
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Trips to the World South

new zealand

By Darmansjah

Modern civilization is often synonymous with European countries, both in Europeand North America. Actually, there is another option that was not too far if you want to taste the nuances of europe. Please visit the countries in the southern hemisphere are relatively close to Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand.

sydney opera house

Talk about Australia, the origin of its name can be traced to the Roman empire. At that time the living legend of "terra australis incognita" or unknown land in the south. The word "australis" in Latin means "south". With the rise of an expedition to find a new world to conquer, land in the southern hemisphere is then known as Terra Australis.
St Gorges Terrace
melbourne flinders station



According to Wikipedia, the oldest records which mention the word "Australia" is derived from the year 1625, written by Master Haklyut. The 17th century until the 19th to the formation of colonies in various parts of Australia. Later, the colonies became the forerunner of the big cities, mainly in the east coast of Australia, like Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, to Melbourne in the south. Meanwhile, on the west side and north of a very wide has two main cities, namely Darwin and Perth.

As separate continents in the southern hemisphere, Australia, store many natural resources not found elsewhere. Which of course especially kangaroos, marsupial animals that became icons of Australia. In addition to kangaroos, other marsupials animal that can be encountered is the koalas and wombats. Meanwhile, the birds typically only found in Australia is the emu and Kookaburra. Do not ask about the reptiles, because Australia is a country with sepesies reptiles in the world. If you want to listen more natural wealth of Australia, take a visit to Kakadu National Park.

kakadu national park

If you want to listen to the modern face of Australia, be sure to visit major cities like Sydney and Melbourne, the Sydney Opera House is an iconic building that is so captivating. To the extent famous
architect Louis Kahn once said, "The sun never know the beauty of its light until the light reflected by the bias of this building."

swan river
casuarina beach 
mindil beach

Do not forget also Perth, the main town on the west side. Here visitors can listen to the atmosphere of St Goerges Terrace in the charming main business district at night or enjoy the view of the Swan River with black swans. In the meantime, moved to the north, there is Darwin, a city overlooking the Timor Sea as well as a neighbor closest to the area of ​​Indonesia. As well with beautiful beaches, among others, Casuarina and Mindil beach, the city also has many regular festivals that attract scrutiny.


Farther south, precisely the southeastern side of the Pacific Ocean, there is New Zealand. Consisting of two main islands, North Island and South Island, New Zealand the majority population of European descent, plus indigenous Maori tribes.


Major cities that are often visited in New Zealand, including Auckland, Christchurch, and Wellington. Auckland is a city with largest population in the country is popular with animal kiwi. Interestingly, the city is built from volcanic lava flows. Not surprisingly, geothermal eruptions, natural sightseeing, combined with the building-classical buildings become tourist attractions appealing. Forests and remote beaches become another option for the adventurous.



Now easier to visit and trips to places in the southern hemisphere this. If you plan to fill the year-end holiday or about to enter the new year in Australia and New Zealand, you can fly with Jetstar airlines. Visit for further information.

jetstar airlines

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