.

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