
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Your Journey | Western Europe

Travel Dreams Into Western Europe
Executive summary by Darmansjah

Travel to Western Europe is the dream of most people. Many major cities offer a myriad of beauty there that can not be forgotten, because there are many inherited a large and beautiful artwork. Views of the city is beautiful, unique, and rich cultural heritage of music and art into an enjoyable tour experience.

Travel to Western Europe can be started from London, the capital of England which is also a metropolitan city that never breaks. There, visitors can see the icon in the form tower of hours, dubbed as Big Ben.

The next destination Madame Tussaud wax museum, alongside the London Planetarium in its west side. The artwork in the form of the sculptures on display at Madame Tussauds wax here, consisting of historical figures, royalty, movie stars, famous athletes, and criminal figures who came to fame.

Paris is the next destination, the city is a city of fashion and still-image was so to the present although many immigrants have settled Algeria and consider France as their country. Paris is also known as the Eifel tower high and became a symbol of France. Trip to Europe would not be complete if you have not climbed to the top of this historic tower.
paris city of art

Another location that is not less interesting is Disneyland. Do not miss the opportunity to take pictures dengna Mickey, Donald, and his friends, then watched the parade at noon and fireworks at night.
cologne skyline

Amsterdam is the next turn. Stopover in the city of Cologne to witness the legacy of stylish Gotic Cathedral. From there to Frankfurt with skyscrapers, the Main River, the famous opera houses, zoos, shopping centers for pedestrians, parks, a number of bars and dance clubs, and more than 50 museums.


main river wurzburg

Not only there, there are many other destinations that are not less interesting as Lucerne with snow, Rhinefalls, Mount Titlis, the Doge's Palace, the Tower of Pisa, the Coliseum, as well as the largest church of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City.
Interlaken Jungfraujoch
Lucerne with snow
Mount Titlis
Doge's Palace
Tower of Pisa
St. Peter's Basilica interior
Vatican City

If the holiday later this year you plan to travel, Western Europe is the right choice. In addition to an affordable price with the price of a tour package for 15 days from Travel Agency in your town, and you can also turn your mind before you went around europe with the intention of visiting our site where many accommodation facilities as well as the regularity and cleanliness of European countries that have become a necessity as well you can feel immediately. And I assure you desire again to visit Europe will never recede from the heart. Congratulations on vacation! prepare a budget and plan a good time, because life was very short!

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