
Friday, January 27, 2012

8 Inspiring Natural Wonders

one corner of the National Park Thingvellir, Iceland
executive summary by Darmansjah
'All Things Are artificial, for nature is the art of God', as expressions of Thomas Browne, author of the famous 17th-century England, praised the beauty of nature. God indeed has shed a bit of creativity to create a variety of natural wonders that you can still visit today. Eight destinations TravelerGuidance.Blogspot.Com following options will open your eyes about the variety of unspoiled beauty of the world ignorant hands.

Rangiroa, Polynesia, Pacific Ocean

If using a plane from Tahiti to the island, within an hour you'll see clusters of coral forming a giant pearl necklace set in torquise colored lagoon. The island of Rangiroa, Tuamotu local people call it, is the second largest coral island chain in the world. Stretching along 42 miles, the island of Rangiroa is a haven for sun seekers and exotic secluded beaches. Favorite activities is of course snorkeling and scuba diving around the island, accompanied by thousands of fish in her striking colors and shapes, including several species of shark. Using a boat, you can visit the bird sanctuary on Motu Paio and "Blue Lagoon" is famous in Toeo'o. Do not miss the opportunity to visit that has a central Tiputa crafts, local restaurants and some shops suvernir and water sports equipment rental.

Yosemite National Park, United States

Yosemite National Park is a place famous for its dramatic cliffs, spectacular waterfalls, as well as biodversitas flora and fauna. Giant rocks formed more than 10 million years ago, became the main attraction of national parks located in California. Occupies an area of ​​about 762 acres, Yosemite National Park is divided into five zones of vegetation, namely Chapparal or Oak Woodland, Lower Montane, Upper Montane, Subalpine, and Alpine, Yosemite National Park is home to 160 rare plants, not including 20% of 7000 species of plants that exist in California. This national park visited by more than 3.7 million tourists each year, especially for summer camp. In addition to camping, you can also try out the physical ability to conquer the hiking trails along the more than 1200 kilometers!

Simien Mountains National Park, Ethiopia


The park is basically made ​​to protect the Walia Ibex, a type of wild goat that lives only in the highlands. However, the natural wealth that has made ​​Simien Mountain National Park to be the best place to see rare animals like the Gelada Baboon African, Ethopian Simien Wolf and Fox are very rare. In addition there are over 50 species of birds that can be found here. Ras Dejen Peak (4620 m) of Simien mountain range is the fourth highest peak on the African continent. Snow and ice seem coloring peak, which brings the temperature falls below freezing at night. To enter the park needed permission from the Wildlife Conservation Department. 

Lake Titicaca, Peru and Bolivia

Besides was asked as the highest lake in the world (3811 m asl), Lake Titicaca is also rich in elements of tradition and local culture. There are 41 islands with a population dense enough. Some of the uninhabited islands include Amantani, Taquile, isla del Sol, Isla De La Luna, and Suriqui. Interestingly, some islands are made intentionally by the locals, made from a type of plant that is Totora reeds. The artificial islands called Uros. Amantani is the most populated island. The island has two mountain peaks in the valley planted with wheat, potatoes, and various types of vegetables. The tradition of making handicrafts. Taquile Island was awarded the title of "Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Huminity" by UNESCO. The men are usually made of knitted while the women make the yarn and weave. In addition to the houses, you also can stay while enjoying the beauty of this lake from the city of Puno in Peru.

Raja Ampat, Indonesia


Currently, the Raja Ampat Islands is often a trending topic the traveler Indonesia. Imagine, about 1500 islands incorporated in it overshadow the largest underwater national park in Indonesia, as well as a place with the richest marine biodiversity in the world. Located next to the sea baratl "kepla birds' Papua, Raja Ampat archipelago has 4 major islands of Misool, Salawati, Batanta, and Waigeo. Diversity of flora and fauna of the Raja Ampat islands one of which is triggered by the position that sits between the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. The sea is home of about 1309 species of fish, 537 species of coral, and 699 species of mollusks. In Raja Ampat, you can perform underwater activities such as snorkeling and diving in among the cliffs in the depths of the ocean.

Iguazu Falls, Brazil and Argentina

Iguazu River that runs smoothly along the 1200 km, dividing Brazil and Argentina, until it reaches a point that makes it dramatically decreases the land split into 270 natural waterfall is one of the best panoramic view of the world. Favorite place to witness this scene is in the footbridge with a balcony directly overlooking the Devil's Throat, the largest waterfall with the sound of roaring water flows faster. There are two ways to enjoy the Iguazu falls, namely through the lower path to the base of the waterfall to directly feel the spray of clear water or through the upper path, connected directly to the footbridge, you instantly can get  see spectacular views of the waterfall that forms a giant semicircle. Another option is to rent a boat to navigate the river Iguazu and see various flora and fauna that live in this ecosystem.

Abisko National Park, Sweden

Perhaps the aurora is one reason you dream of the Arctic and Antarctic. Luminescence light caused by changes in atomic particle energy is reminiscent of science-fiction film would. No need to reach the pole if you can see the aurora phenomenon directly in Abisko National Park, Sweden. The summer hikers can enjoy the midnight sun with rays of sun shades in the middle of the night. While the aurora borealis can be seen by the settlers in the winter. From here you are fond of hiking along the route can Kungleden along more than 400 kilometers in the mountains of Scandinavia. You also can visit the summit of Mount Noulja use the ski lifts to enjoy the scenery surrounding the park. From Stockholm, Abisko can be reached by train for 17-19 hours. Make sure you stop at Abisko Turistation, two minutes from the City of Abisko. Here there are shops, restaurants and lodging dengna affordable price.

Jiuzhaigou, China


Bears the nickname "King of Chinese Water Scenes", Jiuzhaigou is a combination of natural ecosystems mountains, valleys, waterfalls, and lakes that produce shades like painting. Almost every corner has a postcard secenes Jizhaigou whose presence coloring Sichuan province. The most striking point was a composite of three valleys that form the letter Y, consisting of the valley Shuzheng, Rize, and Zechawa. Among them, 1018 looks miroor lake with a touch of the exotic in the water. Culture as a World Natural Heritage by UNESCO offered, Jiuzhaigou is a masterpiece of a natural park. Jiuzhaigou or nine village valley has 220 different bird species, giant panda, Sichuan golden monkey, also several species of rare orchids. This region was inhabited by Tibetan and Qiang people for centuries, but the newly discovered and recognized by the public in 1972. there is bus transportation to reach this place, namely from the airport Jizhaigou (with a distance of about 88 km to the tourist


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