
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Spain All Year Round

Executive summary by darmansjah

Spain is a country famous for its variety of interesting festivals. Full color, with lively dances, and of course, complete with a delicious variety of dishes, a series of festivals in the country matador and Campiones euro 2012 this is the best place to see first hand the rich culture of Spain.


Baleric Island is the most widely held every festival early. Some of the festival was held in Palma, Mallorca, and Saint Anthony is located in Ibiza. January 16th is the day of the celebration of St. Anthony's Day costumes and party venue for a festive parade. January 19th is the celebration of St. Sebastian Day in Palma, who dances presenting his colored festive bonfire. Still in January, there is La Tamboradda or Tamboradda Drumming that took place on December 19-20 in San Sebastian, who became the drummer for the event showing their skills.


This month, celebrate the turn of the gypsies. Beginning on December 1 with the celebration of San Cecilo Gypsy Festival in Granada, the next day, a festival held at the La Endiablada Almonacid parade presenting the concept of devil costumes. On May 12, there are events Festes de Santa Eulalia in Barcelona that attract visitors with music and dance.


Valencia is the best place for the diverse festival in March. Las Fallas which lasts 12-19 on a site of local communities to make paper mache dolls in the form of various figures, ranging from traditional figures to famous figures such as Shrek and George W. Bush. Creations on display at the parade, before it finally burned with fire. Las Fallas held in several cities namely, Xativa, Benidorm and Denia. Apart from traditional festivals, there are Latin American film festival Mostra de Cinema Llationamerica de Lleida in Catalonia held on certain dates in this month.


Semana Santa is one of the most popular festivals throughout Spain. Festival held in the Seville region is centered in Toledo. In the third week in March, Granada presents Granada Short Film Festival an event commonly used as a race of indie films.


Madrid is the most suitable city visited in May. In addition to the warm air without the scorching sun, you can see one of Spain's biggest festival is the Festival of San Isidiro. The square is located in the center of Madrid became the venue for various concerts and parades. In addition to the city of Madrid, Cordoba has a great festival so far this month the Cruces de Mayo which is the parade of flower displays throughout the city. Extremunda province also provided Womad World Music Festival held in the city of Caceres, May 10 to 13


When Madrid and Andalusia-temperature hot enough, Barcelona is located on the coast makes it the perfect location for some typical Spain festival. Some are the Performance Arts Festival Grec, the Sonar Festival Barcelona, ​​the Festa de la Musica, and Marato Festival. At the end of the month, La Rioja offers a festival similar to La Tomatina, just use the local wine as the main ingredient. In the meantime, there are also Granada International Festival of Music and Dance, a festival of flamenco and classical music, which was attended by renowned musicians every year.


One of the most famous festival in Spain is Pamplona Bull Run is one of the San Fermin Festival treats (July 7 to 14). Bull Run Festival is also held in Zumaia in the first week of July, and in Tudeli at 24-28. For those of you who loved jazz music, there Getxo International Jazz Festival held in first week of July, which was also held during the third week in Vitoria and San Sebastian in the middle of the month. On July 24, there is Casabermeja Flamenco Festival has been recognized as a National Tourist Interest.


La Tomatina Festival be held routine in Valencia on Wednesday, August fourth. In addition, northern spain is the best place to look at a few festivals this month. Arriondas, you could see the canoe race to Ribadesella in the first week or two. In the third week, there is some celebration in Bilbao Semana Grande or Aste Nagusia filled with street performers and Latin American culinary feast. Being part of the festival, Herri Kirolak Strong Man Competition that the scene of the most famous race in spain strong. In the city of Bilbao, you can also visit the famous Guggenheim Museum in architecture and art collections.


There are some small but interesting festival in Aragon, including those filled with medieval costume parade and the first two weeks of September. In Catalonia, there is a three-day festival in Graus, September 12 to 15 are centered on Mojinganga Satirical Procession, which is a group of people who hold a satirical show about a king, an old woman, and a magician. In addition, there is the biggest festival in Barcelona the Festa de la Merce (22-25 September), a celebration that has lasted many centuries ago, enlivened by fireworks. On September 12 to 15, Fiesta y Mayor Corre del Bou held in Barcelona which is a bull races, concerts and dances accompanied by people dressed up masyarakant giant.


Bienal de Flamenco Festival in Seville, held every two years lasted until the second week. In addition, there is also a Seafood Festival in Galicia and a few film festivals in Catalonia. In Madrid, there are several arts festivals including the Festival de autono (Autumn Festival). In the middle of the month, the city of  Zaragoza has present a  de pilar festival that contained religious celebrations to street performances. On october 23-25 ​​there is the Fiesta de la Rosa del Azafran, which was held in Consuegra. The festival is conducted as a celebration of the saffron plant which grows in the area.

Further information:  Towards the end of the 1stt century BC, the ancient Celtiberian sacred site of Salduba was conquered by the Romans and renamed Caesaraugusta after the Roman Emperor. Called Saraqustah by the Arabs, the modern name of the city, Zaragoza, is a corruption of these earlier names. There are two primary sacred places within the city, the small shrine of Mary Magdalene shown in the foreground of the photograph, and the great Catedral Nuestra Senora del Pilar, in the background. This enormous basilica, dedicated to the Virgin of the Pillar, the patron of all Spain, marks the site of the first recorded Marian apparition in Europe. The Christian telling of the foundation legend relates that St. James the Apostle, the brother of St. John the Evangelist, spent the years following the crucifixion preaching in Spain. St. James the Apostle arrived in Zaragoza in 40 AD and upon a pagan standing stone saw a vision of Mary who instructed him to build a church. A chapel was soon constructed and it became a regional center for the conversion of the pagans. Because of its pre-Christian sanctity, its Marian apparition, and its importance as a commercial and political center, Zaragoza rapidly grew in size and religious importance. The early chapel was frequently enlarged following wars and fires, and the existing cathedral was erected, at the site of the original pillar, between the 17th and 18th centuries.

Throughout the centuries mysterious apparitions have frequently been observed around the pillar and large numbers of pilgrims, both Christian and neo-pagan, continue to visit the shrine. Each year on October 12, a small, 15th century statue of the Virgin is taken on a procession around the city. Few visitors to Zaragoza take the time to meditate in the nearby shrine of Mary Magdalene; for this author that is the more powerful (and certainly more quiet) place. Mary Magdalene, whose relics were originally stored at St. Maximin in France and later transferred to Vezelay, also in France, was highly venerated in the medieval ages. There were over 125 shrines dedicated to her worship and at least fifty of these also contained shrines to the Black Virgin. Readers interested in studying the subject of Black Virgins, Dark Goddesses and Mary Magdalene in greater detail will enjoy the books, The Cult of the Black Virgin, by Ean Begg; Shrines of Our Lady, by Peter Mullen; and Mary Magdalene: Christianity's Hidden Goddess, by Lynn Picknett.


Festival de Otono in Madrid for a week full of presents diverse performing arts which lasted from 11 October to 9 November. For jazz enthusiasts or music lovers, Madrid and Granada became the place of jazz music festival held on certain dates in November.


Madrid is the best city to visit at the end of the year, one for festivals throughout the Christmas and New Year. Christmas Eve (Nochebuana) is celebrated on December 24 and colored diverse crowd. In addition to Madrid, Barcelona also has a popular Christmas market which is Santa Lucia Market.