
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ocean Sailing through History

penyengat island

Original text by Dr. Restu Gunawan, an executive summary by darmansjahTravelling while knowing the civilization of coastal marine and historic relics.
Geographically, two thirds of Indonesia is the ocean. So no quaint when our ancestors build intimacy by maritime world. As illustrated by a piece lirk childhood song, "My ancestors sailor man, fond of wading vast ocean, crashing waves without fear, penetrate storm was unusual."
Not only that, since the beginning of AD era, ships from around the world were already anchored in the docks of the archipelago. All of that gives its own color on the coastal civilizations in our beloved country.
Nautical tour is definitely not merely water sports. There are far more valuable lesson, that sailed the seas of human life history.
Five years later, the Directorate of Historical Geography of Culture and Tourism Ministry, where I serve, held a Maritime History of Whitewater 100 which aims to encourage outstanding students know better the coastal civilization and historic relics. This year, the Maritime History of Whitewater held in Southeast Sulawesi, having previously held successively in Tanjung Priok, West Kalimantan, North Maluku, Riau Islands, and East Nusa Tenggara.
Whitewater trough Maritime History, among other students learn in Southeast coastal civilizations that have been built since hundreds of years ago. Here, there is the largest fortress in the world, the Sultanate of Buton, and the Kingdom of Muna. There are also many local stories that can be listened to, from the ancient port, the path of trade and heavenly spices, as well as events herok soldiers in the kingdom of Gowa Makassar Strait and the Island Speelman.
Of course anyone can pedestrians do similar activities, not limited to students participating in Whitewater Maritime History. This activity is worthy of being promoted, because not only provides a positive learning for walkers, another also host-coastal communities. Those who initially may not care about the noble values ​​of coastal civilization and heritage in the neighborhood would come to care for and preserve it and compelled to work on tourism potential. Pedestrians would be more happy if the teaching of history and mythology of coastal civilization was sent down by local residents, as the original oral tradition distinctiveness. Especially in the manuscript and the oral tradition embodied the noble values ​​and local wisdom.
By knowing the coastal civilization, walkers have many advantages, among others, recognize the condition and potential sea of ​​natural attractions, heritage, culinary, cultivation of marine products, to its history. In essence, these activities foster maritime soul and spirit. Is not the future of the ocean is in the hands of the younger generation? When the young generation to know the condition and potential of the sea, then later when it became policy makers, they would not stammering. Annexation island events by country Malaysia (for example Sipadan dan Ligitan) or sea border dispute in the region occurred not because of lack of understanding of other maritime.
To that end, important historical observation while marine tourism. Much better if after doing this activity, pedestrian-share-with promote community or the people around him, until more is known marine and coastal civilizations, and in the end make the effort of preservation and development of marine tourism.

All of this is the future supplies of Indonesia. It is unfortunate if the potential of marine Indonesia instead dominated by Malaysia or Singapore.
We certainly do not want that to happen. So as stated the lovers Indonesia, it's important for us to know the territory from a historical standpoint. Also, no less important to preserve the noble values ​​of coastal civilization and continuously passing it from generation to generation.
Adala nautical sightseeing activities is one way to better understand and love Indonesia without suggesting or teaching purposes. But more on efforts to realize that Indonesia has a proud worthy ancestors who carved a maritime history, succeeding to the Madagskar. Once again, the legacy of the past is our provision for the future.
Yes, probably only a handful of people who are interested in doing while doing wisat marine coastal civilization and historic relics. But as President Soekarno says, "Give me ten youth, then would I shake the world." In other words, a handful of walkers can transmit and fosters a love of the nation and baharinya. Those who open the eyes of his heart could be the glue on the history of the nation.
Have had maritime Indoneisa beautiful day, literally. That's what Indonesia should keep the orientation of the development is not merely the mainland, because the civilization comes from the sea. Nautical has the potential, from nature to civilization. If this potential is well managed and worked on a serious campaign will be international-standard tourist destinations.
The idea of ​​traveling to get to know civilization maritime and coastal heritage not just for nostalgia. There is also a good idea gave birth to a big inspiration to build the port or display orientation and sea shipping more advanced and international level.
That frames the ocean Indonesia has tremendous tourism potential. As a great nation, Indonesia ignored the marine (Darmansjah opinion - Indonesia has been and is being proceed to the destruction / failure to state a result of theft of natural wealth and corrupt country by the name of the class!). therefore, the introduction of coastal civilization is contagious early on. Heritage must be preserved, and the teaching of history must be propagated from generation generation!

Religion was important, but more importantly if the teaching is aligned and used for the state and people of Indonesia for prosperity of the Indonesian people are marginalized!

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